Hermit - 1

Goddess Mask


"Hey, miss. Miss, wake up. Are you okay?"

The sweet melody of the voice which woke me up, echoed in my head. When I opened eyes, I faced the nervous looks of the owner of the voice. It was a boy in my ages. The black blue robe was covering his body, only leaving an opening for half of the boy's chest. He was wearing a necklace, a light blue crystal, shining on his chest.

"Are you okay?" He asked again. His deep brown eyes got foggy as I didn't answer his question. He looked around for someone who can help but apparently there was no one besides us.

I rubbed my forehead, trying to smoothen the headache I had. I gulped, realizing I had dry throat. I tried to get up but my body felt heavy so I found myself lying on the cold, stone ground.

"Here, let me help you. He held his hand out to me and I gratefully accepted his offer.

"Where am I?" I looked around. Stone columns, cold, concerete ground, pews, huge aisle and of course giant windows with holy pictures on them.

"This is Rosefall Church." 

"Rosefall?" I didn't know the name.

"Ah." The boy bowed, apologised with his eyes. "Please forgive my discourteousness. Sorry for not mentioning before, I'm hermit Baekhyun of Rosefall Church."

He was such a kind person. "Oh, no no. It's okay. Nice to meet you. I am..." 


"I am Maya."

For a moment I thought I was a hint of spark in Baekhyun's eyes but then he looked at me calmly and smiled peacefully.

"It is a pleasure to meet you... May I ask what happened?" He seemed curious but his voice tone didn't change a bit even when his expression did.

When he asked the question I realised something I should have done earlier. Why am I here? 

Who am I?

A sharp pain pierced my head as questions kept on popping up in my mind.



You really don't remember. 

Suddenly that boy from my dream was shaped in front of me by my mind. He had the menacing look on his face. 

I shall make you remember.

"Ah.." I held my head between my hands, it felt like needles were dancing in there.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me. I shouldn't have asked such a question carelessly. I shall take you to the backroom so you can rest and eat something. You are not well."

I nodded as a little "thanks" found it's way out of my tongue.

I followed him through the backdoor to the outside and then to a small cottage which was decorated in harmony with the church. 

The cottage had only a living room and a small kitchen-like room attached to it. So I sat on a rug in the living room as the boy went to the kitchen, saying he is going to make some herbal tea. I faced to fireplace, pulled my legs to myself and dug my head to them, trying to understand what was going on with me but my headache wasn't helping much.

I watched the woods inside the fireplace burn and sparks dancing. It felt peaceful and made me understand how cold I was. 


My name was the only thing I could remember but I couldn't even be sure if that name belonged to me or not. 

I sensed Baekhyun entering the room as the smell of fragnant herbs reached me. 

"Here, miss." He held out a cup of tea, I thanked with my head and gently accepted his gift. "It will help you to feel better."

I took a sip from the hot tea. It had such a sweet aroma in it. As it flowed down through my throat, I could already feel so calm and relaxed. Could that be the cause of the hermit to be this calm too? I changed my looks to his eyes. He wasn't looking at me, instead he was looking at the floor. 

"Aren't you so young to be a priest?" I didn't know why did I ask but I kinda wanted to know him.

His eyes immediately met mine. He smiled genuinely. "I am an orphan and I was raised by the abbot of the Rosefall so I'm bound by soul here."

"Did you feel in debt? That's why you chose to be a priest?" 

"You can say that." He was still smiling.

"What happened to your parents?"

"..." He suddenly became silent, put the cup onto the floor and changed his posture to a more comfortable one.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cross the line." I felt bad.

"No, no. It is fine." He said and held his necklace in his right hand. "They both died when I was five. There was a fire in our house. Mother saved me, sacrificed herself for me." He tightened his fist on the necklace.

I bowed, apologising. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm really sorry."

"No, no!" He shook his hands, seeming hectic about me blaming myself. "Please do not think like that...I..." He was looking around to say something, suddenly his looks got stuck on my cup. "Oh, I shall refill your tea." 

"Thanks." I gave the cup while smiling sheepishly to his purity.

After a half minute he came back and served me the tea.

"I shall go now. The church needs me. You should rest, Miss. I'm sorry for not having a bed but If you want..."

"All is fine. You already did so much. Thanks."

"Okay." He smiled then bowed before leaving the cottage.

I sighed. Here I was all alone, watching the outside through the window, drinking some herbal tea a random guy made for me, not having an idea of who am I.

The garden of the church was peaceful unlike the church itself which was gloomy. Trees were all and the ground was coated with yellow and red leaves. Sun was hiding behind the silky white clouds, like an embarrassed child, hiding behind his mom. 

I sighed, this time peacefully. I opened the window, letting fresh air in, then I laid next to the fireplace like a cat, closed my eyes and my worries were all gone.





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