
Why it had to be You?
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 "Yah! Park Yong Rim!",Woohyun shouted while runnng towards his bestfriend. "Where have you been? Is everything alright?'',he asked her when he had finally reach her.He looked her face and then checked her whole body to see if she was hurt anywhere.She just looked at him while smiling softly."I'm okay Oppa.You don't have to worry.''

 "YAH! HYUNG! Are you crazy? Why did you ran away?'',Jimin shouted at his older friend while he and the others approached them quickly as well.

 " noisy.'',Yoongi whispered while rubbing the back of his neck avoiding eye contact with anyone."Why did you guys disappear without saying anything?"'.Ji Woo asked them.They both looked at each other and after that Yong Rim decided that she would speak.

 "Well,you see.I wanted to ask Yoongi something.And unfortunately I got the answer I was afraid to hear.We had to return to the bus becuase he got hu...'',a hand was placed on her lips interrupted her talking."Because we were both wet and I thought that we should both go change before we caught a cold.Right?'',he looked at her confused eyes before taking his hand off .

 "Right.'',she said not knowing why. If he didn't want to say about him getting hurt she had no other choice but to do as he wanted.

 "Wait...he was with you the whole time you changed your clothes?'',Woohyun asked her in a kind of angry tone."Don't worry.He didn't do or see anything. Relax.'',Yong Rim reassured him while Suga only let out an annoyed sigh.

 "Ah...anyway.Let's just forget about all the crazy staff that happened and continue having fun.What do you think?'',Jin suggested and everyone nodded at him agreeing.This was the best thing they could do right now.They didn't go there to spend their whole day wondering what the hell is wrong with a girl like Jun Hyoseong.

 "I have an idea.There is a place nearby. I don't think anybody went there already.So it's probably empty.It's a large land where we can play soccer.It would be fun.What do you think?'',Jungkook said leaving everyone thinking his idea.

 "Well...I don't know.Soccer? I am not really into that.'',So Hyun said."Is it because you are afraid you'd lose.It's okay.We'll do whatever the princess says.'',Jungkook told her with a sarcastic tone.

 Rage took over her whole body as she approached the boy.''Who said I'm afraid? I was just worring that you'd cry when you lose.That's all.'',she said."Oh really?'',"Really.And you know what? Let's go.But don't beg me to stop.Cause when I start I can't stop.''."Deal.''

 Without even asking the others the two of them walked towards the direction the place was."I guess we're playing soccer then.'',Namjoon finally spoke as the rest of them followed behind the two angry figures that were almost visible infront of them.

 "Don't you think they look cute together?'',Hoseok suddenly said and everyone laughing but angreeing at the same time.

 Those two were made for each other.

 Both of them loved challenges and they got really angry everytime they would lose.Which was almost never.They were both the youngests of the group with Jungkook only a few months older than So Hyun.When they were younger they actually liked each other.But never confessed their love. However,after a soccer game where they were at the same team they decided that they should better stay enemies.

 To explain.Both of them wanted to be the leaders.And none of them was giving up.

 To sum up.They were actually the same but really different.If that makes sense.


 "Οkay...Let the best win.'',So Hyun said while looking straight in Jungkook's eyes,who whispered just enough for her to hear ''Which is going to be me".

 The teams were two.Each with five members.The first was consisted of Namjoon,Taehyung,Ji Woo,Hoseok and Jungkook.While on the other one there was Seokjin,Jimin,Yoongi, Woohyun and finally So Hyun.Yong Rim decided to sit outside and watch the game since there was too many players already.

 The game started and both teams were playing aggressively.To the point were Yong Rim got scared of any of them getting hurt.However,it wasn't like all of them were trying hard to win.Basically the only people that had the ball the whole time were Jungkook and Soo Hyun.

 It was really fun to see them hating each other so much but still look so good together.A smile was on Yong Rim's face the whole time while thinking how well they suited each other.

 But that smile didn't last that long.Her eyes widened when she saw what she was afraid.Someone getting hurt.

 The ball landed with a strong force on Taehyung's face who immediately fell backwards and when his back touched the ground that was when it hit her.She got up from where she was sitting and ran towrads him.The game had already stopped and everyone was hovering about the figure that was laying still on the grass.

 Yong Rim passed them all and fell on her knees next to him.She grabbed him gently and dragged him up,to the level where his face would touch the between of her shoulder and neck.

 "Yah....Taehyung.Are you okay?'',she shouted at him while softly shakng him in her arms.His eyes opened slowly and they finally made eye contact."Y..Yong Rim?'',he asked her.

 "Oh come on.Don't be so dramatic.It's just a ball.'',Jungkook said annoyed."Oh shut up.It was your fault.You were the one that hit him.You should apologize.'',So Hyun scolded him. "Well....yeah it was me.But it wasn't completely my fault.You were the one that pushed me to do it.'',"How did I do that, you jerk?''

 "Guys.Calm down.This is not important right now.'',Yong Rim shouted at them and they stop immdeiately.After that she felt someone moving on her arms.When she turned to look she saw Taehyung trying to get up.

 "I'm fine.I'll live, don't worry.'',he playfully said.She helped him to get up and when he was finally standing again she noticed something.A red liquid was running down his nose."Yah! Kim Taehyung.Your nose is bleeding.'',she said making everyone look at his face. Indeed it was bleed .Probably the hit was really rough. Jungkook was known for his strength.

 Taehyung brought his hand to his nose to wipe the blood.His hand immediately was painted in plain red."Come.Let's go sit down.'',Yong Rim told him and he nodded his head at her.

 With her own hands she made his head look up so that the blood would hopefully stop.

 The others were standing still looking at them walking away."What a day? We are reall unlucky, don't you think ?First Yong Rim. Now Taehyung. We can't have fun, can we?'',Ji Woo said with a sad voice."I know right?'',Jimin agreed with her.

   However,someone wasn't that happy of all this.Yoongi observed every move she did.Everytime her hands would touch him he got really angry.For some reason he wanted to be him.He wanted to be the one she would help.He wanted to be the one she would touch.He wanted to looked at her getting worried over him.But that would just be selfish of him,right?


 "Kids...I want you to behave and stay quiet the whole night.I don't want us getting kicked out of the hotel in the middle of the night.Arasso?'',teacher Kim informed the kids who responded unanimously with a loud 'yes'.

 "Come, let's go.'',Ji Woo dragged her two bestfriends towards the direction their room was.Apparently girls and boys were not allowed to stay at the same room.Which was actually pretty normal for a school rule.

 Each room could include more than two students and less than four.The three girls were too lucky to fit in one together.For the boys was actually a problem.They were seven.And that meant that they couldn't stay all together in one room.

 "So we've decided.I stay in a room with Jin-hyung,Rap Mon-hyung and Kookie. Suga-hyung,Hobie-hyung and V together.'',Jimin said and everyone nodded at him.That was when a voice suddenly said."Is there any room for one more?"

 The boys turned to look at the guy that was now approaching them."Woohyun-ssi? Didn't you find somewhere to sleep for the night?'',Jin politely asked him.And he only shook his head as a response."I see.''

 "Well there is room in our room.We can fit one more person.Right guys?'',Hoseok said.V and Suga looked at each other and knew that they couldn't do otherwise."Yeah....I mean.There is a limit of four people and we are three so...'',Taehyung spoke."Deal then,I'm coming with you.If this is not a problem actually.'',Woohyun said excited.

 Hoseok throw himself on him and wrapped his one arm around the boy's shoulder."Why would it be a problem? We are gonna have so much fun.And who knows....maybe we'll get to know each other better.'',he said happily.

 "Yeah...totally.''.Woohyun looked at the two boys who didn't seem that amused.

It will be an interesting nght.Taehyung and of course...Yoongi.






tumblr_inline_o1kp5w7nzx1qhmxhi_500.gif Missed me?
I know I know....How many times do I have to apologise for being late? I'm just a loser who can't do anything on time.

tumblr_nua89knsrZ1squnkco1_250.gif Please don't hate me.

Well...back to the story.Our Kookie and So Hyun? Whaaaaaaaat...? 

tumblr_inline_ntrhd6YASh1txiq3t_500.gif Aren't they cute?

 I just didn't want to leave any of our girls lonely.Who knows? Maybe uri So Hyun won't end up alone.

tumblr_inline_o0714zLpls1s3e49f_500.gif Buahahahaha...*evil laugh*

Anyways...I hope you enjoyed that really lame chapter.
Please subscribe,upvote because it helps me and leave me some of your comments if you want.Pretty please.^^

tumblr_nz0mr7KA1X1uoud1io1_500.gif You.Yeah you.See ya next time.^^

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namjoon97 #1
Chapter 26: You know what? I wait for a month for you to update this story.. but suddenly you said you want to quit.. you know, I'm so sad... Because for me this story amazing.. I just want to know what will happen to suga.. but I guess.. I will never know the ending.. and what happen to suga and yong rim.. hermmm.. but it's okay.. good luck in your school. And thank you for the story..
Poisonberry7 #2
Chapter 26: It's ok! Good luck in school and thanks for the story.
Poisonberry7 #3
Chapter 24: Poor Yong Rim.
Chapter 23: This is nice, author-nim. Courious with the next chapter. Take your time and keep up the good work!! Fighting!! (^•^)9
Poisonberry7 #5
Chapter 23: Update soon!!! And you're not a loser.
namjoon97 #6
Chapter 22: Hahahaha update soon please ~~ ^^
Poisonberry7 #7
Chapter 22: Thank you for the update!!!!
Poisonberry7 #8
Chapter 21: Update soon!
Chapter 13: Dude do you know how my heart just fluttered when i saw written "ANNYEONG! HOW ARE YOU xxmi-suk ? "
<3 teahyung <3
Poisonberry7 #10
Chapter 13: 안녕 친구! I'm doing awesome and this story is very interesting!