Chapter 6

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Kris, Sora, Luhan, and Chen were hiding behind a few bushes a couple of meters away from the building. They stared at the scene in front of them. An army was surrounding all perimeters of the government building. A group of soldiers were trying to break into the gate with gigantic logs held up by about 10 people each.    ", what do we do about that?" Chen asked and pointed ahead.    "Being irrational and advancing carelessly would be too dangerous with a group that large," Kris stated. "We need to infiltrate the building first and attack from there. I'm the only one here with a gun so I can shoot from the inside. I'll be taking Chen with me to back me up." Kris says while the four are huddled in a small circle. He then looks directly at Luhan and Sora, "You two. We'll need a distraction and you're both strong enough to handle that army."   Understanding what Kris was implying, the two nodded their heads in agreement.    Kris held his rifle, Pumpkin, closely to his chest. He made a gesture to Chen with the slight tilt of his head and they both ran off in the same direction.    Sora and Luhan were left crouching down behind the bushes. Sora glances at Luhan and the male starts planning their strategy.    "We should split up. You attack from one side and I'll do the other." He commands while pointing to the areas in which they would be covering.    "Fair enough." Sora agrees without much thought. They both stand up and wait for the right time to start running towards the army.    Sora is the first one to initiate the attack. She sprints towards the group and stands about 20 metres away.    "Hey s!" She yells, hoping to get their attention. A few soldiers turn their heads to look at Sora but some are still focused on breaching the government building.    The army sees her as a threat and begin to fire at her with guns. Some even charge over with swords. Sora dodges the bullets and takes the chance to conjure fragments of sharp icicles and send them flying towards her enemies. Many soldiers are pierced by the ice and fall to the ground but some manage to deflect it and keep charging forward. Sora creates two large shards of ice as long as swords. She begins to use them as daggers and put her combat skills to work.    On the other hand, Luhan is doing just as well as Sora. He managed to kill almost half of the army in the area he was covering. It took a lot of strength but he was still holding up rather well.    Luhan could feel his breaths becoming shorter and makes a quick sprint to a few barrels and crouched down to hide behind them. He takes a minute to regain some energy and thinks of a plan. Remembering that his Imperial Arms also had the power to turn him invisible, he thought he'd use it to his advantage.    Still crouching, Luhan enables the suit's invisibility and stands up. He could tell that no one was aware of him when he saw a few soldiers trying to search for him.    Luhan snuck up behind an unsuspecting soldier with his sword in hand and pierced his back. The man fell down with a thud and his other accomplices seem to notice as they rush over. Luhan takes the chance to eliminate 5 of the men while they're off guard.    Staying invisible seeme
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Chapter 3: y didnt u include xiumin luhan and tao :'( criessss***
Chapter 4: lel love how dey dun noe wut cell fones r
Chapter 3: lululu pumpkin im sorry but the name is funny and btw for chapter 2 - slender man does not have a mouthhhh
CinaLee #4
So exciting! Can't wait for the next chap ^^
Chapter 1: Oh! And I really like your poster by the way! It looks very nice.
Chapter 1: Sounds pretty interesting so far! I'll be looking forward to your story.