Chapter 1

melody of the violin string

Karen Lee POV

“You’re not my daughter anymore. I don’t know you! You’re useless. Get out from my sight! I don’t want to see your face anymore. Get out, Karen! You’re not a part of this family anymore! Get out!”

I wake up with my head got little hammered at the memory. She’s coming again. I see Umma coming again to my dream and shouted to my face. Nightmare as usual, I sigh. Glancing upward to my clock on the wall, again I let out another deep sigh remembering that I still have another important daily routine, working.

Lazily I throw my leg out of the bed, following by the other I step on the floor and begin to have a little bit morning stretching. I lift my left arm and place it around my upper head; I bring my body to the same direction as I begin to stretching aside.

I change the position, but this time without my right hand. I just move my body to the right as I feel my tensing muscles begin to relax slowly after it got loosened. Time to work, I cheers as I walk heading to bathroom in the corner of my room.

After taking bath about 30 minutes and ready with my usual simple dress to work, which is only pair of plain blouse covered with brown blazer and black dress pants. I turn to see the mirror, a big one in a half of my height next to closet.

I am humming a song while puting some of my nutrition morning cream on my face and apply some of lip-gloss to my dried lips. I see my face a little brightened up after I woke up under my serious issues in the lacked time of my sleep. I smile.

Face, checked.

Now what I have to do with my hairs? I sigh, and begin to tie it grudgingly. I lift my right hand and scoop all my hairs between my thumb and my forefinger, but then I released my hand and let my hairs loose as always. Well, I can’t do anything to it since I’ve decided to cut it short.  Another sigh coming from my lips yet a tiny smile shown on my face, remembering the words that he said to me long times ago.

“I think you should get your hairs longer, Karen.  I bet you’ll look more beautiful with it”

It seems like i can’t grant his wish anymore as my life isn’t the same anymore. Still, that words are something that can lit up my mood every time I remembered about it. Well, even when I never meet him anymore for more than a year. Aigoo.. I think if I continue to think about this I’ll becoming miss mushy for a day long. Let’s stop then and hair is…. done!!! :)

Time to go, wait--  I feel something left. Geez, this’s what I got every time Umma came to my dream. I got distracted from everything so easily.

But, what is that-- … Oh,right! my glasses.

I hurriedly grab the spectacles on nightstand that I left after I read my newest bought novel then put it at the bridge of my nose. I smile in content. Now it’s time to go to office before I really come in late. 

I run to the door way and slip my left hand to the shelf then bring the usual pair of high heels to put it on my feet. I lock my apartment and suddenly paused in front of the door, rethinking about something that still not feels right in my morning routine.


I smile as I turn to see at my right hand. I move a bit my right arm and I carefully lift the limping forearm with my left hand, then I put my paralyzed right hand into my blazer-pocket. Now everything is perfect for my daily morning.

I run to the bus-stop and glance to my wrist-watch. There’s 20 minutes left before I get into my work. Maybe I can steal some breakfast at a café near the office, I thought.

Then I see the bus coming and I hop into it. I got bit difficultness when I almost lost my balance when I got bumped with a hurried teenager. Lucky a woman in her middle age help me as she hold my back and push me inside. I smile gratefully and thank  her, she said it’s okay and I can’t help but smiling more to the woman even after I bid goodbye to her when I reach my destination first before her.

When I step on the ground, in instant my nose catch the nice smell come from a familiar café across my office building. Without thinking twice, I run to crossing the road and enter the said café.

“Annyeong”, I greet one of the employees behind the counter.

“Annyeong, Karen-ssi. Do you want me to prepare your usual breakfast?”, the employee who I know named Jihyo greet me back. I nod to her and wait her at nearest table while she goes to prepare for my breakfast.

“Here”, she put the meals on counter and I fish some of thousands won paper from my pocket as exchange, a wrapped middle-large size of sandwich plus hot milk chocolate now settled in my hand and my mouth.

“Thank you, Unnie”,I manage to say between my full mouth as I leave from cafe and she just waves me at my back.

I run back to the office building and lining up with the other employees after I see I still have 5 minutes left before the system of absention is turn off. Lucky I got in time and finally can walk calmly to my office at the third floor.

But I don’t know what happen with me, because it seems today is a -bump-into-karen- day as I got someone bumped into my shoulder again when I was near into my office. It startled me as I let the sandwich fall from my mouth.

“Aish, what a day”, I said as squatting down and put the cup of my chocolate milk first to the floor and, for another safety so I just put my sandwich in the left pocket. I sigh in relief as I found that my sandwich is not dirty because it has been wrapped by a plastic.  Taking back the hot chocolate to my hand I’m then continue to walk to my office.


Minho POV

She’s doing it again. What’s wrong actually with her right hand? I can’t help but feeling curious seeing she have to put the cup first on the floor from her left hand and take the sandwich with the same hand while she still have her free hand right on her pocket.

“President Choi”, someone call me suddenly, I turn to see my secretary is standing behind me and bowed slightly before she look at her small board on her hand.

“You have an important meeting with buyer at 9 and Mr. Park wants to see you at 10”, she informed and I only gave her a nod.

I steal my last glance at her. She’s working now at her desk among my other employees, seems like she was typing on the keyboard while eating the sandwich.

‘I hope I can know what happen with her; after all she’s one of my best employees here’, I wonder as I turn around heading to elevator, bringing me into my office at 13th floor.

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deibaby03 #1
do you want a poster?
Eliano #2
Pls update soon.
Minho touched her hand...chuckles...<br />
what a kind employer...
TofuCharismaShawol #4
Minho's so sweet!! <3 ur doing a great job!! Definitely better than mine ^_^
Awwww :) Minho's so nice :) And he's starting to kinda like her? :))
Eliano #6
Pls update soon.
The story sounds really good from the description and foreword :D<br />
I can't wait to see what happens next!<br />