Chapter 4

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As the sky darkened and the night drew closer, the members felt fatigue overcome them. Everyone started heading upstairs to their separate rooms to rest but there was one little problem.    "Uhh, Suho.... Where is Sora's room supposed to be?" Lay asked as he was heading upstairs but stopped in his tracks when he remembered. After hearing the question, Suho's eyes grew wide. He clearly didn't think this through. "Oh, her room? Umm... she can sleep in...uhh..." Suho trailed off while biting his nails in a worried state.    Overhearing her name, Sora joined the conversation. "Is someone talking about me?" She asked with eyebrows raised. "We're just trying to figure out which room you'll be resting in." Suho told Sora. "Oh. Well if there's no room then I can just sleep on the couch or something." Sora said. She didn't care much about where she slept, as long as no one disturbed her while she rested she would be fine.    "No, you don't have to! It'll probably be uncomfortable. Here, why don't you take the bed in my room and I'll just stay in the tech room. I'm there pretty much 24/7 anyway." Lay told Sora with a smile. She didn't mind and simply nodded. "Yeah but doesn't Luhan room with you?" Suho asked and Sora budded into the conversation again, "I don't care if I have to share rooms with someone, it's not like it's a big deal or anything."    "Good, so it's settled," Lay clapped his hands together and yelled from the bottom of the stairs, "LUHAN! SORA'S YOUR NEW ROOMMATE!" Then he turned to Sora to tell her which room he used to occupy, "The room's upstairs, the second one to your left." With that, Lay walked to the tech room where he would be staying until they found an alternative. Suho wasn't very fond of the idea of Sora sharing a room but it'll do for now so he patted Sora on the back and made his way to his own room.    "Okay then," Sora said to herself as she also made her way upstairs trailing behind Suho. Once she arrived at the top of the stairs, she began mumbling to herself Second to the left, second to the left... Found it! She opened the door and was gr
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Chapter 3: y didnt u include xiumin luhan and tao :'( criessss***
Chapter 4: lel love how dey dun noe wut cell fones r
Chapter 3: lululu pumpkin im sorry but the name is funny and btw for chapter 2 - slender man does not have a mouthhhh
CinaLee #4
So exciting! Can't wait for the next chap ^^
Chapter 1: Oh! And I really like your poster by the way! It looks very nice.
Chapter 1: Sounds pretty interesting so far! I'll be looking forward to your story.