

The mischievous Taehyun that had a past he isn’t really proud of, found something in Jinwoo that made him want to change. Rather, he now pretends to be a kind, innocent, cute maknae to get on the deer-eyed man’s good side. Everything was going well until the new member, Song Mino, showed up. A fool he might seem to be, but in reality, Mino is a very sharp man. He can see through other people's pretense---he can see through Taehyun's facade.


WINNER TV Episode 4: Jinwoo to Taehyun: "WINNER'S cutest and youngest Taehyun~~ Your first impression was very good---so innocent and lost. And I'm so thankful you came to YG"

I ship Minwoo, but, recently, I found a new light---I now also ship Kimnam/Namkim. But unfortunately, not many ship this pairing. TT.TT

Anyway, I've always seen Taehyun as a seme. Not once, have I thought of him as a uke material. So, in this fic, I'll be potraying him as your unsually manly Taehyun.

Also, I don't usually like writing love triangles, but, I can't let go of the Minwoo pairing. Lol


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Crazy_Rookiie07 #1
Chapter 4: Hello, I find myself reading this again hahahahaha! I'm really a KimNam trash ^_^
I'm addicted to KimNam srsly, I hope you can update soon :))
Crazy_Rookiie07 #2
Chapter 4: I found another KimNam story hehehehe :) please update soon..
Chapter 4: Ahhh please update! I'm actually starting to like Namkim. I'm excited for Minwoo too!
Chapter 4: Looking forward what is hidden under taehyun
Clairellatime #5
Chapter 4: KinNam till the end! Even so, Minwoo will be okay as well. I'm rooting for Taehyun though haha. Looking forward to the update!!
wineooo #6
Update juseyo :)
ayaayawae #7
Chapter 4: Cute, cant wait for mino :)
NakaharaAi #8
Chapter 4: Xixi funny jinwoo hyung haha
Chapter 3: Really interesting! :D you shocked me too jinwoo-ah