
Living with a Weirdo - Dorm Room Confessions 2

hey guys, imfinally back! hahah im so sorry about how long this took, and how long this took, and the dman update for aoshsc is taking, im just running alittle cry, and i recently got OBSESSED with this amazing manga called no.6, if anyone here is is into borderline--shounen-ai i totally recoment it, its AMAZING!

but anyway, back to our tale! hope you enjoy!

and please welcome our guests of the day, BTS ! ~

-“whats wrong, Baekhyun-Hyung?” Baekhyun sighed for the umpteenth time. Leaving heavily on the  counter of Hazelnut Afternoons, he buried his head in his hands. NamJoon peered at him curiously, whilst polishing the coffee machine absentmindedly. It was a slower day at the coffee shop, the last of the summer heat hanging around the campus meant that most were more inclined to stay in the air conditioned library.

“I said something really dumb to my roommate recently, and I don’t know how im going to go home and face him today.” He sighed again heavily and slumped further down, weariness showing itself in his shoulders. His younger co-worker smiles kindly and begun hitting a few buttons on the coffee machine, determined to make him a coffee.

“im sure you didn’t mean it, or it was out of context. Tell me everything that happened.” He listened attentively as Baekhyun explained his tale, the baristas not noticing the rest of the staff of the coffee shop casually eavesdropping.

“…and then our eyes met, and I’m telling you Namjoon his eyes saw into my soul, and even though I cant quite tell what emotion it was, whatever he was looking at me with poked me right in the heart. He left real quick after that, and Tao and Wufan even had to run after him.” he smiled gratefully as Namjoon handed him his favourite – a tall hazelnut latte with whipped cream and a dusting of chocolate. he sipped it thoughtfully as his white-haired friend spoke.

“well I think you should talk to him, and explain that you didn’t mean what you said in a malicious sense, and that you were merely considering his habits and his routine.” He suggested nonchalantly. The rest of the staff nodded.

“yeah, Baekhyun Hyung, you should talk to him! Im sure he’d listen, and besides, you don’t want things to be awkward, I mean you guys DO live together..” Yoon-Gi leaned over the kitchen window, putting his head in his hand and looking off into the distance thoughtfully.

“if you said it like you mean it, he’ll forgive you! Your just too cute for anyone to deny you, Hyung!” Jungkook called from the Floor of the café, grinning as he returned to the counter having just served someone their coffee and scone. Baekhyun swatted him playfully as he passed.

“oh stop it, Kookie. You’re the cute one.” He giggled.

“He’s right though. And if anything bad happens, we’ll all be here for you, Appa!” an anticipated hug came barrelling from the kitchen, auburn locks launching themselves into Baekhyuns unsuspecting arms.

“thanks, Taehyungie. And Namjoon, kookie and Yoon-gi. I really appreciate it, guys.” He squeezed the boy in his arms gratefully, peering at the clock and sighing when he realised the time.

“your off now, arnt you? Good luck, Baekhyun.” Namjoon smiled supportively, patting him on the shoulder and making his way out back, to retrieve his replacement.


“you’ll be fine, Appa. I believe in you!” Taehyun gave him one final squeeze and took his hand, dragging him back into the kitchen and toward the locker room.

“come on, Appa. Time to face the music. Get it? Because Chanyeol-Hyung is a music major? Hahaahaha!” he laughed to himself as confusion etched itself onto Baekhyuns face. He pushed the locker room door open and moved to grab his bag, calling a question to Taehyung though the door.

“you know Chanyeol?”

“yeah, sure, everyone knows Chanyeol-Hyung! Hes pretty popular around campus, you know, a really nice guy.” Taehyung remarked nonchalantly.

“oh, ohkay then. Well, ill see you later, Taehyunngie. Wish me luck!” as he pushed the door open ,Taehyung stealing one last hug as he exited via the front door of the café, waving to Namjoon, Seokjin and Yoon-gi on the way.

He sighed, adjusting his backpack and unfastening the first few buttons on his shirt.

Taehyunngie is right. Time to face the musician.

Chanyeol was in his room when Baekhyun got home, thank his lucky stars. He heard the melancholy pickings of a guitar through the door as he set his backpack and keys on the table, opening the fridge and surveying the contents.

“might as well make a peace offering…” he murmured to himself, pulling out the ingredients for his mothers Soondubu Jigae recipie. “if im going to apologise..”

Cooking proved cathartic for Baekhyun, as he mulled over the finer detailed of his apology. The vegetables were soon cut and thrown into the perfectly seasoned broth, while he tasted the stew absentmindedly, heartbeat taking off and palms beginning to sweat.

He took extra care to arrange the vegetables in the bowl, garnishing it simply and filling a glass with iced tea (since they had run out of Chanyeols favourite drink, Milk – and he made a short mental note to pick some more up after he was finished apologising), then setting the entire meal on a tray with the appropriate cutleries, and carrying it to his roomates door and knocking softly with his knee, since his hads were otherwise occupied.

“Chanyeol? Can we talk? I have dinner…” the door opened suddenly, his tall roommate standing there, his expression hard.

“hey… can I come in?” the other boy stood aside wordlessly. Baekhyun took this as a yes, walking over and setting the meal on his small study table, taking a seat by it on the wheelie chair. Chanyeol closed the door, taking a still wordless seat on the bed.

“I just wanted to say… I’m really sorry about today..” Baekhyun started. “it wasn’t right for me to talk to you when I barely even know you. Or at all, for that matter.”

“no, it wasn’t.” Chanyeol spoke for the first time, his voice as hard as his expression. “so why did you do it?”

His question took Baekhyun aback a little. “umm…. I don’t really know, actually. I guess I was just venting my frustration out, to the fact that I haven’t even been given the chance to get to know you yet, even thought we live together, but is seems like everyone else on campus has.” He looked down, ashamed at his pathetic reasoning.

“im really sorry, Chanyeol-ssi.”

The silence in the room was deafening. Baekhyun stared down into his lap, fiddling with his fingers nervously. He slowly peered up, only to look straight back down, Chanyeols unrelenting stare tinting his cheeks bright red.

“do you want to?”

“do I want to what?” Baekhyun was confused. What is this guy talking about?

“get to know me.” His expression was intense, completely serious, as he proposed a solution for their small issue.

“what do you mean?” but Baekhyun was still confused. Chanyeol sighed quietly, and begun to explain.

“how about we.. umm.. you know… hang out once in a while, and maybe then you wont talk about me to your friends?” his tone was bitter, causing Baekhyuns face to scrunch into a frown.

“fine, but maybe you should start answering my questions instead of looking at me like I’m a douche , okay? And eat meals with me, please! Eating by yourself is really lonely..” he whined, and Chanyeols mouth, which had been straight and serious, broke into a huge grin.

“you got a deal, Byun.” He stuck his hand out and Baekhyun took it, both parties shaking the other over-enthusiastically and giggling like children. After a moment of silence, Baekhyun slapped his forehead frustratedly, remembering what he was carrying when he entered his roommates bedroom.

“Oh god, I totally forgot, we need some more milk! You wanna come down with me to the convenience store? We can have some dinner when we get back?” Chanyeol nodded, smiling encouragingly.

The two boys quickly  grabbed their phones, wallets and coats and headed out of the door.

“how about we just start over? Hi, Im Park Chanyeol. Im going to be your roommate. Its nice to meet you.

“hey, Im Byun Baekhyun,. Its nice to meet you too.”

so, what do you think?

its actually getting alittle longer that i thought, but dont worry, imalmost done, and ill hopefully have the rest up before the summer ends.

anyways,  please dont forget to tell me what you think, and ill see you soon!


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FotoStory #1
Chapter 3: This fic is soooooooooooo great! I really reeeeeaaally like it! :) so please write mooore ~
Will there be ? :D
SeventeenCarrot #2
Chapter 3: Ah, I love this fanfic! Ohmygosh I want to know what'll happen to baek and Chanyeol ;u; poor chanyeol
SeventeenCarrot #3
Chapter 1: I love this so far lmao
Chapter 1: Hahah baekkie u are so creepy u know.. Wahhhh my lovely Hunhan!! There are soooo cute.. Gud luck n update soon!!^~<