
One-Shots Collection

Sometime during the school day, Jinhwan and Yunhyeong were looking for their two other friends so they can add the finishing touch to their project. "Where in this school would they be?" Yunhyeong complained. "Can you call or text them, Jinhwan?" His friend didn't respond, but kept walking. "Jinhwan?" he called again. "Jinhw-" he got cut off by Jinhwan putting his hand over his mouth. "You're annoying. I already texted them and called them, but none responded," Jinhwan said. Yunhyeong yanked his friend's hand off and said, "Okay! You could've said that instead of putting your dirty hand over my mouth." "Ha! My hands aren't dirty. Oh, there they go!" Jinhwan said right before he sprinted over to their two friends. "Where were you?" Yunhyeong asked. Their friends, Jiwon and Hanbin, were in the snack room eating, well, snacks. "We gotta turn in our assignment in like 10 minutes! Let's hurry and finish it!" Jinhwan rushed them. After they finished it, they (carefully) ran to their science class to turn it in. "Alright. Let's go eat more!" Jiwon exclaimed and they all agreed. Their teacher said, "You all are very weird!"

"AHHHHHHHH! RAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! RAAAAAAAARRRRWWW! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Hanbin ran around the dorm, screaming like he's on fire. Donghyuk, Yunhyeong, Junhwe, Jinhwan, and Jiwon were just sitting on the huge couch, watching television and (trying) to ignore the screaming-19-year-old that's running around. "What is your friend doing over there, again?" Jinhwan asked Jiwon. "'Your friend?' He's is your friend too! And I have no idea what he's doing. Why won't you g-" Jiwon was interrupted by Hanbin standing in front of him. At least he was calm. "Hanbin, why are you so hyper? Look at us, we're just sitting here while you're running around the house!" Jinhwan complained. Hanbin didn't say anything and suddenly collapsed onto the floor. "I guess he ran out of energy," Donghyuk said. Junhwe followed after and said, "Good." One by one, they started to get ready for practice because their manager wanted to see what songs they composed already. As soon as the last person, Yunhyeong, shut the door and left, Hanbin awoke in the dark living room with no one in there. "Hello? Guys! Jiwon? Jinhwan? Yunhyeong?!" he started to panic until he turned around and saw the digital clock on the coffee table. It read 10:45 pm. It meant that he was 5 minutes late to practice! "OMIGOSH! I NEED TO FIND MY COMPOSING BOOK! MY IPOD! MY LYRICS! MY FRIENDS!" he screamed while rushing in and out the living room and his bedroom, rushing to get his hoodie and shorts on. He left the room and ran the whole 15 minutes to the practice room, but it only took him about 5. Hanbin busted the door open to see his friends sitting there doing absolutely nothing. "Oh, Hanbin. You're here. Welcome," Donghyuk said without any emotion. "WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS WAKE ME UP! WHY WAS I ASLEEP!" the sweating boy yelled at them; since he was the leader, he was responsible for almost everything. He came in and sat down next to his best friend, Jiwon who said, "Well, that's your fault for running around like a dinosaur." Hanbin was confused, "Wait, what dinosaur?" They all began laughing. "You guys are going to tell me how you poisoned me!" Hanbin said. They all kept laughing.

For some reason, on Wednesday school was out and no one knew why. Since they had nothing to do, Hanbin, Jiwon, Yunhyeong, and Donghyuk were just sitting in their living room, like always, watching TV. "Ugh! Even though I don't want to go to school, I still don't want to sit home all day," Hanbin complained with his face in the couch pillow. "Um, you should really take the pillow out of your face if you want us to understand you," Donghyuk said. Just then, Hanbin jumped up off the couch, which startled the other 3, exclaiming he has an idea. "Okay, okay! Stop jumping and tell us what you thought about,"Jiwon said, trying to stop his best friend from jumping. "Alright, so do you all remember the event we missed last semester because we had school that day?" he asked and everyone shook their head in disagreement. "Well, it has something to do with what all of us lik- no we love this thing!" Yunhyeong took a guess and said, "Books?" Jiwon looked at Yunhyeong and said, "Really? Books? Only Donghyuk read those!" "So what! I like books! At least I'm smarter than you!" Donghyuk stuck out his tongue. "Guys! Listen! And no, it's not books. IT'S CANDY! SWEETS! CHOCOLATE! CANDY! CAKE! COOKIES! AND BEST OF ALL, CANDY!" Hanbin pranced around the room like a little girl until Yunhyeong stopped him, "Dude, stop. You look like a girl." "So you don't want candy?" Hanbin taunted. "NO LET'S GO NOW!" Jiwon shouted and then they rushed to put on some normal clothes and ran out the dorm. "Wait a minute! Who can drive? And we can't walk there, it'll take about 10 minutes," Donghyuk complained. "NOBODY CARES, DONGHYUK! LET'S JUST RUN BEFORE THE EVENT ENDS AND NO MORE CANDY FOR US!" Hanbin and Jiwon both yelled in unison. "Fine," Donghyuk sighed and headed off towards the event. The 3 friends followed suit. They got there and what they saw was colorful and huge. So many kids, and adults too, with candy literally EVERYWHERE! The 4 separated and went off the section they wanted. Yunheyong went to the cakes/cupcakes, Jiwon went to the cookies, Donghyuk went to the chocolate, and last, Hanbin went to his most favorite, CANDY! They ate and ate without any worry, whatsoever. Of course, they went home hyper, and later on fell out in their bedrooms.

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