So Worth It

Old Oneshots

**This is told only in JunShin's P.O.V. It was just easier that way. So…yeah. This is for JunShin. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks!**



                                                                            Kim Jun Shin-17

                                                                            Lee Sungmin-18






Aish. Why does Sungmin oppa have to be so cute! He's so popular, and I'm definitely not. Ah! Why can't I just talk to him! And he's right there! I mean isn't lunch time the time to make friends? Ah! Why can't I just talk to him? Ugh! I'm such a-

"JUN SHIN!" I was snapped out of my thought when my friend Min Ji called my name.

"What? Oh. Sorry. I was just thinking-." She cut me off.

"About Sungmin oppa?" She said slightly smirking.

"You shut your face!" Min Ji was my only really friend, and was the only one who knew I liked him.

Just go talk to him." She said.

"One does not simply talk to their crush."

"Just go." I finally decided to talk to him, along with my banana milk.

"Really? You're bringing your banana milk?" She said annoyed.

"Yes. It will keep me calm."

"Alright. Well Jun Shin, fighting!" She said putting her fist up.

"You got this Jun Shin." I kept telling myself. When I was right next to him, I managed to trip on my feet causing me to fall to my knees, and spill all of my banana milk on Sungmin oppa.

"Ah!" I heard him yell before I got up on my knees.

"Omo! Oppa I'm so sorry!" I said while bowing.

"Haha. It's fine. Accidents happen, right?" He said calmly. How could he be so calm in a situation like this?

"I guess you're right. Again I'm really sorry." I said still bowing.

"I have another shirt. It's no problem." He said still smiling.

"Well I think I should go. Bye Oppa!" I said waving before walking back to Min Ji.

"Wow. That was-." I cut her off.

"Embarrassing." I muttered to her.

"It's fine. Better luck next time. But come on, we have gym." Min Ji said grabbing my arm.

"But-my lunch." I said whining.


----------------- 5 Minutes Later-------------------


After changing for gym the couch said we would play dodgeball, then we would run for like the last 10 minutes, by doing rely races.

"Okay! Start the game." The coach yelled at us.

"Min Ji. I'm scared." I told her, getting behind her.

"Why?" She said smirking.

"I don't want to get hit." I said whining.

"You won't trust me." She said pushing me from behind her. I saw Sungmin looking right at me. So I decided to wave 'flirtatiously' at him. And then he winked back at me. I could feel all the heat in my cheeks.

"Watch out!" I heard Min Ji yell, but before I could react a red ball hit me straight in the nose, knocking me over.

"Are you okay?" Min Ji rushed to help me up. I looked at Sungmin who was giggling a little.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." I said getting up. Ah! This is horrible.

"Okay kids! Get in line so I can put you on your teams." The coach yelled at us.

"This is horrible." I said standing next to Min Ji.

"What? The fact that you've embarrassed yourself two periods in a row in front of Sungmin?" She asked me.

"YES! I'm a complete idiot! How could I be so clumsy?" I asked

"Well-." I cut her off.

"It was kind of meant to be rhetorical." I said with an annoyed fac

"Oh. Sorry."

"Okay kids. Does everyone know who they're with?" The coach asked.

"Wait! What? What team am I one?" I asked Min Ji.

"Oh. Haha. You're one Sungmin's team." She said laughing and walking the other way. So I started walking towards Sungmin.

"Hi." I said awkwardly.

"Hi. That was quite the hit you took." He said to me.

"I know. It kind of hurt."

"Well it look like it did."

"So what exactly are we doing?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"I really think we're just running."

"Ugh. Really?" I asked annoyed.

"Yup. But at least we only have like 10 minutes left right?" He said laughing.

"I guess you're right. Haha." I said laughing too.

"So, I guess you can go first." He told me.


"Min Ji, you're running first right?" I hears the coach ask her.

"Yes sir."

"Sungmin, who's running first on your team?"

"Jun Shin."

"Wait! I didn't-." The coach cut me off.

"Okay. Get in line with Min Ji."

"Ugh." We got in line.

"On my whistle ladies. Ready, set-." He blew his whistle. We started running, and somehow I managed to trip on my feet, roll my ankle, then just keep rolling. I hit my head on the basketball rack.

"Ah!" I screamed in pain.

"Are you okay?" Sungmin ran to me.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I got up and tied walking, but just fell back down.

"Ah." I yelped in pain again.

"Coach, can I take Jun Shin to the nurse?" Sungmin asked him.

"Sure. Go ahead." Sungmin helped me up, and down the hall to the nurse.

"So what's the problem?" The nurse asked me.

"Oh. I was running in gym and I think I sprained my ankle. The nurse softly grabbed me ankle and rolled it a little bit.

"AH!" I screamed in pain.

"Yeah. It's definitely sprained. I'll got some ice, and call your parents. What's your name?" She asked me.

"Kim Jun Shin." I told her.

"Okay. Be right back kids." She said walking away.

"Thank you." I said looking at Sungmin.

"For what?" He asked me.

"For bringing me here."

"Oh. No problem." He said grabbing my hand. I looked at him, and he started leaning in, and then he kissed me. His lips were so soft. After a few minutes we broke the kiss.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean-." I cut him off.

"It's fine. I was actually hoping you would kiss me." I said blushing.

"Really? Why?" He said looking surprised.

"Because I really like you." I said blushing even harder.

"Bwoh! Really! I like you too!" He said, blushing a little.

"Really? But why would you like someone like me? You're the most popular boy in school."

"What do you mean 'someone like you'? You're sweet, nice, kind, an the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." He said while holding my hand.

"Aw! Thank you Oppa!" I said hugging him.

"Haha. You're welcome. Umm...Jun Shin."

"Yeah?" I asks back.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me, still sort of blushing.

"Of course Oppa!" I said hugging him again.

"Haha." Then we saw the nurse coming back.

"Okay, honey. Your mom is on her way. Do you want to stay with her until her mom comes?" She asked Sungmin.

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay." She said walking away.



"Do you really like me." I asked.

"Actually no Jun Shin I don't like you."

"Wha-." He cut me off.

"I love you Kim Jun Shin." He said grabbing my cheeks softly.

"Well I love you too Lee Sungmin." I said kissing him again.

" want to go to a movie tomorrow?" He asked.

"Well it is Sunday so, sure." I said smiling.

"Awesome. Well I'm going to get some juice okay?" He said walking away. Right before he gets to the machine, I see him trip and fall on his face.

"Oppa! Are you okay?" I asked trying not to laugh. He slowly got up

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm good." He said 'dusting off' his shoulders.

"Good. I'm glad you can act so cool, even when you fall on your face." I said laughing.

"Man. How do you keep doing this?" he asked me

"Do what?" I asked him.

"Fall all the time?" He said laughing a little.

"Because seeing you everyday, makes every fall, hit, scratch, and scar, so worth it." I said smiling.

"Haha. Well I'm glad I can make your day. Because you always make mi-WOAH!" He yelped before tripping again, as he tried making his way towards me."Wow Oppa. Twice in a row." I said laughing again.

"I'm cool. I'm cool. I totally meant to do that." He said 'dusting off' his shoulders again.

"Haha. I'm sure you did Oppa. I'm sure you did."


"I'm serious." He said before tripping for the third time, on his way to me again.

"Haha. And that is why I love you Lee Sungmin." I said kissing him one more time.


"Well I hope so. Because I love you too Kim Jun Shin."




I really hope it doesn't . Thanks for requesting, and reading!! Peace! 

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