
too long
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Hyosang wakes up the next morning, when the sun has just risen, and he feels extraordinarily tired. He tries to get up but his back won't budge and he groans. Beside him Jin's back cracks twice, and he yells. 

"That was such a bad idea I'm so sorry"

Jin's voice cracks and Kidoh smiles. It was exactly how he remembered it to be in the mornings.

"Wanna come to my dorm?"

Jin wants to refuse because he's not exactly ready for 12 people hollering at him at the same time, but a bed sounded nice enough, so he nods. 

They run back to Kidoh's dorm, and Kidoh is screaming while running, flapping his arms.

Kidoh slowly cracks open the dorm door, peering inside cautiously. Jenissi is still in the kitchen doing whatever he's doing, and stares at Kidoh. 

"I'm sorry my back hurts and I'm tired and-"

"Shhhhh you're gonna wake the kids up"

Kidoh shuts up, and drags Jin to his room.

He tiptoes into his room, trying hard not to make any sound. Great. Both the bottom bunks are taken today. He points to the only empty top bunk, which is his bed, and climbs up as slowly as possible, taking off his hoodie and beanie. Jin wobbly climbs on, and almost screams because his back cracks again and he feels like he's 95. He lies down and wow i dont regret this the bed feels amazing against his back and he snuggles up to Kidoh, putting one arm over his waist and letting his head rest against Kidoh's neck. He pulls the blanket over both of them and feels Kidoh's arm against him. With heavy eyelids, he slips into a deep sleep.



The next time Jin wakes up is when it is 1 in the afternoon, and Kidoh sounds very annoyed and he's sure he can hear at least 6 more people talking and he starts to regret this.

"Jin oppa whom Kidoh oppa loves so much"

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Chapter 2: Update soon?
KcuLL22 #2
Chapter 2: lol pls bring kidoh to bangtan dorm too~
Aryablack #3
Chapter 2: Only one request
do not let update the fic,
the world needs more 2jin <3
KcuLL22 #4
Chapter 1: will u update this, author?