Chapter #3: Go, go Cyworld buddies!



Hye Jin P.O.V

*3 month ago*

“New message from S.Hee:

 Unnie, come join me and Hyun Ae unnie for the Starship competition!! Ppali!

Posted 6 minutes.”


                Aish, this girl. What’s she’s up to now? Oh wait, there’s a link.

“Starship Entertainment: Boyfriend “Don’t Touch My Girl” Dance Cover Contest…bla...bla…bla” What? A dance contest? You serious? I have two left feet and two right feet. Doesn’t that make me an insect?


“New message from Hyun:

Just accept it, or not Sun Hee will be very sad. And after all nothing can beat The E.Jin right?

1 minute ago.”


…Now my two best friend on Cyworld is forcing me into this? Fine then.

“Reply to Hyun:

Ok, I’m not Neil Armstrong for nothing.




“New message from Hyun:

You are not Neil Armstrong. You have more talent than him, besides he’s not going anywhere near Starship Entertainment..

1 minute ago.”


“Reply to Hyun:

No matter what, I still have to get into this right?




“New message from Hyun:

Yup, absolutely 100% right! J

1 minute ago.”



“New message from S.Hee:

Are you still there? I’m crying if you don’t go! L

1 minute ago.”


Just great…I can’t get out…and I have to dance…

My conclusion:

“Reply to Hyun /S.Hee:

NO! I might as well end up in the hospital with cement from head to toe.




“New message from S.Hee:

I don’t care, we meet at the park near your house in four days. And please send me your address.



“New message from Hyun:

Do as she says or I lose 230 visitors on my page. *inserts puppy face*

1 minute ago.”


What? Four days? Fine, for the sake of the anonymous visitors, and because I am such a soft hearted person.

“Jin, go for it. Your mother would like to see you at least trying to accomplish her last dream, being famous.” Appa’s voice rang out behind me, right behind me. He was leaning on my door frame since when? Oh! He has ninja powers!

“But, appa. You know I can’t dance…” Aegyo super power unleashed! I whined.

“Never know if you don’t try!” He beamed at me and left me dumbfounded and hanging halfway with my mouth open.

Life just gets “better” for me.

3rd person P.O.V

*four days after the previous P.O.V*  (A: Confusing?)

A mob of blonde hair seems to bounce along the street if you see it from a treetop. Well, it is bouncing; at least the owner of the head is bouncing with the body too. SunHee skipped around the neighbor from street to street looking at a piece of scribbled on paper from time to time.

“Why is her house so difficult to find?” SunHee sighed in frustration. She had been walking around for almost an hour but Hye Jin’s house is not in sight.

“Maybe I should ask for directions…” She looked around for a house. Just across a street there is a house with blue roof and blue door. And most important is that the windows are open and there is some activity going inside the house.

She straightens up her shirt and patted dust off her . Looking left and right before crossing the street to the house.

Meanwhile inside the house, HyeJin is hyperventilating. She glanced down for her bedroom on the second floor of her house and saw someone who she recognized easily--- Bae SunHee. She looked as she walked across the street towards her house.

“Omo, Omo, Omo! What I do now? Appa is downstairs and….” HyeJin started a calculation a little too late because her doorbell rang before she could sum up a conclusion. She dashed to her bed and hid under the covers.

*Ring Dong*

“Annyeong Haesyo. Sorry to interrupt you sir. I want to asked directions to this address.”  SunHee struggled with her formal Korean speaking a little.

                “Yeah sure, why not? Let me see. Oh, this is the address you are finding!” Mr Kang exclaimed after taking a look at the scribbled paper.

                “ Ah is that so? May I ask for E.Jin? no no no it’s Kang HyeJin.” SunHee smiled widely revealing her set of pearl white teeth.

                “ Ok, I’ll call her wait a sec.” Mr Kang closed the door and went inside to look for HyeJin.

                SunHee tapped her shoe on the floor wiping beads of sweat sliding down from her forehead. Her face is decorated with a contented smile but it turned into an evil grin afterwards.

                “It might be fun to see HyeJin unnie dance since she said she can’t dance. Let’s see hoe to torture her.*thinker pose*.” SunHee thought silently giggling inside her heart. Suddenly, a presence made her turned back. hanged open like an open trapdoor. The person held out her hand and pushed SunHee’s mouth back up. She winked.

                “Hi, HyunAe  Unnie and this evil bear who forced me into this sh*t.” Hye Jin appeared at the door with a rather long face.

“Don’t be rude with your friends, k? They can stay over. I need to go to the hotel branch at Jeju island for 1 whole week, there is some management problem there. Sorry to leave you here this time but since your friends are here, I’m sure you’ll have a good time. Call me if there is anything happens, ok? Bye, honey.” Mr Kang appeared at the stairs with a suitcase. His car glided out from the car park towards the highway.

HyeJin’s jaw fell to the ground as she watches her father just left her with her so called friends. HyunAe and SunHee hi-fived each other and smirked. HyeJin’s eyes widened in horror as they said one thing…

“Let’s see how bad your dancing is.”

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first, it's l.joe. now it's ricky. oh yeah! teen top yeah. :D

and hooking girls? oooh. xD anyways, nice character:D
Uwaaah, there's lots of characters! And yours seems pretty hot. Even though she's a girl xD Sorry I haven't been commenting lately. D: Author-nim hwaiting! :D
--nerdyexotic #3
^^ there are a lot of characters now~!
cyworld buddies, aja! xD

oh. so she's l.joe's sis? NICE! :D
Wah, so many characters. :O
articuno #6
@Piikuhh: Ah~ kamsahamnida!! *hugs*
@Kairi_Rose: more girl will be coming soon....
I like how this is going. And, what I like more is that you're updating unlike many apply fics. :) Articuno hwaiting~
articuno #8
ok, i understand...but pls keep me informed from time to time. if there is something you need to ask me just ask, i don't want someone to be lost ok? ^^ i don't bite articuno seldom bites.^^
do comment sometimes so i know you guys received my updates. its so lonely......sometimes
well, i'm thinking of something now. i'm would just like to get the opinions of my groupmates. once we've talked about it thoroughly, we will definitely tell you immediately. sorry for not being active or something. please wait for us. thank you. kamsamnida.(‐^▽^‐)