
“Why the do we need to listen to a kid.”

The words were restrained, but his fists weren’t.

“Chill out, Hyunseong-hyung.” Jeongmin said casually, leaning back. He watched the older throw punches at the wall without so much of a wince, and Jeongmin tried his best not to applaud in awe. “Donghyun-hyung wouldn’t like your attitude very much.”

“Like I care.” Hyunseong snapped back, glaring at Jeongmin who only shrugged. “He doesn’t deserve the respect I’m giving him, not even an ounce. And he wants me to ing listen to that obnoxious child.”

“If you ask me, he’s an adult.” Jeongmin’s tone was light, and maybe that’s why Hyunseong never found himself raging at him. “According to the law, that is.”

the law.” Hyunseong cursed. “I bet you he landed us this scandal anyway. Donghyun-hyung thinks he’s so ing innocent but he’s as ing selfish as that. He’d crush us just to watch us struggle.”

Jeongmin smiled humourlessly, staring into Hyunseong’s anger-filled eyes. “For someone who thinks Minwoo is a just an obnoxious kid, you sure think very highly of him.”

------- Hyunseong; Wrath.

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Chapter 6: in lust , i thought there gonna be xd ahahhaha
yeah right , i also want to read dongwoo again story from you <3
Chapter 6: I only got one right XD
Well, do you have any intention to make the leader-maknae story into a chaptered story?
Let me guess first... He he he
Donghyun, Minwoo, Youngmin, Kwangmin, Hyunseong, Jeongmin..
Alright, I'll start to read...