This is crazy!

Long distance romance

As I lift up my webcam to reveal my full face, my head is undergoing a whirlwind of thoughts, but I fight away this negativity that'll prevent me forming a friendship with someone who seems awesome!

Stranger: Woah!!!

Me: Haha, I know I'm sorry.. You probably expected a really gorgeous girl but I'm ugly.. 

Stranger: No no!! You're like a princess! I'm the ugly one!

Me: Show me you? I promise I don't care how you look but I don't doubt you're not a handsome guy.

Stranger: No... Please I really don't want to. I look like a troll. You know the one in Lord of the rings?

Me: I've never watched LOL but a troll? I'm the troll

Stranger: No, you're not. I'm scared you'll stop talking to me if I show you my face..

Me: Ok, how about we add each other on Skype. That way you know I'm serious?

Stranger: OK!

So now I had secured my friendship, we continued to message via Skype that evening until it was time for me to sleep. 6 hours time difference, him living in US and me living in the UK. Two worlds apart it felt. Yet that night I couldn't sleep thinking of how his full face looked. Curious. All I knew was his name..

The next day, I hurried and logged into Skype to alert him I had woken up. He quickly responded. "I was waiting for you :D". My heart melted! This was the sweetest I'd been treated. However, I had school to go to and he had to sleep, so that beautiful moment didn't last. 

As soon as school ended I ran to the bus and rushed home, skype and we messaged.


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