Cry Wolf chpt: 2

Cry Wolf ***( HIATUS)***

Waking to find himself laying on the floor of the same room he'd transformed in, Kyungsoo pulled himself up into a sitting position. "At Least I clean up good" he thought to himself as he looked around the room, finding it nearly spotless. Looking down at his body, he frowned, "well, at least when it comes to cleaning the room, I am" he sighed as he saw his stained body. Dried blood covered every inch of him. He laughed to himself, "at least I have the decency to put some boxers on too." Kyungsoo forced himself to stand, pain rushing through every vein and muscle in his body.


Feeling the pain and stiffness, Kyungsoo fought hard not to whimper. Biting down on his lower lip as he took a step forward, Kyungsoo couldn't help but let out the slightest of whimpers he could possibly manage. His entire body screamed, angry that Kyungsoo would dare to move when he was in so much agony but Kyungsoo ignored it as much as possible, making it to the door of the room before his feet gave out from under him, forcing him to grab onto the door handle with both hands to ensure that he wouldn't face plant onto the carpet.

Images forced their way into Kyungsoo's mind as he held himself up by the door handle while his lower body region refused to work. From his waist down, Kyungsoo was practically paralyzed, numb from  the events of the night before. Knowing his body wouldn't cooperate until Its energy  had regenerated, He let go of the door handle, falling to the floor, barely catching the floor with his hands before his face could hit it. He let his face feel the soft carpet rub against his right cheek as he laid himself down, hoping his body energy would regenerate quicker than it had last time he'd changed.

 As the softness of the carpet comforted his aching body, his eyes closed peacefully. "Good thing I didn't have this carpet removed when I fixed up the house" Kyungsoo thought as he continued to lay on the floor.

When Kyungsoo had first seen the house, he couldn't help but feel drawn to it. An old eighteenth century mansion, twenty rooms, a basement, attic, three giant living rooms, six kitchens, and two dining rooms, all surrounded by woods, hidden deep in the Forrest, away from society. The nearest town was forty minutes away, no trails lead to the house from town. The mansion was perfect for Kyungsoo. Hardly anyone knew it even existed.

When kyungsoo had first found the house, by accident, the windows had been broken. Broken glass, abandoned spider webs, dirt, leaves, and bits of broken branches from trees laid all across the floors of the house. The mansion was run down, undoubtedly abandoned for at least a century. Kyungsoo knew he'd need to work hard on fixing the house to fit his standards but he couldn't care less about that, he had finally found a house, he was happy.

Finding an estate agency in town after finding the house, Kyungsoo told them about it and demanded that they let him buy it. Hesitant about letting someone buy the house, it took a lot of convincing. The agency eventually gave in and let the stubborn, determined young man buy the house."why would he want a house out in the middle of nowhere?", "I never knew that house even existed until he asked me about it", "how did he even find that house?", "why buy a rundown, destroyed, old mansion when he could buy a perfectly new one close to town?" Questions and rumors spread across the small town quickly as Kyungsoo worked to fix up his newly found home.


As the rumors and news spread through town about the mysterious, new, young man in town, some people couldn't help but be interesting in learning more about the new stranger in town.

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Kairi291 #1
Chapter 16: Wouldn't it be interesting if the only wolf that cared when he got back was kyungsoo? XD that is my thoughts anyway.
Alexys142 #2
Chapter 16: Will he really be welcomed back home? Uodate autornim
Chapter 15: I'm confused, why did Kai do that?
Chapter 12: Maybe the lone wolf in the prophecy is actually Kai...who know right?
Kairi291 #5
Chapter 12: Great update.... I still wanna punch kai xD
Kairi291 #6
Chapter 11: I want to punch kai. Weren't kyungsoo's eyes big enough? Never mind making them swell!
Xanthophyll #7
Chapter 10: Awesome story! Hope he gets better and is able to fit in the Kris clan : )
soo_bouquet #8
Chapter 10: Wooo..hope kyung gets well soon...^~^ this is soo nice author-nim...
Kairi291 #9
Chapter 10: Nice chapter! Yeah leave kai in the dark for a few days!