Mixed Characters/Random Kpop

One-Shots Collection

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAA!" Eric laughed loudly and felt like he was going crazy. "Okay, who gave him fried chicken?" asked his best friend Yoona while pointing to the box of chicken on the floor. "It wasn't me!" Ken and Leo said in unison. Yoona grabbed Eric by the shoulder to try to calm him down. Ken and Leo came and tried to help too. "Ugh! Who would even try to give him chicken? Don't you know it gets him really hyper?!" Ken complained. After about an hour, he finally calmed down. Before Eric would notice, Leo quickly grabbed the greasy, empty box of chicken breading-crumbs and threw it away in the kitchen. Then, Leo came back with a glass of water in his hand and offered it to Eric. He took the water Leo offered him and asked lazily, "What happened?" Ken looked at him and started, "Well, you see what had happened was-" Yoona covered his mouth and said, "Don't say it." Ken nodded. "*yawn* I don't care if you tell me what happened or not, just let me go to sleep," Eric wiped the sweat off of his head and went to his bedroom. When they heard the door close and lock, Yoona glared at both of them. "What?" Leo asked trying to avoid her stare. "You still didn't confess who gave him fried chicken?" In Eric's room, his eyes shot open and ran to the door. He peeked his head out the door and asked, "Did someone say fried chicken?" They all got startled at his voice and said, "Ah, um NO." He shrugged and went back to sleep. They all sighed in relief. "You guys, follow me!" Yoona turned around harshly, making her ponytail hit their faces. "Ow!" Leo said and angrily followed her. So did Ken. Now, they were in the hallway outside of Eric's apartment room. "Okay, who gave him chicken?" she whispered with her eyes closed to avoid sounding angry. Ken let out a heavy breath and looked her straight in the eyes, "I told you. IT WASN'T US!" Suddenly, they heard a phone ring and they looked around to see where the noise was coming from. Leo reached into his pocket and took out a phone. "Isn't that Eric's phone?" Ken asked. Then, the ringing stopped. "Yeah, it fell out of his pocket while he was laughing his pants off. Not in rippito flippito sippi slow motion, though," Leo explained. They all looked down at the screen and saw that the contact name who called was, "Chicken Delivery." Yoona looked up and asked them, "So, he ordered it themselves?" Ken and Leo glared at Yoona and said, "Told you so!" After figuring out the culprit, they shrugged it off and went out to eat fried chicken. Without Eric.

"P U! What is that smell?" Taekwoon said as he pinched his nose. "I don't know! Jaehwan said. "I think it's coming from that locker," Wonshik said as he gestured to locker 126. "Isn't that Eric's locker?" Taekwoon asked them. "Eric who? Eric Nam or Eric Shinhwa?" Jaehwan asked while his eyes were starting to tear up from the smell. "Eric Nam, but he would never put anything like that in his locker," Wonshik explained. "Me?" Eric said surprising them. "Ah! You scared me. What is in your locker? A dead animal?" Taekwoon asked sarcastically. Eric opened his locker and they all screamed. Luckily no one was in the hallway at the time. "WHO PUT THIS CHEESE IN MY LOCKER????!!!!" Eric shouted. "Hey, hey, HEY! Eric! Calm your pants before you lose them again," Jaehwan said as he closed the locker. "This calls for a case! Let's name it, "Who put the cheese in the locker!" Wonshik exclaimed and threw his index finger in the air. "Lame name," Taekwoon muttered as he rolled his eyes. First, they gathered supplies needed to get the cheese, or in other words, they used tweezers to put it in a plastic bag. Then, they went into the science lab. "Cut the cheese!" Wonshik said excitingly. "Umm, eww. No," Eric disagreed. TO BE CONTINUED

"Park Heungsoo! Heungsoo! It's me!" said Namsoon to an unconscious Heungsoo. "Hey! Be quiet!" yelled Eun Daegu at Go Namsoon. Namsoon, Daegu, and Oh Soosun waited outside the room. "Please be okay..." Namsoon thought to himslef. "Hey! How?! Where?!" Park Tae Ill said as he came racing through the hallway where everyone was waiting. "Wait. Not yet. There's none," Soosun said slowly. The door opened and Dr. Oh Changmin and Dr. Oh Jinhee told everyone that Heungsoo was fine. It was a big relief. Daegu, Soosun, and Tae Ill went back to the police station, where they worked; Namsoon and Heungsoo went back home since he was fine now. All he had was a high fever. It was good that the detectives were around to see him collapsed as he was walking towards his house. The next day, he (Heungsoo) woke up to the smell of freshly cooked breakfast. "What? He can't even cook," he said referring to Namsoon as he rose out of the bed. He went into the kitchen and said, "Namsoon? AHH! You scared me!" exclaimed Heungsoo. Instead of his best friend, it was his older brother Tae Ill. "You can cook?" asked Heungsoo. "OF COURSE!" replied Tae Ill confidently. "Where's Namsoon?" asked Heungsoo. "Oh, he went to Ms. Jung's office to tell her you couldn't go to school because you were at the hospital," he replied. "Ah, really," sighed Heungsoo, sounding annoyed. TO BE CONTINUED, BUT NOT ON A BLOG BECAUSE I WROTE THIS ON PAPER. END OF CHAPTER ONE.

Have you ever been in situation where you were so bored that you just decided to take a nap but couldn't? Well, now you can with the new product, "Kpop Lullaby Radio!" It includes all your favorite Kpop songs in one little device for just the price of $999999.99! There is nothing else in the world that can help you fall asleep so fast! Just call 901-CHE-EESE and if you call right now you can get another one, free at the price of $999.99! It'll be the best dreams and best sleep of your life. You can also go to our website http://www.kpoplullabyradio.com and get the same offer as the calling one. This is a sponsored, professional, limited-offer! Hurry up! It lasts May 19, 2014-May 20, 2014! It won't take long to get to your house at all; the minimum time it will take is 12 months and the maximum is infinite! You won't regret buying this for yourself, a friend, or even your pet hamster. Call or buy now! *talks in very rapid voice* Must be 1 years and older to buy it. Please do not eat, chew, or swallow item. Thank you!

A few days ago, I went to bed early at 8:15 and fell asleep around 8:30 on "accident." I don't know why, but there was a huge book made out of chocolate and it was glowing. I touched it, and then something really weird but reasonable happened. A giraffe appeared in front of me and it talked in Korean. The funny thing was that there were subtitles on the bottom of the dream and I do not think that whatever he said was really Korean. The reason why it was reasonable was that before I went to sleep, I watched a show called "Running Man," and one of the main character's nickname is Giraffe so I knew why it was there in my dream. He said to go find the Tiger (another main character's nickname; all 7 of the characters had nicknames) and defeat him in a one on one name tag elimination game; we had name tags on our backs and whoever ripped off the other's first wins. The Tiger was the strongest character so obviously, I lost. I was then sent to the Impala to defeat him in a game called "Algakki," or in English, "Chinese Checkers." I also didn't win that round. After, I went to the Monkey and the owner of the show quizzed us with random questions and I finally won. The Monkey gave me a hat that said Leessang on it, which was the music group he worked in. Then, I went to eat hamburgers with the Giraffe. A few hours later, I went to the Cat, or also known as Mong Ji; Mong in Korean means blank and her real name was Ji Hyo. She challenged me to a bungee jump competition; whoever screamed louder while jumping off the tower loses. I, unfortunately, lost because of my fear of heights. Later, I went to the blue penguin with goggles named Pororo, or in this case, Haroro because his real name is Ha Dong Hoon (HaHa for short). We played three round of Ddakji which is two folded papers and if you flip over the other person's paper while throwing it on the ground, you win (it is complicated to explain). I won, surprisingly. The last round was against the Grasshopper, or Yoo-Ames Bond because his weapon was a water gun and he liked the color green. Whoever shoots the other person's name tag on their back wins. I lost that round because he was a 'master' at the water guns. All of this happened in about 11 hours. I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm and reminded myself after I brushed my teeth, "I have to write this dream down one day!"

"Ugh! I cannot believe I waited all that they took Jessica out of SNSD!" Minzy complained while reading an article on http://www.allkpop.com. "What? I didn't hear you," her sister, Bom, yelled from the bathroom with a mouth-full of toothpaste. "I woke up to this? What is the CEO doing? After 7 years, they finally decided to take her out? She was doing a great job before! Why take her out now! Ugh! I need to contact that company," Minzy ranted, but no one listened. Bom was still in the bathroom brushing her teeth, "I still can't hear you!" After putting on her jacket and shoes, Minzy took a cab to SM Entertainement (Jessica's Company). It took her about an hour to get there, and she was still angry. As soon as the cab parked, she opened the door ans stormed into the company. She took the elevator to the CEO's office and loudly banged on his door. "YO! OPEN THIS DOOR BEFORE I BREAK IT DOWN!" she shouted. The door opened and she ran in and sat on the chair in front of his desk. "Um? Excuse me? Minzy, don't you work at YG Entertainment?" the CEO stuttered. "No questions! DO you know what you're doing to your own company? First, Super Junior, then Exo, then Exo AGAIN, and F(X), and now SNSD! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! Don't you know your prices are going down? You're in 2nd place now. And we're in first! You're losing your skills! What do you put on your contracts that make your idols want to leave?" Minzy yelled and yelled right at his face. The CEO didn't have any time to respond because Minzy ran out the room with a very scrunched-up face. She took the same cab back to her dorm and she found Bom on her laptop. "Can you believe this?" Bom half-yelled-asked. "What?" Minzy answered with her arms crossed. "That CEO kicked Jessica out of SNSD!" Bom shouted. They ranted to each other all night and never stopped until the next day.

As I was walking towards Seokjin's apartment, I noticed that his bike was gone, which meant he's probably out somewhere. Since I've only been a human for one month now, he hasn't given me extra keys for his apartment yet. I was in trouble because now I had no where to go. I tried calling him, "Hello?" 
"Hey, Jungkook. Why are you calling me, exactly?" he replied. 
"I'm outside the apartment building. Where are you?" 
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I kinda got in trouble at school today and now I have to clean the library as a punishment."
"Fine. I guess I'll go somewhere for now," after the call, I hung up and headed towards the cafe where Seokjin works at.
When I got there, I expected to see a lot of customers, but instead, there were none at all. I still went inside and I found Jinwoo and Seungyoon, my other friends. Even though they both worked there, they sat at one of the cafe tables as if they were on break, which I'm pretty sure they're on because of the lack of people. As always, they were writing lyrics and composing songs with a laptop and guitar. "Oh, hey Jungkook! What are you doing here?" Seungyoon looked excited to see me, even though we see each other everyday. "Well, Seokjin had somewhere to go and I have no keys. So, I decided to just chill here," I replied while taking Jinwoo's cup of hot cocoa and taking a sip of it. "Hey! That's mine!" Jinwoo whined, but I didn't listen. Just then, two girls walked in, I knew who they were just by one glance. It was Tiffany and Jessica, some of my other friends; they looked like they just got run over by a car or something. "Whoa! Did you or did you not run into a tree? Because your hair and clothes look like how you are in the morning," Jinwoo said. "Hey! We did NOT run into anything but the air. Anyway, we just got back from helping my dad with moving boxes for our neighbors," Jessica explained. While they were talking, they noticed it started raining outside. *To be continued?*

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