Chapter Two

The Flame Princess (DISCONTINUED)

I WAKE UP, has it been hours?

There are wires on me, an oxygen mask and I can’t move. I see her, across the room, she is looking at me and I feel awkward. Well, laying on a steel bed and covered with wires is pretty damn awkward.


She walks to me and pulls some of the wires out. I sit up, “Thanks,”

She doesn’t respond, instead she walks away to the other room. Hmm, mysterious, her hair is red, black clothes… That is pretty much it. She comes back, this time with a tray with food. Great, I’m starving.

“Eat,” she says as she places the tray next to me.

I eat, it’s just plain sandwich and water. To be honest, I feel better. The red head, she is sitting on the couch and switch on the TV. It’s the news, I can’t hear that much but she is focusing. When it’s on break, it is my chance to ask her who is she. “Who are you, why’d you help me?”

Again, she stares. “I don’t trust you.”

“Then why save me?” I smirked.

“Shut up, unless you want to end at the bottom of a pit.” She rolls her eyes and faces the other way. What is in her mind, is she crazy? Cause, if she is then I am running.


I stand, my hips hurt so I walk carefully to the balcony. The feeling of cold air, birds flying around, the sun shining at me and the sound of the ocean…

The ocean.


We are near the ocean! There’s nothing much about the ocean but at least I know where it is now. The house looks abandon, many rooms and it looks like that I am in the first floor.

I walk back in, the girl is still watching TV and I sit beside her. She doesn’t look.

“What is your name? I’m Chen by the way.”

“Don’t need to know mine, it’s not important.” She says in a low tone.

“How would I call you if I need your help?” I ask.

“You don’t need my help, after this you will continue whatever it is you were doing back there. You nearly got yourself killed you know that, what were you thinking?” she cuss. Woah, this is the first that she finally say something. She talks while locking her eyes on the screen of the TV, I do to. “I have to get to the other side, to find a cure.”

“What cure?” now she pays attention.

“With all the gang wars, turf, abandoned cities with untold stories, they are all a mystery. We have been attacked by mindless people and people attack each other to survive. I need the cure, it’s called the Cure obviously. There’s no name for it.” I explain to her, she seems to know something I don’t know and my guts tell me that I need her to help me but how.


“Do you know about it?” I ask, intrigued.

“No, that’s nonsense.” She ignores me.

“You’re mean,” I pout, the news suddenly appear and this time they say that whoever is in where we are must evacuate immediately. I don’t know if they are dumb or what, we are in a city that has no communication at all but we still can watch TV. Someone is operating it or not, but it’s great cause we get to see the news about other countries. “I have to go,” I say as I get up, “Thanks again for, curing me and the food is kind of burnt.” I wink and turn away.


“Wait,” she stops me. “Can I come with?”

I raise my eyebrows, “I’m sorry, what was that did I just here that you want to come with me?”

“Shut up, you’re annoying you know that. You won’t survive that long with that mouth of yours, just let me grab my weapons and we will ride my truck.” She walks away to her bedroom. I hear her packing, it seems light. Well, I lost my --- oh wait, I see my bag near the steel bed where I was treated. I check and everything is in there, I let out a sigh of relief and my heart feels lighter. It is a great feeling, it is something I wasn’t use to yet.

She then leads the way, I follow her. Her truck is huge, I hop in the passenger seat and stare at everything. It is awesome.

My hands kind of gotten curious at everything so, I touch some buttons that weren’t supposed to touch, she slaps my hand. “Stop touching, do you really want to be kicked out?”

“You mean this?” I continue touching.


I touch a button and smokes are thrown out.

“Are you ting me right now, those are important Chen!” she continues cursing at me. I find it funny, I stop chuckling and stop touching things. I then see a paper that is sticking in front of me. “Your name is Flame?” I let out a snort, “Flame as in firing flame?”

“Yes, my name is Flame.” She says straightforward.


“Long story,” she places her palm on her chin as she continues driving, it has been two hours and she doesn’t feel tired. I pity her. “You know, if you’re tired, you can let me drive.” I offered her.

“No thanks, I’m good.” She switches on her radio, it seems like she is playing her playlist.

“No way, this is my jam.” I turn up the volume and sing along.


(Song: Best Luck by Chen)

Anyway, I really like you

You hugged me when I was quietly smiling babe

I waited for today, for your sweetness

Look at me, I’ll protect you babe

I dream every day

Of holding your hand and flying forever, until always


My love, I miss you

Its destiny, you can’t avoid it

Every day I’m so lucky

I want to confess my hidden hear, I love you ~


I then hum to the melody, I feel kind of embarrass because one; I haven’t sing in a long time and two; I sing in front of Flame. She seems alright with it.

I start to get curious about her, is that a good thing? No, I shouldn’t.


 Next chap will be posting soon :3 

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