
One-Shots Collection


"Hey, N, when are we going to that festival again?" Ravi asked. "Which one? The music festival or the chicken one?" N asked back. "Wait, what? Chicken? Why didn't I hear about this?" Ravi immediately stood up, but N grabbed his wrist to sit back down. "Don't you know what a joke is? Of course the music one. And we're leaving whenever Ken and Leo come back. Hyuk and Hongbin said they got stuck with helping their teachers at school," N explained. " for Hyuk and Hongbin. HA!" Ravi and N started laughing until the doorbell to their dorm rang. N went up to open the door and got startled because Ken exclaimed, "HEEEEEY FRIEEEEENNNDDS!" Leo rolled his eyes and went in silently. "Hi Leo, where's Ken?" Ravi asked. Then, he saw Ken prancing around in front of the TV. "Nevermind," Ravi said. "It sure does looks like Ken is ready for the festival," N said sarcastically. "YEP! Time to get my K-Pop on!" Ken was about to high-five Leo, but Leo flicked him on the head and said, "You're so annoying." After they grabbed their coats and shoes, they walked to the school, despite the cold weather. While walking, they saw Hyuk and Hongbin coming towards their way without jackets. N ran up to them and he (politely) scolded, "Why aren't you wearing any coats? It's freezing cold outside!" TBC

"Hey, did you tell Mr. Lee yet?" Leo asked Ken over the phone. "Well, he wasn't there when I went to 5th period. Sorry, maybe we can go back right now," Ken apologized and then decided to meet up at the front of the school. After a few minutes, they got to the school gates at the same time. "Okay, let's see if he's here. Or else we won't be able to go on that field trip to Canada," Leo said and they both went in. In the school, it was freezing cold. Ken went closer to Leo and shivered, "I-I-It's so c-cold in h-here." Leo replied, "I know r-right. Why i-is it so cold?" They took the elevator to the second floor of their high school. Finally, they found the science lab and went in. "Mr. Lee?" they both asked in unison. Suddenly, it became really hot. "OMIGOSH, why does it feel like the Sahara Desert in here?" Ken complained and they both took over their coats. "Let's just hurry and find Mr. Lee. Maybe he's in the teacher's lounge," Leo held his coat in his hands and tried to open the door, but it was locked. "No, no, no, NO! AHH, what do we do (ottokaji)?" Ken was panicking and was running around the room. Leo thought, "Ugh, this is sooo annoying." He stopped Ken and held his wrist so that he wouldn't run around or panic any more. "Okay, this is creepy, but we have to find our ways out," Leo told Ken. Ken was starting to worry because he saw Leo was getting ready to kick the door down, "Can't you just call someone? What if we get punished for breaking the door?" Leo sighed because he couldn't think at the moment. It felt so hot and stuffy, their minds were clogged. Ken discovered the unlocked window at the back of the classroom that led to the cold outside. "Hey, let's go through the window," Ken suggested. "Fine," Leo agreed and stood up. They opened the window and stopped. They forgot they were on the 2nd floor. "Ugh! WE'RE TRAPPED!" Leo and Ken yelled out in the middle of the night.

The whole night, Ken and Leo stayed on the science lab and no still didn't come. "Why isn't anyone at school yet? It's like 9 in the morning," Ken complained. "It's the last day of school before Holiday break, of course no one's coming," Leo said. "If the science teacher was there, we would've been home with Ravi, N, Hyuk, and Hongbin. Drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows." Ken sighed and said, "Blame the science teacher." Ken got an idea to use his phone, but when he reached into his pockets, there was nothing but a piece of paper with last week's homework. 
In Hongbin's house.
"Omigosh, where are Ken and Leo? They said they were going to come here to celebrate my birthday! I need my presents!" Hongbin complained as he slouched on the couch. "What if they're lost? They would never abandon us without telling us first," Hyuk was about to panic, "and they would've called us by now!" Ravi, N, Hongbin, and Hyuk started to look for Ken and Leo. First, they went to all the places where they would probably be: Leo's house, Ken's house, the park, or the cafe. "Well, there's only one more choice. The high school," N said and walked off to the direction of their school. Everyone else followed him. Since the doors were locked, they tried calling out their names.
In the science lab.
"Ken? Do you hear that? It sounds like N's voice!" Leo exclaimed and went to the window. "How do you know?" Ken asked. Leo rolled his eyes in annoyance and replied, "Trust me. N annoys me soooo much, I would recognize his voice all the way from Mars." TBC?


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