

 When he said,he was bored and wanted something fun to do,he didn't mean it to be like this. Chasing the 4D alien all over the dorm was not his ideal funny thing to do on a Friday night.

To understand this let's go back to 2 hours ago.

It was a beautiful Friday evening,the weather was really cold,three Celsius degrees,that's why the boys preferred  to spend their free time at the dorm where it was comfy and warm.
Everyone was doing something, Jin was in the kitchen preparing dinner, Taehyung and Jungkook were playing video games in the living room, Namjoon, Suga and Hoseok were at the kitchen table discussing about a new song that Suga was currently writing meanwhile Jimin was watching them. He was bored,there was nothing interesting to do,the video games that the magnaes were playing were old and he wasn't interested, the rapper line was so deep in their discussion ignoring everything around them and Jin didn't want him to help because he was a disaster in the kitchen. 
He wanted to spend time with his best friend and crush but the magnae claimed him first. Yeah he was having a little crush on his best friend but no one knew it or so that was what he was thinking, because his band members knew it,the manager too even their gold fish knew,the only oblivious one was the subject of the crush, but what do you expect he is Taehyung after all.
Taehyung was really thirsty, he excused himself to Jungkook and headed to the kitchen to grab something to drink. The fridge was half empty there wasn't many choices of drinks, only water but when he looked closely he saw o bottle of juice hidden in the very back of the fridge and he grabbed it. He was so thirsty that he didn't watch what he was drinking and gulped it down in one go. The drink wasn't sweet at all,it had an odd taste. He was feeling strange, his lungs were burning and he was starting to feel dizzy.
"This juice sure has a funny taste *hic*." He mumbled to himself. Jimin and Jin heard him and they looked at the younger.
"What did you drunk Tae?" Jin asked meanwhile Jimin was watching the younger with dreamy eyes.
"I don't know *hic* but for sure *hic* doesn't taste like apple juice *hic*."
"APPLE JUICE??!" Suga, Namjoon and Hoseok shouted in unison, now all of their attention was on Taehyung. When they saw the empty bottle hell break down,they started to shout at each other, Hoseok was pulling his hair in frustration, Namjoon was cursing his bad luck and Suga was looking guiltily at Taehyung.
"Guys shut up and please don't curse." Seokjin was now in front of the rappers,giving them a stern look.
"Oh my, what a mess, I think I'm going to have a headache." Suga said while pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Someone tell me he didn't drink it all." Namjoon was desperate.
"No,he didn't drink it." Hoseok answered with a sarcastic voice.
"Stop it idiots, it's our fault." Suga interjected. 
"Why he wasn't supposed to drink it? What is this about?" Jin was questioning them now. "Tae please give me that bottle." He ordered. When Taehyung complied, the first thing he did was to sniff the bottle. On his face you could see a lot of emotions, fear,shock and anger, lot of anger. " ALCOHOL, guys are you insane,I remember that our manager forbidden it,why is it there and more importantly why is it in a bottle of juice?"
"You see,we wanted to have some fun and.." Hoseok started but got interrupted by Namjoon. "It was only for us,no one was going to find out and it wasn't even a big quantity. Let's not forget that tomorrow we have the day off too."
"Namjoon you are disappointing me,you are the leader,you should take care of your band members and not encourage them to break rules and drink. What if someone finds out or someone gets hurt or ... Oh God,Tae how do you feel? Are you drunk?" Jin was watching Taehyung with a worried expression.
"No I'm not drunk, I'm really happyyy~." He exclaimed with his rectangular smile and then hugged Jin. " Hyungieee I'm hungry,please make me something to eat. Pleaseeee." His pout and puppy eyes nearly made Jin die of to much cuteness."
"Aigo,my baby Taetae I'm gonna make you something special." Tae was jumping up and down like an excited kid. "Jimin please bring Tae out of the kitchen and take care of him. Regarding you guys,we seriously need to talk." Now he was scolding the 3 rappers.
Jimin got Taehyung's hand and dragged him to the living room,the latter was still jumping and giggling like an idiot. He was nervous, every time that he touched Taehyung,he felt flustered and the little jolt of electricity he sensed when he touched the latter's hand didn't help at all.
Jungkook was still playing but when he saw his hyungs, he stopped. "Hyung,you are back."
"Kookieeee." Taehyung jumped on Jungkook's lap and started to pinch his cheeks. "Yah, Kookie you are so cuteeee, you look like a little bunny."
Jungkook was shocked for a second but he recovered soon and gave Jimin a 'what happened with him' face. 
"He is drunk." Jimin's voice seemed angry. He was jealous of Jungkook's closeness with Tae.
"That's explain the smell and why he is more hyper then usually. But how happened?"
"I'm sure you will find out very soon." Jimin said while taking a seat near the 2 boys "I'm more worried for him,this is his first time getting drunk." Their gaze fall on Taehyung that was currently poking Jungkook's cheek while singing a song about a bunny.
"Tae tae is really beautiful don't you think Jiminie hyung? Sometimes I feel this urge to kiss him and hide him from the world."
"I know how you feel." Jimin's voice was barely a whisper but the magnae still heard him.
"You should confess hyung." Jungkook whispered back,shocking Jimin. "If not I'm going to snatch him from under your nose." He added and then laughed because Jimin's expression was priceless.
"Yah don't you dare." 
"I was just kidding ...or maybe not." Teasing Jimin was his speciality.
"Aish, you kid." The oldest sighed. "It's not that easy,he is my best friend after-all,how do you confess to your best friend?"
Jungkook shrugged "I don't know,kiss him or something." 
Jimin was going to think about this later,now his priority was to take care of his drunk alien. "Tae let's go to bed."
Jungkook whistled. "Omo hyung I didn't think you were gonna be so direct. I'm impressed."
"Shut up kid,it's not what you think." He shouted to the younger but his face was red like a tomato. "Tae you need to sleep to feel better."
"But I don't wanna sleep,I feel great." Taehyung pouted.
"Tae you should listen to Jimin hyung." Jungkook intervened.
"Only if you catch meee." He said giggling, then he got off from Jungkook's lap and started to run. 
"Hey come back here." Jimin got up and started to run after him. Kookie was dying of laugher,watching them.

After more then ten minutes running around the dorm finally he managed to catch the 4D alien and he dragged him to their shared room.
He was exhausted but he still pulled Taehyung with him and made him lie down on the bed. When he tried to go back and check on the others Taehyung called him.
"Hyung, I'm hot, please take it off." His voice was pleading and he was pulling at his shirt.
"No,it's too cold,I don't want you to catch a cold."
"But hyunggg it's to hot I can't take it anymore." He finally managed to take of his shirt and threw it somewhere on the ground.
Jimin just watched the younger boy with wide eyes, seeing his crush half was the best sight ever, it's not that this was the first time seeing him like that, they changed together plenty of times but this was the first time that he could stare at him without being a creep. The sight was absolutely amazing, Taehyung was laying on the bed with his arms supporting his upper part of body, eyes half lidded, hair tousled, face flushed and mouth slightly opened ,uneven breaths escaping it.
Jimin's heart was beating like crazy now, sending blood to his cheeks,making them more red than a tomato but after a little he gained a bit of control over himself and strode to the wardrobe pulling out the first shirt he managed to lay hand on. The shirt as he noticed was his but this wasn't a problem,he needed to get Tae dressed because he knew his little auto-control wasn't going to last longer,the need to touch the other was really strong.
"Tae let's get you dressed,shall we." He was near the bed now showing the shirt to the younger. Taehyung just watched him but he didn't move to take the shirt. Jimin tried again.
"If you put on this shirt I'm going to play with you."
"Really?" Jimin nodded. "Yay." His excitement had turned back,his eyes were sparkling and his smile was bigger then before. He put his hands in the air and Jimin didn't have another choice then to help him dress. When Jimin touched the latter's skin for accident,he felt his hand burning,the electricity was back again.
His shirt was large for Tae but this made him look ier,a sudden feeling of possessiveness crossed his mind but he shook his head to get ride of it.
"Jiminie let's play~."
"Ok, what do you want to play?" Jimin seated himself on Taehyung's bed, but this was a really bad move because suddenly a body crashed onto him and knocked him down. Taehyung was now comfortably sitting on his lap, grinning down at him. Suddenly he started to tickle him,making Jimin laugh like crazy.
"Tae please stop. I'm gonna die." Jimin managed to say between laugher.
"Hehe, you are cute Jiminie~." Tae said and then pinched Jimin's nose.
"Yah,I'm not cute." He pouted.
"Yes,you are." 
"I'm not. And you said that Jungkook is the cute one."
"Jungkook is cute because he is the magnae, but for me you are cuter." Jimin felt happiness wash over him and in the spur of the moment he flipped them over, now it was him hovering over Taehyung and he pinned his hands down. Taehyung tried to struggled to break free but it was useless because the other
 was stronger, Jimin just laughed and started to tickle him too. His hands were running up and down on Taehyung's exposed sides, that's why because his shirt was lifted up from the struggles occurred before. Taehyung's skin was smooth to the touch,like silk, Jimin wanted to feel it pressed against his own, his laugh was like music to Jimin's ears. He wanted so desperately to kiss him but he wasn't a coward to take advantage of Taehyung's drunk state even if he was very tempted.
After a lot of laugher and pleas from Taehyung,Jimin finally stopped. He nearly risked a heart attack because of the state Taehyung was right now,sprawled on the bed under him trying to catch his breath,the image was just... wow,Jimin couldn't find the right words to describe it.
Their faces were close making their breath meld, glance locked on each other,they stayed like this for some time until Taehyung decided to move. He slowly raised his head and connected his lips with Jimin's plump ones,kissing him gently. Jimin was stunned,his mind going wild because Taehyung was kissing him,his long time crush was kissing him on the lips. His promise of not taking advantage of Taehyung was long forgotten,he started to respond to the kiss putting in a little more force. Now Taehyung's head was resting on the bed and Jimin's fingers were tangled in his hair,but suddenly he stopped to kiss Jimin.
Jimin got scared,what if he screwed their friendship,what if Taehyung did that only because he was drunk and he didn't know what he was doing, but when he glanced at the latter,he saw him fast asleep with a happy smile plastered on his face. 
Jimin's fear was replaced with warmth,he decided that tomorrow he was going to confess,but for now he opted to just sleep,cuddled with Tae,because he was exhausted.

Later that night when Jin and Jungkook  came to call them for dinner,they found them still cuddled together with Jimin hugging Taehyung to his chest,arms on the latter's thin waist and nose buried in his soft vanilla smelling hair while their legs were tangled together. Jin didn't have the heart to wake them and he was going to close the door but Jungkook entered silently in the room,took out his phone and snapped a few pictures.
"What are you doing?" Jin tried to not speak to loudly and wake the cute duo on the bed.
Jungkook come out of the room with a huge grin. "Just taking some picture that I can use to blackmail Jimin latter,you know he always annoys me." 
"Yah respect your hyungs." 
"Yeah,yeah I know you guys love me,because I love myself too." He run to the kitchen.
"This brat." Jin sighed and followed the younger to the kitchen,a little smile on his lips.

The next morning Jimin wake up with Taehyung still in his embrace,the latter's steady and warm breath was hitting his exposed neck, tickling him and his hand was fisted on Jimin's shirt. 
A groan escaped Taehyung's mouth,he slowly started to open his eyes but the light was to bright and he closed them again,then moved on his back and covered his face with his left hand. He was feeling like ,his head was throbbing,there was this sensation of throwing up and he was thirsty,really thirsty.
"How do you feel?"Jimin asked.
"Like a truck run into me." His voice was lower and raspier then normally. "What happened last night?"
Jimin's heart sunk,but he promised himself that he will confess, he just needed to gather his courage. "You got drunk and acted like a kid." Taehyung's cheeks were tinted red,he tried really hard to remember,some events from last night came to his mind.
"Oh God! Tell me I didn't do that." He sounded despered.
"Did what?" Jimin asked confused.
"Tell me I didn't ruined our friendship because I acted following my heart and not my brain?
"What do you mean?" This confused Jimin more.
"I kissed you Jimin,because I like you. Please don't hate me." He was now covering his face with both hands
"What?! You like me?" Jimin was surprised he didn't expect his crush was feeling the same for him. Taehyung just nodded,face still hidden. "Why should I hate you,I enjoyed that kiss. You know, I wanted to tell you this for a long time now but I was a coward. I love you Kim Taehyung, will you be my boyfriend?"
Taehyung peeked from between his fingers to see if Jimin was serious or
was kidding,when he saw Jimin's pleading look,he decided that yes this was true and he was feeling the same. 
"I will love to be your boyfriend."
This was the happiest day for Jimin,he quickly pecked his boyfriend on the lips. " I love you Tae."
"I love you too Jiminie,but I really need to go to the bathroom now." He quickly dashed out of the room,hand covering his mouth,to the nearest bathroom,ignoring Jin and Jungkook that were pressed on the door trying to hear their conversation.
"Yay they finally confessed." They were proud of their band mates.

The only unhappy ones were the rapper line,they were now fulfilling their punishment,cleaning the two bathrooms with only a toothbrush.

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fleurphan #1
Chapter 1: I like your fanfic!!! ~~~ Aww so cute and sweet....^^
it's maybe stupid but i wanna translate into my mother language so can i have your permission?
I'm gonna translate it slowly because my English isn't good at all.
I promise I'll write the credit from you and try my best to translate your story.
Thank you and please give me your answer soon :3
heaveninfrance #2
Chapter 1: So fluffyyyyyy
Song_Gayeon #3
Chapter 1: Nice!! Haha...it's very cute! ~ ^^

Awwwww...How sweet..haha..

Love the story author-nim!!~
jun-kiseob_b2uty #4
Chapter 1: that was.. cute? eh, they were so sweet.. drunk tae seems cute haha.. anyway good job at writing this story!