Chapter 3

melody of the violin string

Okayy.. this is the 2nd update for today, if you haven't check the 1st one, go back to chapter 2 first okay? :). We did double update for today.. :)


Karen POV

Ottoke? Will I get fire if he knows that I’m not normal like mostly person? Will he?? Oh God, please help me. I don’t want to lose this job yet. It just my right hand, it wasn’t a big deal like I have something infectious disease that could harm his employees. God, help.. (>.<)

I see my boss’s back while the latter keep pulling me out from the restaurant until he decide to stop at an empty side of the parking lot, still holding into my right hand.

He turns to see me, and I can’t stop for biting my lips because I feel scared.

“Stop biting your lips”, he said and I really stopped.

“I want to know what happened with your right hand”, he said as he looks down while carefully examining my paralyzing hand like it was his new toy. I froze.

For the next seconds, I just clear my throat from an invisible lump, still in huge nervous that I feel I don’t have any courage at the moment to tell something about my past to him. He then looks up, obviously still demanding an explanation at what he asked to me before. I give up.

“I got hit in a car accident… and… it resulted my right arm until my finger can’t be move at all”, I sighed. There, finally I had told him about my right hand.

I see him still playing with my hand curiously; trying to make those numb fingers so it can reacted to his touch or simple pinch. If I still have my hands neurons working well, probably now I might be able to feel his gentle touch against my skin. But, sadly I just feel the numbness on my right side. It feels like he just touch another hand, and not mine.

Oh! my job. Aigoo.. my brain. Keep wandering around to another thing.

“President Choi. I’m sorry. Please don’t fire me. I promise I’ll work harder than before. I promise I won’t disappoint you just because I’m not normal. Please don’t--“

“Who said that I’m gonna fire you?” He frowned at me. I was biting my bottom lips again in nervous. Little deep inside my heart I feel bad, because I feel so selfish just because I still want to working in his company, even I’m not kind of those normal person. I’m paralyzed.

“I won’t fire you form my company. Beside we still need you, Karen. You’re one my best employee.  Don’t have to feel discriminated just because your right hand was paralyzed, but believe to yourself that you have something that even the other employee doesn’t have. You’re smart and you’re capable to be their leader in future”, he said and lift my said hand. He was holding into it firmly.  God, I hate when I can’t feel it.

“You won’t fire me?”. I beamed to him. He nodded and smiled.

“Thank you. Thank you, President Choi. Thank you”, I bow to him for so many times until he have to stop me with holding my shoulders.

“I’m sorry”, I give him a sheepish smile. God, I just embarrassing myself in front of my boss.

“It’s okay. C’mon. Let’s going back inside, the party still not done yet”, he said and pulled my right hand, heading to same direction as him. But I stopped him.

“Something wrong?”, he asked me. I shook my head.

“I’m not confident to show my right hand in public”, I said and he smiled understandingly as he carefully let my right hand fell to my side. I did like always do every day, I move a bit my right shoulder, and then lift the limping forearm with my left hand then the last, I  put my hand to my blazer-pocket. Done. I feel my confident back as I hid my right hand into its hiding place.

“Hey…”, my boss call me. I look up to him just to meet with his worry face. I slightly frowned at him. He continues. “Promise to me, don’t ever say that you’re not normal, okay”.

I froze at his words. I feel his sincerity and care was brushing into my weak heart, next, I feel my heart was beating into a rapid pace.

“C’mon. Your friend must be worried over you now. Beside it getting colder here”, my boss said as he gently wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I snapped out from my thought.

“Y- Yes”, I stuttered. He then led me back to restaurant where we held the party.

When we reach the door, subtly I move out from his hold and walk separate with him. I just don’t want to get my friends misunderstanding on what happen between us. From the corner of my eyes, I know that he was confused at my act. But seeing his frown face turn into normal, I know that he finally know at what I mean, maybe when he saw me looks not comfortable walking beside him while all his employees have their eyes on us with curious look.

When I come into my previous table where my friends in same division as mine grouped, automatically I got bombarded with almost same questions to shoot at me. Like, Did I really get fired? or Something happen with you? or Did that stupid Youngjae sunbaenim caused you a trouble?

I replied to them one by one patiently. “No, it just a simple misunderstanding… I didn’t get fired by that, though”. My friends give me their concern look. Or my other answer when I little bit sings it, “I’m okay. Don’t worry. Be happy~” Which successfully make my friend laugh in relief toward me. And, “No, Youngjae Subaenim didn’t get me into trouble, for now”, I said with a comical face which make my friends laughing again at me.

I straighten my back again and let out a sigh in relief as I watch my friend back into partying state. I like seeing my friends happy, and I hate when they have to worry about me. I feel I don’t deserve for their concern. Because I’m--

“Promise to me, don’t ever say that you’re not normal, okay”

I feel my heart becoming warmer when I remember his words. My boss is such an angel. I’m glad that I can work under his lead. I don’t know where I can find again a person who as kind as him.

I glance to his seat, I see him sipping into his drink as he stare to my direction behind his glass. I smile and bow to him slightly. He replied it in same act and lifts his glass as he gesturing to me to enjoy the party as well. I smiled and bowed again to him for the last time before I continue laughing together with my friends.



I feel my heart super light after this night. I had a success party to please my employees, and I finally know what happened with Karen’s right hand. She’s paralyzed.

I feel my heart squeezed tightly by the thought. I kind of pity her, in such her young age; she has to lose her important part of her body. Though, it wasn’t her fault in the first place that she got hit into that unfortunate accident. Neither was it her hope to lose her right hand.

I lift my right hand where I hold Karen’s before. I grasp it as I imagine Karen’s hand was in mine. I sighed.

I can feel her numb hand, still. It didn’t give me any reaction when I touch it, even not a single movement I got from her fingers. I feel like I was holding, a dead meat.

I shook my head lightly as erasing my worry thought. Now what I can do for her is, to support her, so she could become a great person in the future without worrying her incapability.

Yes, I will support her, because Karen deserves a bright future aside from her bad past. Now it a promise for myself, I smiled at my thought as I start to drive off my car out from the parking lot. I steal a glance to the rear-view mirror; I still can see Karen standing in front of the restaurant, laughing among my other employees not far behind my car. I smiled at the scene before I set my eyes back, focusing to drive on my own car safely.


Sooo.. tell us your thought about the chapters.. don't be shy to leave some comment okay. :)

thanks for reading all.. <3

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deibaby03 #1
do you want a poster?
Eliano #2
Pls update soon.
Minho touched her hand...chuckles...<br />
what a kind employer...
TofuCharismaShawol #4
Minho's so sweet!! <3 ur doing a great job!! Definitely better than mine ^_^
Awwww :) Minho's so nice :) And he's starting to kinda like her? :))
Eliano #6
Pls update soon.
The story sounds really good from the description and foreword :D<br />
I can't wait to see what happens next!<br />