Cry Wolf chpt: 5

Cry Wolf ***( HIATUS)***

~|present time|~

Waking up to the chiming of the old grandfather clock in the room, Kyungsoo blinked repeatedly before rubbing them. After rubbing his eyes, Kyungsoo looked at the clock. 12:30... Kyungsoo's eyes widened slightly however, because of what he was, he'd gotten more used to waking up late especially after a transformation. Turning his head, he saw his phone on the dresser drawer that he'd placed next to his bed when he'd moved into the house. Reaching for his phone he held it up above his face, sliding his finger across the screen, turning it on. He checked the date on the calender in his phone.


It had been three days since the transformation. "Had I really slept for three days straight?" He asked himself out loud. Placing the phone back on the dresser, Kyungsoo slid out of his bed and stood by the side. Smiling as he looked down at his feet, he took a couple of steps before stopping again, waiting to see if his feet would give out or not. Smiling widely as he continued to stand, Kyungsoo looked around the room before he began walking to one of the other dressers in the room, pulling out some clothes from one of the drawers and putting them on.


Pulling a pair of black jeans on, he zipped them before grabbing the black t shirt he'd pulled out from the drawer and put it on. As he looked at himself in the mirror, he realized his eyes were still strange. "Haven't they changed back yet? Shouldn't they have already looked normal?" He looked more closely at his eyes, still a slim shade of gold, he knew he'd have to put on glasses if he went anywhere. Still getting dressed, he decided he'd go into town to check and see if anything important had happened within the last couple of days.

As he walked out of the room, he stopped, turning around, he walked back into the room, to the side of his bed and grabbed his phone off the dresser before heading back out.

Walking down the sidewalk, Kyungsoo continued to ignore the glances and stares that people gave to him. Even though he'd lived here for a month and was relatively friendly to the locals of the small city, they were still skeptical of him.


He pick up his pace as an uneasy feeling sent shivers down his spine. Feeling a particular pair of eyes watching him, he could guess who it was that was causing him to feel this way.


Kyungsoo could hear footsteps approach him from behind. Once the stranger was close enough to Kyungsoo he slowed his pace, keeping up with Kyungsoo.

Trying hard not to look back, Kyungsoo fought the overwhelming sensation to look behind him by entering the building beside him. Having not looked to see what building he was entering, Kyungsoo looked up, surprised by the sudden smell of food that swarmed around him, finding himself in a small restaurant. "Hello, just you or are you waiting for someone?" The waitress asked Kyungsoo as she grabbed a couple of menus. "Ju...." "two of us" a voice told the waitress, interrupting Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo's face screwed into a look of disgust, confusion and fright, as they waitress smiled at them and asked them to follow her.

Setting the menus down on a table, the waitress turned to them, waited for them to sit down, then asked if they'd like anything to drink. Kyungsoo was finally able to see who'd been following him.


Ordering their drinks, the waitress walked off, "Kris" Kyungsoo almost growled as the other male looked at him. "Who are you exactly Kyungsoo?" Kris asked, crossing his arms and leaning on them as he placed them on the table. Confused about Kris' question Kyungsoo stuttered before realizing he only had one answer to it, "I...Um... am the same person as I always have been. You know who I am". Kris was unimpressed with Kyungsoo's answer.

Waiting for the waitress to finish handing them their drinks, Kris watched as she walked away before leaning closer to Kyungsoo and hissed "I know that. I just wanted to see if you'd actually answer it again." The evil smile that formed on Kris' face frightened Kyungsoo. He knew Kris wanted something from him, the only time Kris or his clan members talked to Kyungsoo was when they wanted something. "What do you want now Kris?" Kyungsoo mustered the courage to ask. Kris frowned as he looked at his drink, stirring it with the tip of his finger. Looking back up to Kyungsoo, he smirked, "you know what I want. It's the same offer as the last time... But keep in mind and remember, each time I offer you and you refuse, my clan will become more hostile with you and soon, this offer will expire."


Kyungsoo was expressionless as he listened to Kris "and you know what'll happen if that happens" Kris snarled.

Gulping hard, Kyungsoo fought to remain expressionless. "If I continue to refuse your clan will become more hostile with me and if I refuse by the time the offer expires and don't become part of your clan something bad will happen to me" Kyungsoo replied. Smirking, Kris leaned back in his seat, "yes." Kyungsoo wanted to ask what would happen but he knew Kris wouldn't tell.

They waited in silence before the waitress returned to take their orders. Both of them quickly glanced at the menus and ordered their food, sending the waitress away. Kyungsoo suddenly realized that this was the reason why he'd felt uneasy when Kris and his clan had arrived to eat the remains of Kyungsoo's meal on the night of the transformation, he was frightened of him and his clan.


They remained silent until Kris asked impatiently "so, what'll it be!? You joining or not!?"


Kyungsoo pondered the question for a while before answering "I want to see the house first. I want to see the house, spend a couple of days there and if I feel like it afterwards, I'll join. Deal?"

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Kairi291 #1
Chapter 16: Wouldn't it be interesting if the only wolf that cared when he got back was kyungsoo? XD that is my thoughts anyway.
Alexys142 #2
Chapter 16: Will he really be welcomed back home? Uodate autornim
Chapter 15: I'm confused, why did Kai do that?
Chapter 12: Maybe the lone wolf in the prophecy is actually Kai...who know right?
Kairi291 #5
Chapter 12: Great update.... I still wanna punch kai xD
Kairi291 #6
Chapter 11: I want to punch kai. Weren't kyungsoo's eyes big enough? Never mind making them swell!
Xanthophyll #7
Chapter 10: Awesome story! Hope he gets better and is able to fit in the Kris clan : )
soo_bouquet #8
Chapter 10: Wooo..hope kyung gets well soon...^~^ this is soo nice author-nim...
Kairi291 #9
Chapter 10: Nice chapter! Yeah leave kai in the dark for a few days!