Their Best Friends

Mister Kim
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Baekhyun’s POV

Everyone was quiet. Nothing could be heard in our small apartment aside from Jongdae’s rummaging inside the bathroom. He was currently looking for a first aid kit so he could tend the shallow cut on my left arm from the incident earlier. To say he was displeased was an understatement.

We were all currently gathered in our small living room. The three members of EXOM were with us – Yixing, Kris, and Luhan. Minseok was in an emergency meeting with the board of directors from Kim International concerning the attack that occurred during their most awaited charity event. And of course, Zitao was designated to protect him in my stead.

We were supposed to go to the hospital to get my cut treated, as per Minseok’s orders, but Jongdae was having none of it. Since the wound wasn’t too deep or too critical, he told the paranoid executive he’d take care of me at home. Minseok couldn’t object to his words even if he wanted to.

Knowing Jongdae, he might’ve threatened the other to not let any harm fall upon me. He’s my best friend after all. He might be a troll for most of the time but he would always have my back and pretty . He would always be there for me whenever I needed help.

Plus, he’s scarier than me when he gets mad. Jongdae could kill you without batting an eye to be honest - so no one should ever to get on his bad side. And Minseok perfectly knew that.

Jongdae then walked back towards the living room, the first aid kit on his hands. Three eyes cautiously watched him as he put down the kit on the table. He wordlessly walked back to the bathroom again and brought out a wash bin filled with water and a cloth. He put them down on the table too. He stared at me then raised an eyebrow. “Do you want me to strip you too?” he remarked. I flashed him a sheepish smile before carefully taking off my bloodied suit jacket and dress shirt.

My best friend then immediately grabbed the now wet cloth and proceeded with cleaning the blood off my arm. I scrunched up my face and hissed in slight pain.

“Mind telling me what’s going on, Baek?” Jongdae inquired, his eyes focused on tending to my wounds. “It’s not every day I witness a friend almost getting killed you know,” he curtly added.

I looked at Jongdae’s messy mop of hair and sighed heavily. My head turned towards the members of EXOM, giving them an ‘I have no choice’ look. They all understandingly nodded their heads. I then turned my attention back to my best friend.

“Where do you want me to start, Dae?” I resignedly asked him.

Jongdae lifted his head up and thoughtfully stared at me. “How about the very start?” he said after a while, his mouth set with a deep frown.

I simply nodded my head and released another sigh.

Should I tell Minseok not to show his face to Jongdae for a little while?



To say my best friend was not pleased would be an understatement. Jongdae was dead furious and was seriously seething with rage in front of me. His eyes turned into slits, his nostrils flared, and his mouth formed into a vicious snarl – he was clearly and extremely infuriated.

“Kim freaking Minseok! You filthy bastard!” Jongdae angrily then screamed, his fists trembling with fury.

I could somehow see the steam coming out of his ears too to be honest.

Luhan and I were tightly holding onto the seething troll as the others pulled Minseok away from his way.

It’s not like Jongdae attacked the guy. It was just Minseok’s luck that after we told my best friend everything – from what happened between us during high school to EXOM and to the death threats, he unfortunately arrived in our apartment along with Zitao. Jongdae just, out of reflex, violently flung himself onto the oblivious male.

He did not try to kill Minseok at all. Nope! He just tried to choke him and strangle him until he was unconscious then maybe castrate his s and feed them to the dogs – there’s obviously a huge difference, right?

Jongdae was thrashing in extreme anger. I bit my lower lip and stared worriedly at Minseok.

“How dare you violate Baekhyun! How could you do that sort of thing to him! How could you betray him like that!" he screamed his lungs out. "I can’t believe you have the nerve to show yourself in front of him after what you did! Heck I can’t believe you have the audacity to even breathe the same air as my best friend! You nasty son of a-“

His outburst was suddenly stopped by Luhan shushing him up… with a kiss… on the lips.

My arms dropped to my sides and I took a step back from the pair. I turned to the other members of EXOM and we all had the same expressions on our faces - eyes wide in shock and disbelief and mouths hung agape. We all unbelievingly gawked at the pair as they, rather unexpectedly, started to passionately and heatedly kiss in the middle of the room.

My eyes rounded into large disks as they continued to make out. I seriously couldn’t believe my eyes at the sight of my best friend and Minseok’s best friend in each other’s arms. It felt so surreal to be honest.

I then turned to Minseok and stared at him in disbelief and slight amusement. Minseok had the same expression on his face.

Who would have known this would happen?

No, scratch that. How did this even happen?

When the pair finally stopped eating each other’s faces, everyone silently and warily watched the two.

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The last chapter would be focusing on Baekhyun and Minseok. It'll be the closure of everything - from their feelings to their future. It might get a lil angsty


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Chapter 25: I so love the story. the plot... t'was unexpected. thank you for bringing smile to my face.
R_nine21 #2
Chapter 14: ChenLu so qt ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ
aarushic_18 #3
This is such a cute story
Chapter 19: Omo. What's happening? Why is Baekhyun being kidnapped? I wonder who is behind all of this . I feel like it's Kim Seokjin. I got a bad feeling about that man. His aura is screaming danger.
And the thing about Baekhyun and Minseok is really painffpul in the heart. TT TT
Chapter 18: Oh my gosh. the last part hit me right in my kokoro. T.T that was painfully sad. why does it keeps on going back to zero when everything is going smooth and steady?
Chapter 15: finally, Minseok was hit by reality. and it was about time for it to happen.
Chapter 14: The dinner is too much to bear. hahaha. :D Luhan appearing out of nowhere bringing Yixing with him is so funny. Can't let Jongdae out of his sight even for a minute? Woo
Chapter 25: I need their epilogue! Their wedding! I'm not a fan of xuibaek but this story is too much feeling!
Chapter 10: waaahh. He finally admitted it. He's in love with Minseok. ;) I hope they find peace and forgiveness soon. and be happy with each other.
Chapter 9: that was horrible, what happened to Baekhyun is horrible. how could they do that to him. my poor Baekhyunnie. waahh I'm so mad at Jongin and Minseok right now.