Cry Wolf chpt: 10

Cry Wolf ***( HIATUS)***

The small room in the gigantic house was crowded, all the members of the clan had crowded into the room immediately after the doors had been opened after the pair of people working on fixing his wounds were finished working on Kyungsoo and were now staring down at the beaten body of the small male that laid lifelessly on the bed.


Suho and Tao looked at the stitches and casts that they had doctored onto the boy. "The stitches will have to stay in for a while and the wounds won't heal quickly" Suho mumbled loudly enough for everyone in the room to hear "his spinal injury, abdomen, and shoulder injuries will take the longest to heal."


Falling silent, each clan member listened intently before moving their attention back to Kyungsoo. "What about his face?" Baekhyun asked "it's really swollen. Will it burst open if it gets any more swollen than it already is?" The thought of that happening made many of the people in the room cringe, their faces screwing into an expression of disgust, even Kris couldn't help but cringe at the thought.


Looking at Tao, who'd been the one who worked on Kyungsoo's face, Suho and the others waited for an answer. "No his face won't burst" he announced, looking away from Suho and down to the occupied bed, "his face will become more swollen throughout the next couple to several days though, but as long as I keep applying my special medicine to the wounds he should be fine." No one could think of anything else to say. Everyone in the room couldn't imagine why Kai had done this too him. "He was so kind, and he was new to the clan so it's not like Kyungsoo had done anything to him in the past to cause him to do this to him. Now Kyungsoo definitely won't join the clan" they all thought simultaneously.

As the hours passed by, each member, one by one, left the room. By the time the clock in the room struck midnight, the room had become entirely empty except for Kyungsoo's wounded body, laying on the bed that his body barely fit on, and Baekhyun, who sat in a small, wooden chair watching Kyungsoo's breathing from the corner of the room in almost complete darkness, worrying about his new friend.


Rubbing his thumb across his chin repeatedly, Baekhyun couldn't help but imagine what Kris would decide was Kai's punishment for his crime. Thinking of Kai made the blood in Baekhyun's body boil. "I'm glad he's locked in that basement" he thought "that cramped space that he's given to roam in the dark will, hopefully, make him realize how much he has screwed up. Maybe leaving him down there for a couple days would do him some good, with no food or water, and since there aren't any windows he'll also be surrounded by darkness the entire time."


As the last chime of the clock struck, Baekhyun snapped out of his thoughts. Looking at the clock and realizing how late it was, he stood up from the chair he'd been sitting in and left the room, closing the door behind him as he exited leaving Kyungsoo in the room on his own to heal. "Hopefully he'll recover soon... at least wake up soon" he thought as he silently made his way to his room and fell onto his bed, immediately falling asleep soon after.

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Kairi291 #1
Chapter 16: Wouldn't it be interesting if the only wolf that cared when he got back was kyungsoo? XD that is my thoughts anyway.
Alexys142 #2
Chapter 16: Will he really be welcomed back home? Uodate autornim
Chapter 15: I'm confused, why did Kai do that?
Chapter 12: Maybe the lone wolf in the prophecy is actually Kai...who know right?
Kairi291 #5
Chapter 12: Great update.... I still wanna punch kai xD
Kairi291 #6
Chapter 11: I want to punch kai. Weren't kyungsoo's eyes big enough? Never mind making them swell!
Xanthophyll #7
Chapter 10: Awesome story! Hope he gets better and is able to fit in the Kris clan : )
soo_bouquet #8
Chapter 10: Wooo..hope kyung gets well soon...^~^ this is soo nice author-nim...
Kairi291 #9
Chapter 10: Nice chapter! Yeah leave kai in the dark for a few days!