Chapter 2 - Follow-Ups

The Plot

The spacious room is filled with light from outside, through windows of frosted glass that allow for privacy yet add to the simple yet elegant feel to the place. The furniture is simple and chic, all of a pale creamy white that matches the walls, which are wallpapered. Paintings of scenery from all around the world are hung in niches probably designed for the purpose. Small lights hang from the ceiling to cast light onto the paintings, drawing attention straight to them. Apart from the paintings, the only splash of colour in the room is the tablecloth for the center table - it's a bright, vivid red. Even the centerpiece, a vase of very realistic, but still fake, white roses, matches the main theme of the room, which is white.

Chae Ni strips off her outer jacket and scarf, folding them neatly and placing them on the arm of her comfortable chair. She surveys the woman across from her, who's roughly Crimson's age. Her face is devoid of any makeup whatsoever, which suits her pale, ivory complexion. Sharp, angular features dominate it - her cheekbones are prominent, her nose is long and sharp, and her jawbone is pronounced. Isabella has swept her sheen of raven hair back into a stylish bun, held in place with a pencil. Although she is dressed casually in a simple loose shirt and shorts, Isabella looks the picture of elegance and grace. Every movement she makes is practiced with a graceful ease which intimidates and fascinates people around her.

"So, you told me you'd get back to me in four days, yet here you are after only two has passed. Are you that efficient?" she remarks, her thin lips moving with that same practiced ease with which she does everything.

Nodding, Chae Ni replies, "I came early to discuss a new plan. And to talk to you about what, exactly, this is about."

Isabella's eyes flash with interest, and she graces the younger girl with a smile. "You have a plan? And it's still about the Velvet Room, right?"

"Isa-unnie, come on. Just tell me what this is about!" Chae Ni insists, bouncing up and down in her seat. "I've done so much already, and it was tiring!"

"Alright then. Someone very important is going to be at the Velvet Room over the weekend -"

"I know this already," she cuts in, sending Isabella a pleading look. "I know who it is, as well. But what's the point of this whole crazy plan?"

Isabella smiles, "Well, it's just something that needs to be done. For his sake, as well as mine."

"You know him?"

"Of course," the older woman replies with a brisk nod, her eyes filled with warmth and excitement. "We're meant to be!"

Chae Ni giggles. "So you're just trying to get an audience with him, then? Aww, Isa-unnie, I never realised you two were so close!"

Isabella tilts her head, smiling. She seems to be lost in her own world of fancy. Chae Ni decides to impress her with what she managed to do. "You know, I went into the Velvet Room yesterday, just out of curiosity. It was bad weather, and I figured it'd make a good excuse to go in - you know, to get out of the rain. And I'd need an excuse since I'm underage. Anyway, I met this bartender in there, her name is Crimson. At least, that's what the nametag says."

"What does she have to do with this? And did you get kicked out?"

"No, Isa-unnie, listen! I sort of pissed her off since I'm so young and not supposed to be there," Chae Ni admits with a bashful pout. "And when she was ranting, she told me about how she has this important engagement on the day that you said - when that important person is coming by. And I told her, that I could easily switch a friend into her place at that time - as long as Crimson pays her what's due, of course. And Crimson seemed interested."

"What kind of name is Crimson, anyway?" Isabella asks, wrinkling her nose.

Chae Ni stares at her. "It's an incredibly cool and extremely intimidating one. She's like a lawyer. I felt like policemen were going to barge through the doors at any time and tell me that I had a right to remain silent, or something."

"And so... I don't see the point."

"Oh, yeah! Oops," she says, casting an apologetic glance at Isabella, who shakes her head, still smiling. "My improvised plan was to get someone into the club to fill in for Crimson, and carry out your plan at the same time!"

Isabella is silent as she considers the situation. After a few long minutes filled with just the whirring of the heater in the distance, she looks back up at the eager young girl and smiles once again. "I think it can work."

Chae Ni laughs, clapping her hands at the same time. "Perfect! I know this girl named Hanyeon, who's perfect to fit the job. Shall I call her over now? Then we can discuss the plan to her! And later we can get them - Crimson and Hanyeon - to meet up and finalize things. And an added bonus is that since we're getting things done so early, we have more time for planning everything that happens after the Velvet Room. What do you think?"

"Perfect," Isabella remarks. "But let's meet your friend at the park."

"Oh, she's in the café below this apartment right now. We can talk there."

The older woman shakes her head, her bun shaking along with it. "Too crowded. They can't know what we're doing, or we'd get stampeded before we can say anything at all. We'll pick your friend up and walk over to the park."

"Alrighty then," Chae Ni nods, grinning.


After Isabella donned some jeans and threw on a jacket, they were out the door and down to the diner in minutes. Having collected a cheerful Hanyeon from the spot she'd been reading in, the trio stroll down the pavement towards the park in the distance. It's the same park they are due to meet Crimson in that same night. Chae Ni and Hanyeon chat comfortably, having been friends for a long time. Isabella, still lost in her jumble of thoughts, stares across the street. A young girl of tall stature is leaving the art store, some bright streamers and other decorations clutched tightly in her hands. Something about the girl seems familiar to Isabella, but she can't place why or who she may be. Until the girl turns around and nearly catches sight of Isabella and her group, and Isabella can see the tips of a few locks of dark hair dyed blonde.

She casts her gaze about frantically, before spotting a bus stop just a few feet ahead. "Come on," she insists, suddenly grabbing Chae Ni and Hanyeon and steering them towards the safety of the spot behind the bus stop, where it's impossible for the girl across the street to see them. Ignoring the other two's protests and demands for an explanation, Isabella furtively glances around the bus stop, and is relieved to see the girl shrug and continue on her way.

Sighing with relief, Isabella turns to a very indignant Chae Ni, and a very confused Hanyeon. "Sorry, it's just that I saw my my annoying, meddling cousin across the street, and I don't want her to come by and stick her nose into any of our business. She wouldn't understand, and she'd probably tell on me to the first person she sees."

Hanyeon laughs. "Your cousin - she's a blabbermouth?"

"A gossipy old maid," Isabella confirms.

"How come I've never heard of your cousin before?" Chae Ni asks with interest, her eyes on the oldest girl's face.

Isabella scowls, which distorts all her features and shocks the younger two for an instant, before it disappears - to be replaced by narrowed eyes. "She's not worth the attention, even though she thinks she deserves it."

"Whoa," Hanyeon says, picking up on the tension that's suddenly filled the air. "You two don't flow too well, do you?"

The silence is answer enough. Exchanging glances, Chae Ni and Hanyeon decide to drop the subject. Instead, they drag their friend onwards, away from the bus stop and towards the park. The rest of the walk is silent, on account of Isabella's continued frustration with her cousin, which is obvious to the other two. However, Hanyeon can't help but wonder - what could have happened between those two that's made Isabella, a normally calm and reasonably cheery person, lose her cool like that? She didn't even get to see the girl.

Isabella leads the way to a secluded bench, far from the path that ran through the whole park. Cyclers and joggers alike dominate the path, taking the time to get in some exercise before lunch. Settling down on the bench, Chae Ni and Hanyeon sigh with pleasure. Isabella's expression relaxes into something more calm. The wind from the previous day has faded to a slight cooling breeze which is pleasing to the three lounging on the bench.

After a few prolonged minutes of silence, Hanyeon bursts out, "Isabella, so what do you want me for?"

Her thin eyelashes flutter as her eyes open to reveal her black irises - filled with amusement and excitement once again. The younger two visibly relax, the tension seeping off from their bodies to be lost to the wind. Isabella is a scary person when she's mad - even though she hadn't directed her anger at either of them.

"You can tend a bar, can't you?"

Hanyeon throws up her arms, mock-frustrated. "What is it with you two and bars?"

Chae Ni laughs, her hands meeting each other again as she claps. Isabella smiles and explains, "You saw that bar down the street, the Velvet Room, didn't you? Well, someone works there by the name of Crimson. And she's busy on the weekend, the very day when an important customer is going to be there. So we want you to replace her, and carry out our plan. Are you up for it?"

Hanyeon's fringe swishes as she tosses her head, getting the hair out of her eyes. Her eyes are focused on nothing in space, so she looks like she's in her own world. Chae Ni sighs and waves a hand in front of her eyes. The older girl immediately snaps out of her trance and turns to Isabella. "So I have to fill in for this Crimson girl while you carry out the plan."

"No, you are the one who carries out the plan."


"I just said that, Hanyeon," Isabella repeats, levelling the girl with a glare.

Hanyeon nods and fiddles with her shirt. "So, why did you choose me?"

Chae Ni pipes up, "Oh, Crimson looks a lot like you - like she's about your height, maybe taller, and your size. So with a wig, you can look a little like her."

"Why does it have to be so complicated?" Hanyeon wails, leaning back in her seat and letting go of the bunched wad of material she clutched in her hand. Her eyes slide closed.

"Yah, don't sleep!" Chae Ni yells, thumping the older girl on her shoulder.

Hanyeon's left eye slits open. "I'm not sleeping!"

"You will, if you keep doing that. You can fall asleep in a moving train, hurtling to your death over a cliff, as long as your eyes are closed."

"Stop it, you two!" Isabella cuts in. "This isn't a time for you to bicker like that!"

Hanyeon nods sullenly while Chae Ni broods from her left. "So, Isabella, what do I have to do, and why does it have to be so complicated?"

"I'm hungry," Chae Ni suddenly interrupts. "Come on, we can discuss this over something warm to eat, right? I see a bakery over there."

"Yah, I'm trying to ask a question here!"

"So ask! Just, let's buy something to eat while you ask, okay?"

A flash of blue darts around the corner, and a girl dressed in loose clothes appears around the bend. The smattering of freckles across her tanned nose isn't obvious unless you look closely, but it's there all the same. Her long, dark hair is up into one of her high ponytails - a change from the usual low braid which she wears to hide her dyed blue hair. But up in her ponytail, it's obvious that the underside of her hair is completely blue. Panting, San Shi faces the girl who's run up to her and smiles apologetically.

"I'm sorry I'm late, Miyu, I just tripped," she remarks, trying to calm her breathing.

The girl called Miyu gives her a wide smile in return and tugs on her hand, dragging her over to a table where three other young people are waiting. One of the girls looks to be about San Shi's own age, while Miyu and the boy look to be of the same age - the younger girl looks about fifteen. They wave casually to her and Miyu plops herself down near to the boy and his light brown hair. She taps the empty spot next to her, and San Shi gladly takes it. A chorus of "hello"s greet her as she does so.

San Shi opens , but she decides better of speaking, and glances pleadingly at the young girl seated next to her - her best friend. Miyu, slightly younger than her at seventeen, shakes her head in rebuke of San Shi's action. But she smiles anyway and introduces her shy friend to the others.

"Guys, this is San Shi, a really good friend of mine. I told you I'd get someone to help out for the party, right?" Miyu says, her dark hair hidden under a beanie. Only her dark fringe is visible under it's blood-red woollen material. San Shi knew Miyu to be a very boyish girl - yet at times she could also be feminine. Being boyish wasn't a choice she made consciously - it was just something that was part of her nature. When you asked her to go wear comfortable clothes, Miyu would bunch her hair up under her one and only beanie, as she's doing now, and she'd wear jeans, a loose tee shirt and sneakers. It's what she normally throws on before she leaves the house. San Shi would know, being Miyu's neighbour near the apartment she lived in by herself.

The light-haired boy next to her reaches around her and to shake San Shi's hand. She stretches her hand out and shakes his nervously. She isn't very good with meeting new people - if it weren't for Miyu and her stubbornness, she wouldn't be here at all. San Shi takes turns shaking everyone's hands, gluing a smile to her face.

"I'm Jin," the boy says, flashing her a nice smile, revealing his dimples at the same time. He's very good-looking, even though the thick-rimmed black glasses hide his very nicely shaped grey eyes, and his long lashes. For a boy, he has a slim figure. San Shi somehow feels instantly at ease around him. She's rather shocked, because the only person she has ever met with that power is Miyu. No wonder those two are such good friends.

The youngest girl raises her hand and gives San Shi a shy smile. She looks a lot like Jin, only shorter with a darker skin tone and darker, longer hair. Her specs are similar to Jin's as well. "I'm Eun Kyo, and I'm not related to Jung Jin Woo," she states airily, motioning towards Jin. He reaches out a hand and tugs a lock of her hair, and she grins back at him.

"Yeah," Jin agrees. "I'm definitely not her brother."

San Shi, confused, looks at Miyu, who looks bored. "This happens every time they introduce themselves, I swear," she says, shaking her head before continuing, "They actually are related. They're siblings."

"Ignore them," the oldest girl says, sending a pointed glare at Jin and Eun Kyo, who are in the middle of a squabble. Eun Kyo is trying to pull her brother's hair, but he's not letting her anywhere close. Miyu, a glint in her eyes, reaches out and throws her arms around Jin's own, locking him in place while his little sister pulls his hair. The two girls slap palms and laugh. Jin, pained, jumps off the bench and attacks Miyu, ripping off her beanie and running off with it. Miyu's dark hair cascades out of her beanie, and the eye-catching dash of blonde of the tips of her hair is obvious. She wanted to stand out, so she chose just a few locks of hair to be dyed. He dances near a tree in the yard, waving the offensive beanie around and daring her to chase after him for it. Miyu makes a move to run after him, then remembers San Shi beside her and decides against it, choosing instead to stay and help her friend integrate into the group. She bites her lip impatiently, a habit of hers that she can't break. It makes her lips naturally red with the blood that rushes up every time she does so.

"So, I'm Arie. Nice to meet you," she says, her long hair with blue undertones swishing every time she moves. Her large almond shaped eyes are a dark brown. Arie seems to San Shi like a nice person, with her laid-back attitude and kind, child-like face. Her cheeks seem to be flushed red, but San Shi decides it's natural.

"Yah!" Miyu calls out, her gunthroat voice booming over the yard. She's too loud, but San Shi knows it's because she can't control how loud or soft her voice is. Neither could she control her strength. "Aleric and Nicole! Get back here! We're going to start prepping!"

San Shi furrows her brows. "They have two names?"

Arie laughs and nods. "They do. But Miyu and I call them by their English names because we think they're unique and we like them more."

"Sounds like her - she won't stop calling me the Kimchi Monster."

"Why?" Arie asks, trying out of politeness, not to laugh.

San Shi shrugs. "She says I like Kimchi way too much for it to be a healthy obsession."

"You realise I'm sitting right here, don't you?" Miyu bursts in, sticking her tongue out at both of them.

Jin and Eun Kyo walk over, their hair tussled. "So, when are we starting?" Eun Kyo asks.

"Now, I assume," Jin replies. Arie nods.

"Who's the party for, anyway?" San Shi questions. If she's going to help plan a surprise party, the very least she wants to know is for whom it's for.
Miyu says, "It's for a friend of ours. You can't tell a soul! And I'll introduce you to him on the day of the party."

"So this means I'm invited?"

"Ye-" she says, but cuts herself off and launches off the bench to run around the corner. The four of us exchange confused glances, until she returns with an armful of party decorations. "I forgot to lug this over. I bought it earlier today."

Arie walks over to her and examines the abundance of crepe paper in Miyu's hands. "This is perfect!"

"I like the blue ones, let's use those," Jin suggests, picking out a blue roll.

Eun Kyo grins and looks around, obviously trying to decide how to string it up. "He likes music right? So we can make tiny little guitars and hang them in circles around here."

"That's perfect!" Miyu and San Shi blurt out together. They laugh, and San Shi continues, "We can start making a cake with a guitar on it! It can have these cute little blue candles to match the decorations, and we can make it big, depending on how many people are coming! And we can put the guitar, and maybe music notes, around the sides of the cake and - wait, this is a birthday party that we're planning, right?"

"Yeah!" Arie confirms. "It is. So, no worries!"

Miyu grins at San Shi. "That's exactly what I was thinking of doing!"

But Jin looks a little bit put off. "A birthday party?"

Miyu nods. Arie and Eun Kyo look a little out of place, and San Shi picks up on that. But Miyu bulldozes on anyway. "Didn't you know? It's going to be so fun!"

Her friend looks a little paler than usual, but he forces a smile on his face and nods. "Of course, because we're planning it, and we're awesome!"

"Don't be so narcissistic," Eun Kyo groans.

Arie glances over, sensing trouble between the two again. "When did you learn to use such big words?"

"I'm fifteen - I'm not stupid!"

"Nobody said you were."

"But you were implying that -"

"Oh stop," Miyu says, rolling her eyes. When they continue bickering and ignoring her she picks up some crepe paper and tugs San Shi along with her. "Come on, the sensible people are going to do something more useful."

"I like them," San Shi remarks, for once keeping her thoughts short and sweet, rather than babbling on as both she and Miyu tended to do when they're excited.

The younger girl turns to her, beaming. "I'm glad you do. They're awesome people, a lot like you."

"You think I'm awesome?"

With nary a bat of her eyelids, she replies, "Of course, didn't you know?"

Sofiarubs her palms together in an effort to try and generate warmth. Her breath smokes in the air in front of her face. It's dark, although the moon does help a tad in lighting the area. Sofia is seated on the bench the three people had deserted a few long hours before in the park that's now devoid of people. Occasionally, the stray jogger would run past, but they were few and far between. She sighs as she waits, considering the possibility that she's been pranked into staying here.

A panting sound fills the night, and Chae Ni appears in front of her, catching her breath. She's grasping the hand of a taller girl closer to her own age. "Crimson," she starts, and Sofia feels a momentary shock before she remembers that it's the only name that Chae Ni knows her by - she hadn't mentioned anything about her real name. "Sorry I'm late, but I was held back."

"Meaning, she got lost," the stranger says, smiling apologetically at Sofia.

Chae Ni rolls her eyes and settles herself next to Sofia, with the stranger on her other side. "This is Hanyeon, and she's the girl who can replace you for that one night."

"Nice to meet you, Hanyeon. I'm Crimson."

"Nice to meet you as well."

"Have you tended bars before?"

On hearing Sofia's question, Hanyeon's expression tightens, but she answers readily, "I have, actually. And I'm not underage or anything, so there's no problem there. I'm perfectly willing to replace you for a night. But I will get paid, right? I kinda need the money..."

"Of course, I wouldn't think to make you work for free or anything," Sofia says stiffly - she doesn't know these strangers, after all.

"So we have a deal?" Chae Ni bubbles, looking excited. Sofia studies her eager face for a moment.

"We'll have to meet more, Hanyeon and I, so that I can explain what she needs to do."

Oh, here we go again with more explanations, Hanyeon thinks. I'm going to be grilled over the next week.

Sofiacontinues, "And eventually we'll discuss about uniforms and such. But yes, I think we have a deal."

"Why don't you two shake on it?" suggests Chae Ni.

The older two give her pointed looks, but eventually they shrug and do as she says. The deal is sealed.




A/n: Characters:

cainistella - Oh Chae Ni
pandaxpikachu - An Hanyeon
wynthe (where are you on the comments? T^T) - Mu San Shi
nobleA_x - Jung Jin Woo/ Aleric
Nicole -- - Jung Eun Kyo/ Nicole
ShadyGirl - Kwon Arie

*juggles characters around*

Four thousand words. FOUR THOUSAND WORDS. *drops dead* This is for you lovely people who are showering me with love. I adore you all~ And to me, adore is a stronger word than love!! <3333 I really, really hope you like it though, it was exhausting! And for those people who were confused last chapter, I hope this clears everything that was confusing in the last chapter up! (although I think this new chapter brought in more intrigue of it's own?) I thought that to be fair, I'd introduce a bunch of new characters. So tell me what you think okay?

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I wonder how they`ll plan everything out dafsad :DDDD
okay that`s all I could say because this chapter is so nice and YOU`RE BACK<3 Keep it up!<33
BUT IM BACK! I JUST realized I got accepted!!! O_O
Ah...I'm such a slow person...! *face palm
Thank you so sooooooooo much!!!! And the way you explain Sung Kyu was awesome!
And I can't wait to see MORE about Miyu and Minhei!
They just attract my FULL attention to them!!! do I say this?! =3=
Oh well... So thanks for hearing my weird rants and comments~ update soon if possible~
imsosofia #3
Yes! Actually no I won't kill you, I'll kill him. *glares at the Zee dude* Buddy what do you work as? What's your annual pay? On what grounds do you think you should be allowed to get close to my friend like that? *murderous face*
Although, I must admit, he sounds quite cute ^^ what's his hair colour again? Is he dark-haired too?
And oh! Okay. His name is Sung Kyu. He's gay? So he's not in love with Miyu? :/ I guessed wrong then XP ehh poor guy. He sounds so insecure ;_; that's right! Shouldn't fall too deeply into love :P or at least fall only after the other person falls. Haha ^u^
Oh? Looks like Miyu's side won followers keke.
Wait what? I broke her arm? O.o I'm that rough, but I'm probably not that strong. ^^; sorry sorry TuT
COMMENT FOR CHPT. 13: OMG IS IT JUST ME OR DOES JIN SOUND LIKE ME IN THIS CHAPTER?! :O besides the point. CESSIE YOU'VE MADE A COMEEEEEBACK! ;A; i'm so happy~! you didn't lose inspiration like most authors do after a hiatus :) x HAHAHAHA~! "Because i'm miyu." very nice very nice LOL~! of course you are just miyu that's the excuse for everything! HAHA! once you say that everything will flow through smoothly ;D haha love you! LISTEN TO JIN! ;A; the guy has productive/beneficial reasoning v.v LOL :D who's minhei and ran? :O friends of miyu and jin? :O haha the part where it says "unkempt young man" i pictured a crinkly man all pruned up o.o LOL despite the "young man" bit in it haha~! i know i'm so weird v.v OMG AT FIRST I THOUGHT MIR AND ISA WERE GOING TO END UP BEING A COUPLE~! O.O like from the way she addressed him seemed like a genuine conversation :O that girl has some poker face >.> omg i'm so freaking satisfied right now ;A; this story is getting better each chapter~! <3
okayz i like this chapter alright. but so many things hapoening, im only clear about the jin and miyu's adventure only xD
no that i think of it, does Kwon-ah like Jaehyo or Zico? :O
imsosofia #6
Wow! Mir's got guts. Respect! ^^
Hold it!! Zee?? Who's Zee?!! *slams table with palm* Oi! Kid!! Stay away from Miyu! Don't flirt with her!! *kicks kicks kicks* Don't flirt with her!!
Nobody flirts with my friends! Unless you want a broken nose. *hisses like a cat*
And why does he remind me of Dandy lol. What kind of accent is that? "Ey" and "love"... :/ *racks brain*
And why are they looking for me? ._.
Lol some dude was eavesdropping on Miyu and Jin? Is he the same fella who was reminiscing abt this adventurous girl that he liked or something
Is he good or bad? ._.
That's right Mir! You must at least try! Too bad he got his kicked in the end though XP XP
omona you updated!!!! ~~~ ♥♥ love it, as always~ what a lovely platinum platter ^^
I dunno I think Jin should really trust Miyu on this one. :c
Well, the maknae is restless. They can`t do anything about it.
EEE SO CLOSE!! But yah Mir you just got caught by Isabella and the rest of her goons. :c
hihihi author-nim c:
i used to be written_in_the_stars
and i changed my usename to --forever ^_^
welcome back from your hiatus~!
i really like your long chapters, chapters for fanfictions nowadays are really shot =_=