That dream

~Being loved again~
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Four of them enjoy spending time together doing the shopping for dry and wet ingredient.


 S- “Omma I want to play at the playground. Please~~~ Can I??” (Showing aegyo)

M- “ ok2. But play carefully ok. Jongin ah can you please watch over your brother. I will wait for you and Sehun here ok.”

JG- “ Deh omma. Let’s go Sehunnie”

M- “wait.” (stopping both of the boys) “Sehun listen to your hyung ok. Stay close to him ok. I wait for you here ok.”

S- “ deh omma. Kaja hyung”


Sehun and Jongin play happily at the playground living their umma alone. Luhan went to the toilet. After a while he is back to Minseok side.


L- “ Minseok ah. There is some food exhibition at the other site. Let’s go there. I heard that there is free food as well. Let’s go please~~~ I’m hungry. I haven’t had my breakfast yet”

M- “aigoo… Luhan what did I say about skipping meal? Arasso but let me tell the kids first”


Minseok go and tell the kids. Because of their close friendship, Luhan naturally initiate skinship by intertwining his hand with Minseok hand. They walk from one food stall to the other food stall testing the food.


L- “Seok ah. It’s mandoo. Come on.” (pulling Minseok to the next stall).

M- “ luhan. Slow down you are going to trip me down”.

L- (Eating the mandoo greedily). “ wah….wah…. seok ah. This mandoo is so tasty. Come here eat this.” (Feeding Minseok with the mandoo)

M- “ han ah…. Hahahah…. You should see your mouth. It’s so grimy.” (wiping the sauce at the corner of luhan mouth with the back of his hand).


Without their attention, the staff at the food stall is watching them.


Staff- “ aigoo look at this couple. It must feel great to be with someone you love on Thanksgiving Day. Yup please continue what you are doing. Just ignore my presence.”

Minseok and Luhan realized that their hand is still intertwined. They let go of their hand and try to avoid at each other eye.

M- “ let’s go Luhan the kids are waiting.” (walk away leaving luhan alone)

L- “ But Minseok there are some other food I want to try”

M- “ Come on Luhan, we still have other things to do. “


Minseok continue walking. Luhan grabs another mandoo before leaving the stall. Suddenly, a pregnant man around his age touches his shoulder.


Baekhyun- “ Jaekyung?. I am right. ( hugging Luhan) Wah….it’s been long time. It’s me baekhyun.

L- (stunned and frowning) “Baekhyun??”

Baekhyun- “ I know I look difference . well it’s pregnant charm man. I saw you with Minseok just now”

L- “Minseok ?.... oh yes… but I don’t know…”

Baekhyun- “Wah…. Daebak… you guys are the best… I mean both of you are still together. I know that those rumors about you two breaking up is false. Please you two. Just get married k. Wah…. I really want to talk to Minseok.”

L- “what??...”

Chanyeol- “ Baekie…. I was looking for you. You suddenly just disappear”

Baekhyun- “ oh chagy…. Sorry…. I was in hurry to catch my friend here. Yeolie this is Jaekyung and Jaekyung this is my husband.

Chanyeol- “ your friend?”

Baekhyun- “yes my high school mates”

Chanyeol- “ Chagy. It’s already 12. I’m sorry Jaekyung. But we have movie to watch”

Baekhyun- “ oh right…. I’m sorry Jaekyung I have to go. This is my card. Just give me a call if you guys want to hang out together. Send my regards to Minseok k.”


With that baekhyun and chanyeol leave Luhan in question. Luhan make a note to himself to ask Minseok later about Baekhyun and Jaekyung. Luhan returns to Minseok. After finishing all the shopping, they all go back to Minseok’s house and start preparing for the food. Back at the house, Sehun is washing the lettuce for the grill meat, Jongin is mixing the ingredient for Korean pancake and Minseok is stuff in the Mandoo filling onto the mandoo skin together with Luhan.


M- “ Jonginie. How is everything with the pancake?”

JG- “I’m mixing it well. I hope that it turn out to be good. I mean this is my first time making it.”

M- “Don’t worry Jongin you are doing a good job. Sehunnie you are so silent. Did you make any mess?”

S- (whining) “Omma…. I’m not. I almost finish here. I just want to transfer all the lettuce into the container. I’ll be helping you in minute.

M- “ hahaha…. I’m just joking sehunnie. Aigoo good boy”

L- “ Minseok ah, You trained your boys well. They are so helpful.”

M- ( flipping his hair). “ehem2… well you know me. Hahahah”

L- “ minseok… you know how to joke now huh? Well you are messing with the wrong guy”  (start staining minseok face with the flour and then runaway)

M- “ LUHAN!!!! What are you doing. Come here” (start to chase Luhan all around the house)

L- “Come and catch me if you can. Shortie” (showing a tongue out)

M- “What??? Shortie??? Well  just 5cm shorter. Come here Luhan.”

L- “ you cannot catch me……try and catch me baozi”


S, JG- “ Omma!! Luhan ahjushi look at the mess you made. The flour is everywhere”


The two adult stop what they are doing at the moment and check on the floor.


M- “ Luhan let’s stop now. Let just continue our work.”

Minseok return to continue filling the mandoo skin with angry face. Silence fills the room. Luhan is panicking. He know that Minseok is mad with him at the moment. He go to the kids to ask what should he do so that Minseok is not mad at him anymore.

L- “ Sehun ah , Jongin ah. What should I do? Seems like your omma is mad at me.”

S- “ make him laugh ahjushi”

JG-  “yes. make him laugh. Don’t worry ahjushi. It won’t last long. FIGHTING”


Luhan slowly make his way to Minseok.


L- "Minseok.... Your face.... It look like baozi"

M- "what?"

L- "baozi... Especially when you are pouting like that. So round. Plus with the flour all over your face. Round and white like baozi like steamed bun."

M- (bowing his head down before bursting out laughing)

L- "hahaha... Ok are we ok now?"

M- "not until you clean all this mess afterward"

L- "deh. Ok now let’s continue what we are making."

M- "ok. But wait Luhan. I think you better cut the vegetables. I don't want you to keep playing with flour. Plus look at the mandoo that you make. It look so terible. I think sehun and jongin are better in making mandoo"

L- (whining) " oh.... You know how bad it is for me in using knife"

M- (rounded his eyes) "luhan!!!"

L- "ok2 I do it."


Luhan bring the vegetables to cut to the table to join Minseok and the boys.


L- "seok ah.... You know what... At the mall after you left me at the food stall, I met with your friend. What his name... Bae... Bacon??....Baekhyun???.... Yes baekhyun."

M-"Baekhyun???.... Oh baekhyun.... Really? Yes he is my high school friend. I did not know that he live in this town. But how did you know him?"

 L- "well he come to me and call me J..... Ouch ..... Argh.... I cut my finger"

JG- "ahjushi your hand is bleeding"

M- "Luhan!!! Why you not looking when you are cutting!! Ya kenchana??? Otteoke2"

L- "minseok. Is not like I'm dying. Do you have any emergency box"

S- "yes we have. Let me get it"


Luhan go to the sink and wash his wound. As the dr. He treated his wound by himself.


M- "luhan come here. Let me put the bandage on"

L- " no it’s okay . I can do it myself"

M-" luhan no." (he grab the bandage away from luhan hand and put the bandage on the wounded finger)

M- "let not cut the vegetables ok. I can do it. I don't want you to hurt yourself more. I shouldn't have let you use the knife in the first place."

L- "it’s ok minseok I can still use the knife. I be more carefull this time."

M- "no luhan please don't be stubborn ok."

L- "deh omma"


 With that incident, both minseok and luhan totally forgoten about what they talked earlier. They continue preparing. After all the food are served on the table they start to dig in.

At the dining table

JG-" wah it smell so good. Can't wait to eat"

 S- "omma thank you for the food I will eat it well"

JG- "me too. Thank omma."

M-"ok2 lets eat."


While they are eating


L- "Minseok ah.... This dish... It’s a chinese dish. How do

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jennifer_yuki #1
Chapter 28: I think luhan and vic should work togther to break their engagement. minseok and luhan go back to korea, yixing taking care the company, maybe some fanxing going on so yifan would still being the lu's company investor.

Thank you for update. I really like this story. :)
meiosei #2
Chapter 28: next chapter will be like luhan&victoria discuss about their wedding again.. and I don't know if minseok will stayed at China for how long and I don't know what will happen again, maybe luhan mum will broke his feeling again? or else? and give us story about sehun&jongin, are they did missed their mum, didn't they?
keep spirit :)
exo_luhan363 #3
Chapter 27: When r u going to update pls update I really like ur story
Chapter 27: Please, dear author, do whatever you can, to make things right....They deserve a happy life and neverending love for each other!!!!! But I believe in you and Xiuhans happy end. Maybe you can write a happy end for Jongdae and Yixing too??? And , by the way, I really HATE Luhans mother......
piecesofsnow #5
Chapter 27: he's not gonna kill himself right ?right?
xm_exofan #6
Chapter 27: I feel really bad for luhan :'(
Why can't he just have what he wants :'(
TAOxoxoHUN #7
Chapter 27: I do ship XiuHan really hard and I almost cry when I found your fic. I read the first chapter and found it good but then the second chapter upset me a lot

Why use the dialogue style? It felt weird :( i look at your lastest chaptet wish the style would change but it is not :( so dissapointing for me

Im sorry if my words sound harsh or annoy you, I just state my feel since i really enjoy ur first chapter u,u