Chapter #1: News in America.


3rd person P.O.V


“AHHHHHHHH………Jade! This is so ajkltgrsnhfbvpqka!!!!!!”  A girl in striped pajamas and a knit hat on her head shouted while banging on a gold door adorned with red sticker embroidery. The door eventually opened and the girl’s hand went straight into thin air but no one is in sight…

“Yah! Jade where are you? Scary style doesn’t suite you!” A hint of corcern in her voice.

“I’m here, you ben-dan.” Another girl in ancient Chinese pajamas sat behind the door hugging her knees, still half asleep.

“What are you doing there?” ‘Ben-dan’ girl asked with her arm crossed.

“I know will not stop pounding the door unless it opens. IF I was standing behind the door, your fist would end up at my nose right? I LEARNT my lesson, Mi Tae Lin “Jade answered matter-of-fact-ly, waving her right index finger while talking.

“Who cares? We had been accepted!! We are going to KOREA, to STARSHIP ENTERTAINMENT!”  TaeLin waved her hands about and tackle hugged Jade. Jade just pushed her arms away FORCEFULLY and head out of the room.

Jade walked to the bathroom across her room, and splashed her face with cold pipe water. She scrubbed her face with some facial cream. Then, she washed off the foam on her face.


Jade’s P.O.V

“Oh my! Tae Lin is such a brat, barging into my room without knocking.” I talk to myself in my mind. ”She keeps on blabbering about Korea, some Korean company, some things about dance competition…bla…bla…bla” 

I scrubbed on some cream and freshened up my face and rub the sleep off my eyes.  Just as suddenly, IT all fell into place, OUR DANCE COVER MADE IT! Omona! I’m soooo happy! Why I hadn’t known earlier? Oh My *to be ignored incoherent words*,.

I ran out the bathroom tackling TaeLin on the floor, sitting on her midsection, I shoute,

“Mi Tae Lin! Areyousurethisisn’tanAprilfooljoke? Todayis1st ofAprilright? Right? Right?”  I asked TaeLin, only stopping to take a deep breath at the end.

“Woah, hold your horses, Missy. It’s seriously not a joke. See for yourself.” TaeLin said as she shoved a letter with our address into my face. I blinked and snatched the paper from her.

“Congratulations, you’re dance cover have been accepted. You will fly to Korea in two weeks. Plane tickets and other expenses are included in this mail. For More information please dail xxx-xxxx-xxxx or log on to

Have a nice day, Jade Yora Jang and Mi Tae Lin.


XXX, Secetary.” I read the letter out loud, as soon as I finished, I saw…no one. Where is TaeLin? Maybe she’s already at the phone or at the internet or maybe both. Well, it really went well right?

*Flashback 3 months ago*

“ Jade! Look at this!” TaeLin shouted running towards me, waving a piece of paper. I am waiting for her at the school gates, wearing a modern hanbok with jeans, Jee, this hanbok sure is cozy I don’t even need to wear a coat!

“ What is that?” I asked when she is close enough. We huddled together and read the whole thing from top to bottom. It was the Starship entertainment dance cover challenge. I saw determination flashed across TaeLin’s eyes, well it seems like we are entering no matter what……

*Flashback 2 months ago*

We’re sitting on the practice room’s floor, in the school ballet room. We um…sort of borrowed it. (^^).

“TaeLin are you sure about this? I mean there are only two of us dancing to a group dance and one of us having to rap. You sure we can make it?” I asked warily. It’s true we have been practicing our dance moves and lyrics for almost 4 weeks straight, but won’t it be logic for 2 people to dance to a song that 6 people is supposed to dance?

“Have faith in me as well as yourself. And no worries about , I’ve got it covered, you’ll do the singing only. Trust me.” TaeLin said grinning at me even though she is panting from the dance practice. She is really unstoppable……

*Back to present*

Thinking back, TaeLin is the one who cause us to win……by her spirits…….she really is anamazing character in my life…….


A’s Note: Ta-dang , first chapter is up! The story will go like this. One individual intro chapter after the profiles, ok? Now what you think about this fanfic so far? Vote, Vote! (^^) As usual, comment are celebrated and subscriptions are welcomed warmly! *bows and goes to back stage*


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first, it's l.joe. now it's ricky. oh yeah! teen top yeah. :D

and hooking girls? oooh. xD anyways, nice character:D
Uwaaah, there's lots of characters! And yours seems pretty hot. Even though she's a girl xD Sorry I haven't been commenting lately. D: Author-nim hwaiting! :D
--nerdyexotic #3
^^ there are a lot of characters now~!
cyworld buddies, aja! xD

oh. so she's l.joe's sis? NICE! :D
Wah, so many characters. :O
articuno #6
@Piikuhh: Ah~ kamsahamnida!! *hugs*
@Kairi_Rose: more girl will be coming soon....
I like how this is going. And, what I like more is that you're updating unlike many apply fics. :) Articuno hwaiting~
articuno #8
ok, i understand...but pls keep me informed from time to time. if there is something you need to ask me just ask, i don't want someone to be lost ok? ^^ i don't bite articuno seldom bites.^^
do comment sometimes so i know you guys received my updates. its so lonely......sometimes
well, i'm thinking of something now. i'm would just like to get the opinions of my groupmates. once we've talked about it thoroughly, we will definitely tell you immediately. sorry for not being active or something. please wait for us. thank you. kamsamnida.(‐^▽^‐)