
System Failure
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We demand privacy, yet we glorify those that break into computers.


A knife descends, but misses it's target. The girl darts to the side as her father chases her through the house, trying to follow behind. She runs to the door and grabs the handle, shaking it but it stays firmly shut. It must've been locked.

In her desperation, she spins on her heel and runs up the stairs, tripping once and climbing on her knees. The terror and adrenaline kept her going as she fought to get away from the maniac behind her.

Chanyeol gulps as the screen flashes with the father's face, a hand grabbing the girl's ankle and she screams. Seung was still, watching the screen blankly. It was amazing how this didn't scare her.

"You're one of them!" The father cries, bringing the knife down. The girl grabs his wrist before the blade touches her and holds it there, her eyes suddenly flashing a new color.

Seung simply clears and shifts in her seat, glancing occasionally at the other people in the room. They invited her over for Sunday movie night after she went to church and found Suho in the pews, smiling at her when she came inside and worshipped with the rest of the people. He invited her to sit next to him instead of sitting alone, which she only complied to when she discovered that the guest pastor spoke very quietly, and she was too far away to hear.

She came to church simply for one reason, and Chanyeol made a pouty face when she didn't tell him what the flowers were for, though she denied any guy giving them to her. For this, Chanyeol was mostly satisfied.

After she broke away from the group to sneak to the cemetery in the back, they invited her to come over. It had been weeks since she fell ill, so her excuse of infecting them didn't work this Sunday.

The girl on the screen suddenly throws her father off of her, fangs showing through her lips. Baekhyun snorts in distaste.

"Another twilight spin off?" He hisses, throwing his hands up into the air.

"Who's choice of movie was it this time?" Yunjin asks, holding Kyungsoo's hands over her eyes. She hated scary things. The group glances at each other until Kai finally raises his hand with a smug smile, Yoora curled up on his lap, playing with the fingers of his other hand. It seemed that everyone had been invited for a cuddle session, because even Sehun had someone clinging to his arm. They both had wide eyes as they watched the horror film, neither of them happy.

Seung remembers her first reaction after seeing the auburn-haired boy on the couch, making out with Sehun like no one was watching. With a gasped "Luhan?" he looked up and tilted his head slightly in confusion. When the recognition sank in, she had to suddenly smother him with a pillow before he blurted anything out. Sehun had to push the pillow away himself and flipped them over, protectively pushing Luhan into the couch to shield him. This made Suho yell at them for excessive PDA and then Kai and Yoora decided to make their entrance.

The father is thrown out the window and glass shatters in every direction, the girl standing in the moonlight, looking down at the dead body that hit the ground. She retracts her fangs and walks back further into the house once more.

Chanyeol's grip on Seung tightened. He decided that a full on cuddle like the other couples would be too much, so he resorted to grabbing one of her arms and pressing himself into it when he got scared instead. She gave him a look the first time, but eventually got used to the large hands scrunching the fabric of her shirt, pulling her arm closer with every blood spatter and bone crack.

Speaking of blood. The movie moves on to a scene where the clan was waiting for the girl to announce her deed. She arrives and they produce a selection of humans to make servants from, the girl taking three and biting them in front of them all.

Chanyeol cringes and scrunches his neck up, his legs tucked on the couch. Seung glances at him from the corner of her eye and feels a sort of discomfort from seeing Chanyeol distressed, but pushes it back. The entire length of his arm had wrapped around her own, caging it to his body. Baekhyun, on the couch to his right, suddenly rears back.

"Boo!" he cries. Chanyeol gives an unmanly squeal - despite the deep, resonating voice that produced it - and the scared man lurches on Seung. She tenses when Chanyeol's large body advances on her more, his arms flying around her neck and his face pressing into her chest.

"Chanyeol!" Seung hisses, arms bracing on the couch around her. The said man only holds on tighter, but turns his face towards the couch so he could speak outside of fabric.

"Tell me when it stops." He whimpers, refusing to move. Seung's heart rate rocketed, and he takes that as a sign that the movie got worse.

Truthfully, it was because Chanyeol was so close to her. Seung starts to panic slightly because her fear for Chanyeol was increasing, yet she didn't want to just leave him like this; it was pitiful. The movie softens up, but Seung doesn't tell him to move yet. Movies like this never really got any better.

Yoora eyes her carefully as she cuddles into Kai, enjoying the horror. They were the two of three who weren't going to have nightmares.

Suho leaves when the gore gets worse with a quick heave of his body off the couch, looking a bit pale. When he returns, the air smelt like popcorn, and he had several bowls in his hands. Chanyeol perks his head up when Suho hands them one, but goes back down with a glance at the screen. Understanding that he wanted some, Seung takes a kernel in her fingers and maneuvers it to where his mouth was. After he realizes it was food, he opens his mouth up to accept it from her, hips lips brushing her fingertips.

Her skin tingles from the contact and Seung blinks at the screens, not really seeing what was on it. Was it the contact with Chanyeol that made her scared of him? If so, why wasn't she afraid of people like Yoora, or her father? She's had a lot of people at the club touch her when she had to get dressed up quickly. Maybe it was another reason.

Chanyeol moves upwards more to get comfortable, taking it as an okay since Seung wasn't beating him with an iron pole right now. He doesn't miss the way she subconsciously softened in some ways to accommodate him, yet get rigid from his movements. She radiated and kept heat far better than any blanket could.

Yoora smiles and hugs Kai closer to her as the girl on the screen sinks into the shadows, her h

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Chapter 2: I knew I was going to enjoy this the moment I saw your chapter titles in Binary!!!
Chapter 5: i can't stop reading this, wow
Chapter 7: i cant put down my phone..im so hookd coz this is soo good!
Chapter 44: Alright. This story is really good! And interesting and intriguing, original and written well!
The idea of coding and hacker is really cool, i learned something new Hahaha.
Chanyeol is such a sweet (a little bit stalkerish) potato aww. He like, fell in love at first sight. Rhe way be never stopped to hope and fight for her. M endearing.
I admit, i became a little frustrated with seung i mean.. A great guy like chan loves you and you reject him more than once.. Come on girl ><
Anyway. It was good and fun, especially with the action scenes.
Loved the ending hahaha. Chan you dork.
And is this the story mentioned in day-dream? Loved that one too by the way.
Great job! ^^
mrflamethunder #5
I'm coming back to upvote this story since I was not able to do so the last time I read this.
This deserves more views and upvote!
lee-chelle #6
Absolutely loved this!!!!!
mrflamethunder #7
Chapter 45: This is one of the best writings I've seen so far. Very engaging. So much details were written I thought I am watching a drama. Great job, author-nim!
anudeep #8
Chapter 45: I just pulled an all nighter for reading it without break authornim and it was incredible!!!! Waaaa!!!!! Totally hooked to the story and yeollieee is sooooo fluffy cute squishy i cud dieee!!!!♡♡♡♡♡ hatsoff for the story though!!! Mind=BLOWN
Hiii~ I'm a software engineering student. And I look forward on reading this story. It seems so cool. And I looooooove, seriously LOOOOOVE how you named your chapters! btw, did you make your trailer on iMovie? Or weVideo (i just saw the embedded logo) I like the concept.

I don't usually read, hopefully i won't get lazy reading your story. And if i did finish reading your story, it'll be the first one here at aff. wahahaha
Chapter 45: Loved this! It was riveting from the very beginning and I simply could not put it down. Way to go :)