Spending time with you

~Being loved again~
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Today is Sunday. Luhan has a free day. Being a newbie to Korea, he has no boyfriends to hang out with. He figures that visiting Minseok and the boys for hangout will be a good plan to occupied himself. He rides the bus to Minseok's house. He noticed that Minseok is on his way to ride a bus from other line. He hurries himself to go and say hello to Minseok.

L- (waving to minseok while running to minseok's spot) "minseok ah!!! Where are u going"

M- (suprise to meet luhan) "luhan??  I'm going for groceries shopping. (The driver honk the bus so that minseok can get on the bus) "oh chakaman ahjushi. I'm goin in. Luhan ah sorry I have to get going I need to get this bus. Biyane" (walking his way onto the bus, feeling sorry for luhan).

Luhan is clueless, he follows minseok and get on the bus. He seats on the seat beside to minseok.

M-(with round eyes on luhan) "luhan ah.... Why are you  on the bus with me??"

L-(ruffling his hair, laughing) "hmm...hmmm I don't know myself. I just follow you. Hope u don't mind"

M- "luhan. You better drop off at the next stop and just take the bus to go back"

 L- "Why would I.  Actually my plan is to hangout with u. Minseok ah let me go with u to the market. Please~~~"

M- "luhan.  I'm just going to the market. U will get bored"

L- “it’s ok. Plus, I want to get to know the town better. I can do some groceries shopping as well since the only thing I have in my kitchen is a pot and a packet of ramyun. Hehe"

 M-" ok2. I'll try my best to be your tour guide."

L- (smiling brightly). "ok2. By the way, where is jongin and sehun?"

M- "oh. Sehun is with jongin at the orphanage home. Whenever I go to the market I always let him play with jongin there so that he won't disturbs  me with my shopping."

L-"great. Two of us. Buddy time."

They talk all along the journey in the market. Throughout the conversation, Minseok plays a good job as a tour guide. Luhan took this opportunity to try to get to know minseok more. They manage to drop the formality. After about an hour, they reach the market. Minseok guides their way with luhan staying close to minseok side. Luhan find that minseok friendly attitude toward the ahjushi and ahjumma is cute. When buyying the ingredients, minseok would look after the freshness over the price. This proves that minseok is very generous with his bussiness. Not only that, minseok will give his hot bun to the groceries seller whenever he buys something from them. Luhan thinks that minseok is an angel.


At the fish shop

M- (holding an alive fish, hiding it behind his back trying to suprise luhan) "luhan ah.... I have a suprise for  you. I think you are going to like it." (evil smile)

L-"jongmal?? What is....(screaming and hiding at the corner when minseok shove the fish at luhan face) “Arghhhh  arghhhh get that away from me. Jebal2"

M- (couldn't bare with the funny sight of luhan. He covers his face and let out a loud laugh). "luhan.... Hahaha... Luhan.... Ouh my tummy hurt.... Hahaha... U r so funny... Hahaha"

L- (he like the sight of minseok lauhing he finds it beautiful. He promise that he will make minseok smile more. However he has made a plan for revenge. pouting) " ya.... Minseok ah... u scares me... That fish is alive"

M- (not finish laughing yet) "I don't know that u will scared that much. It’s  just a fish. Aigoo luhan you are so funny"

L -(continue with his acting. Trying to talk in chinese so that  minseok will look like luhan is mad at himself. He walk away from minseok)

M- (noticing that luhan is mad at him. He walks slowly to luhan to try to appologise) "luhan ah.... I.... Just want to suprise u.... I ...I don't know that u will be scared... Biyane chinguya.... Dun be upset"

L-( hiding his face from minseok, he keep silence before he speaks) "I dun like people doing this to me... especially if my friend doing it" (trying to hold his laugh)

M- (grabbing luhan arm hessitantly) "luhan ah... I'm really sorry... I promise u I'm never going to do that again.... Please... Forgive me... I... I promise I do anything that u want."

 L- (laughing) "kekeke. That is actually what I want to hear. Ok how about u come my house to cook me some side dish for my storage. I'm sick of eating ramyun for dinner. Deal chinguya."

M- (speechless over luhan playfullnes, pouting and nagging) "booya. .. Ya luhan.. U r playing with me.... I thought u r mad.... U trick me..."

 L- (laughing while ruffling minseok hair) " yes I am mad... a bit... hahahah minseok... U should see ur face when you r appologising.... I should have record it on my phone"

M- ( continue nagging) "ya luhan... U scared me to death"

 L-" haha it really fun to tease u... Wait... R u scared of loosing me??? Auww minseok that is so touching"

M- "what?? Aniya.... I'm just ..."

L- "see.... Just admit it minseok... Dun worry I won't leave ur side"

M- "aniyaragu....(clenching his fist) aniya3x"

 L- "aigoo kiyeopta (pinching minseok cheek) now you're acting like a kid."

M- " I say no... I'm not a kid"

Both of them continue fighting for about couple of minute. Luhan who find the sight of annoyed minseok cute continue teasing him. After couple of moment minseok give up. He just let luhan . Today he finds  that luhan has a playfull sight of him that he wish he wouldn't has to encounter again. The fish ahjushi who is watching their drama, start talking chinese to  luhan. They are looking at minseok while laughing before they end their conversation. Luhan then go to minseok.

 M- "ya luhan... Are u talking about funny thing about me with the ahjushi. I dun understand chinese but I can see that you are talking about me"

L- "aniya... That ahjushi just think that u look younger  than ur age." he thinks that I'm messing with high school kid... See ur a kid"

 M-" arghhh... Luhan stop it. Keman... Ok let just continue shopping"

L- (laughing while putting his arm on minseok shoulder) "ok2 I stop... Ok let's buy something for the side dish. I'm thinking of eating..."

 M- (freeing himself from luhan) "chakaman... What side dish??"

 L- "u said u do anything so that I can forgive u. So I want u to cook me side dish at my house. Trust me the last time I cook, I manage to bring the ambulance to my house. so why dunt you do me a favor of cooking for ur chingu."

M- " luhan... you sure has a playful brain. You trick me and now I have to cook for u???"

L- "maybe... But minseok it is really bad not to keep ur promise. Please I dunt want to eat ramyun anymore. Please"

M- "ok find!!! Let just cook the dish at my house. U don't have any cookin utensil anyway. Plus I dun want to leave my kids at the orphanage home for too long"

L- "ok great. Deal!! Ur house next... Minseok~~"

M- "what's more luhan??"

L- "peguppa. I haven't had my breakfast yet. Can we go and

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jennifer_yuki #1
Chapter 28: I think luhan and vic should work togther to break their engagement. minseok and luhan go back to korea, yixing taking care the company, maybe some fanxing going on so yifan would still being the lu's company investor.

Thank you for update. I really like this story. :)
meiosei #2
Chapter 28: next chapter will be like luhan&victoria discuss about their wedding again.. and I don't know if minseok will stayed at China for how long and I don't know what will happen again, maybe luhan mum will broke his feeling again? or else? and give us story about sehun&jongin, are they did missed their mum, didn't they?
keep spirit :)
exo_luhan363 #3
Chapter 27: When r u going to update pls update I really like ur story
Chapter 27: Please, dear author, do whatever you can, to make things right....They deserve a happy life and neverending love for each other!!!!! But I believe in you and Xiuhans happy end. Maybe you can write a happy end for Jongdae and Yixing too??? And , by the way, I really HATE Luhans mother......
piecesofsnow #5
Chapter 27: he's not gonna kill himself right ?right?
xm_exofan #6
Chapter 27: I feel really bad for luhan :'(
Why can't he just have what he wants :'(
TAOxoxoHUN #7
Chapter 27: I do ship XiuHan really hard and I almost cry when I found your fic. I read the first chapter and found it good but then the second chapter upset me a lot

Why use the dialogue style? It felt weird :( i look at your lastest chaptet wish the style would change but it is not :( so dissapointing for me

Im sorry if my words sound harsh or annoy you, I just state my feel since i really enjoy ur first chapter u,u