A different feeling

Why it had to be You?

                                        Why it had to be you!

  The sound of Yoongi's alarm woke him up and with heavy movements he tried to turn it off, letting out a sigh in annoyance."Everyday,the same thing. Ahh...'',he said and made to get up. He walked towards his bathroom and washed his face. He looked his face in the mirror. It was himself. Always the same person. The same face. Everyday. Nothing had changed. He still had the same expression. The same dark brown eyes. Everything was the same. But why did he feel like something had changed? Something inside him. His feelings. He was feeling love and anger at the same time.

  He liked her. Now he knew. And he wasn't going to lose over Taehyung. He shouldn't.

 But still...he couldn't understand why he was like that to her all these years. Why he hadn't figure out his feelings by now? "She probably hates me.'',he said as he kept staring at himself."Aish...Don't think like that. You can always change her mind.'',he patted his cheeks and left the room. He put on his clothes,grabbed his bag and then left the house.

 And like everyday he took his bike. It was black.His favourite color. And he took the way to his school.He passed by Eva Yeon's house and stopped to check if she had already left. Suddenly the door of her house cracked open and she walked out. His eyes widened and he tried to hide himself. He went to hide behind a tree even though he knew that it wouldn't hide him. 

  He watched as she was walking all by herself and when she was finally far from him he followed behind her not losing her sight.She was wearing her school uniform which looked amazing on her slender body. Her cute backpack and her ponytail made her look adorable.

 He kept moving as slow as he could, trying to avoid making any noice that would have as a result for her to realize that he was following her. Suddenly a boy stopped her movements. It was him. Kim Taehyung. He went towards her and they walked together. Again,he was making a move before him. He had to do something. Without thinking twice her started going faster and he was next to them before he could even understand it.

 "Morning.'',he told them when he saw them."Ow...Yoongi. Goodmorning.'',she said with a smile. Wasn't she hating him? Then why she was always smiling at him even after what he had done to her? He was so confused. Or maybe she...was so confusing. "Sup!",Taehyung said which made him to turn and look at him with anger. It wasn't hate that he was feeling about him. It was his best friend anyway. He was just upset of the fact that they loved the same person. However he couldn't accept to lose over him.

 "Eva Yeon-ah!",a girl waved at her from afar."Ji Woo-ah.Goodmorning.'',she waved back at her as she ran towards her. "Where is So Hyun? Hasn't she arrive yet?'',he asked to her when she was finally infront of her."She is probably on her way. Always late.You know her.'',her friend told her and the two girls started laughing together.Yoongi and Taehyung were standing, looking at them. She sure was happy with her friends. "What are you thinking?'',V asked him. He turned to look at him in surprise."Why are you asking that out of the blue?'',he said in confuse."Just because. Coming?'',he told him as he started walking  

  They met with the other guys who had already arrive before them. 

 Everything was just the same. An usual school day. But he was feeling different.


  "Well kids. I think that it's time for you to see your math tests.'',the teacher said and everyone shouted a big"No'' knowing that the results weren't the best. The teacher started giving away the tests to each student and the most of them would sigh or even hit their heads on their desk. Some of them were Jungkook,Jimin and Hoseok. Of course they wouldn't go well. Cause as everyone knows the previous day of the test they were playing computer games together without even opening the book to study. So...it was expected.

  It was finally Eva Yeon's turn. She took the test on her hands and as she looked at it and a smile appeared on her face. Full mark again. The teacher gave her a small bravo and then she continue to the next student. She was always at the top of the class. Always getting full marks. At every subject. But she wasn't always studing; always with a book without having a personal life. She was just able to remember whatever she would read. That's why she would always succeed.

  Yoongi had already take his test. He got 64%. He didn't really care about that. It wasn't the worst but of course he could have get higher. He just ignored it and looked at her. She was happy. He knew she was.

  What was he thinking before when Taehyung asked him? That he was an awful person? He knew that. That he had ruin her whole life all these years? He knew that. But what he really wanted to do was to pay for the years that he made her feel sad. He wanted her to continue being happy. That's what he was really thinking then.


  The bell rang and everyone began gathering their stuffs. In no time the whole class had already left except... from two people. Eva Yeon was still packing her bag while Yoongi was just sitting without bothering to prepare his stuffs to leave. She gave him a glimpse and then asked."Aren't you going to leave?''. No answer. He didn't even look at her. She sighed and rolled her eyes."Whatever. Do what you like.''. She turned to leave but his words stopped her.

  "I'm sorry.'',he said with a soft voice like a whisper. Just loud enough for her to listen. She looked at him in surprise."What? Why are you saying this out of the blue?'',she asked him but just like before he said nothing."I asked you something. Why aren't you answering?'',she told him in a loud tone,making him to finally make eye contact with her. His expression was weird. She hasn't seen him like that before. Her eyes widened at the view of his dark nostalgic brown eyes.

 "What's wrong Yoongi? Today you are different. You haven't do anything to annoy me. Are you okay? And what's with the apology?'',she asked him again now with a softer voice."I'm sorry for all the pain I made you feel. I just decided to stop bothering you. I understood that I was a jerk for being like that to you. I never wanted to hurt you. So..yup. I'm sorry.'',he confessed to her and his words made her heart froze. It was unusual for him to talk like that. He was always the dark person. Never talking. But why would he make such a decision? 

"If you didn't want to hurt me,then why you did it?'',she made a logical question."I don't know. I really don't.'',he said and after that he got up and started walking towards the door."I accept it. Your apology. I accept it.'',she said and then she turned to face the person who had already pass her and was ready to leave the classroom."And I want us to start over again. What do you think? Would you like to be my friend?'',she asked him with a bright smile. He smiled back to her and nodded.

 It was the beginning of them. Even after these years they finally found the chance to start over. And Yoongi was going to make things right this time. He never forgot the deal he made with Taehyung. Someone had to win her heart. And he wanted so badly to be that one.












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namjoon97 #1
Chapter 26: You know what? I wait for a month for you to update this story.. but suddenly you said you want to quit.. you know, I'm so sad... Because for me this story amazing.. I just want to know what will happen to suga.. but I guess.. I will never know the ending.. and what happen to suga and yong rim.. hermmm.. but it's okay.. good luck in your school. And thank you for the story..
Poisonberry7 #2
Chapter 26: It's ok! Good luck in school and thanks for the story.
Poisonberry7 #3
Chapter 24: Poor Yong Rim.
Chapter 23: This is nice, author-nim. Courious with the next chapter. Take your time and keep up the good work!! Fighting!! (^•^)9
Poisonberry7 #5
Chapter 23: Update soon!!! And you're not a loser.
namjoon97 #6
Chapter 22: Hahahaha update soon please ~~ ^^
Poisonberry7 #7
Chapter 22: Thank you for the update!!!!
Poisonberry7 #8
Chapter 21: Update soon!
Chapter 13: Dude do you know how my heart just fluttered when i saw written "ANNYEONG! HOW ARE YOU xxmi-suk ? "
<3 teahyung <3
Poisonberry7 #10
Chapter 13: 안녕 친구! I'm doing awesome and this story is very interesting!