
Living with a Weirdo - Dorm Room Confessions 2

Hey again guys, i come with good news! I FINALLY HAVE ANOTHER IDEA FOR A CHAPTER FOR AOSHSC ! YAYY!

but anyway, looks like this one is almost done, i have alittle more planned but i only have to write like a chaoter ortwo and then im done!

but anywah, i hope you enjoy!

That short trip to the Convinience store became a long trip to the supermarket, during which the two boys proceeded to buy a copious amount of sweets and other things that weren’t good for them, and return home to settle in the small living room in their dorm, arguing on a movie before finally settling for ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’.

It marked the first of the ‘Baekyeol Hangouts” that their respective friends (who all knew eachother, one way or another) had dubbed them, either buying food (sometimes at the supermarket; which usually involved chanyeol throwing as many sweets into the trolley as he could before Bsaekhyubn noticed, or sometimes at the mall; where they would spend 20 minutes playfully arguing over what to get, which usually ends in some form of kai-bai-bo) and having movie marathons at home, or going out for dinner, or going shopping for a new pair of pants (after someone had ripped his favourite pair doing the splits because someone else dared them to), and after just 3 weeks, the two boys had become virtually inseparable, giving their now huge friendship group plenty of teasing material.

It even became habit for the boys to wait for eachother after whatever commitments they had before heading home, Chanyeol becoming a regular presence in the back corner of  Hazelnut Afternoons. He would kill time waiting for Baekhyun by tapping away on his laptop, headphones in with a notebook at his side and a pencil behind his ear. In turn, Baekhyun claimed a bench in the middle of the courtyard nearest to the music building where Chanyeol spends most of his time, playing iphone games and flicking through novel after novel as he waited. And they had a regular seat on the bus home, playing punch buggy and eyespy and sometimes falling sleep on eachothers shoulders.

After just 3 weeks, Chanyeols had become Baekhyuns best friend

(and Luhan couldn’t even complain about it because he was the one who pushed him to make peace, a fact that Baekhyun would smugly point out when he would pout about how much time the auburn haired boy was spending with his roommate. )

“Oh my God, Joonie-Hyung, its been ages, how are you? Hows Yixing?” Baekhyun was settled on the couch in the dorm, a textbook that wasn’t being used in his lap and an open notebook at his side, as he twirled the pen around in his fingers absentmindedly while his other hand held the phone to his ear.

It was a Wednesday, and although usually Baekhyun had work he had swapped a shift with Jin, and Chanyeol finished his classes late. He had told the slightly older boy to head home without him, knowing it would probably already be dark when he finished (and he knew that Baekhyuns smooth features and gorgeous eye smile would probably garner unwanted attentions).

[“im good, and so is Xingie. He says hi, by the way. how are you?”]

“that’s good! Im doing great, school is hard as usual. Why the hell didn’t you tell me that being a dentist was going to be hard?”

[“because it isn’t supposed to be, you douche. You wanna borrow some of my old books? I think I stil got a few left, and I don’t think the course has changed much, so I think you could stil use them?”]

“nahh, its okay, hyung, ill be fine. Im just whining, you know me.thank you though! And anyway, so how are you and Yixing doing, does the family approve? Have you asked his parents permission yet?”

[“oi, keep it down! Jesus! That’s supposed to be on the DL you little , and for your information, yes, I did ask, and they gave me their blessing. Im going to ask him as soon as we get back.”]

“oh my God that’s so exciting I cant believe yall are getting married! Are you sure your going to be okay, I mean you haven’t even graduated yet! And speaking of which, are you going to graduate even though you guys have missed like 3 months of school?”

[“do you think im some kind of idiot to go to china to ask my boyfriends parents if I can marry him without letting my teachers know first? They’ve been sending us online work and lectures, so we’ll  be fine. Be back in 2 weeks, tops. Have you spoken to Luhan about it yet?”]

“yeah, took a little convincing that your not stealing his favourite cousin away and defiling him with your pelvic sorcery, but your all good. He’ll give you his blessing in person, so HURRY UP AND COME BACK!” So ingossed in his conversation, he didn’t hear Chanyeols greeting as the taller boy come in through the door, setting some groceries on the kitchen counter and opening the fridge, taking out a soda.

[“speaking of, Luhan told me all about your Roommate situation. Sounds like things have improved since you talked to me about it last time! Have you confessed your undying love yet?”]

“you’ve been talking to Lulu and you made ME do the begging? And what the hell, yall know it isn’t like that! I am not in love with Park Chanyeol, Damnit! Hes just my Roommate! Why, are you jelous?” Baekhyun blushed to himself. But he didn’t see Chanyeols face drop, or his hands ball into fists, as the first tears trickled down his cheeks.

 [“I have Xingie, no need to be jelous. And sure. Byun Baekhyun, your convincing no one! We ALL know that your in love with your roommate, you don’t have to be shy. From what ive heard, hes a really nice guy. Oh, hey, Xingie is calling, I gotta go. Ill see you soon, okay?]

“okay, Bye joonie-Hyung, I miss you. Stay safe, okay, and let me know when your coming home. I love you.” And with those 3 words,Chanyeol gasped softly in realisation, dropped his soda can and fled to his room, startling baekhyun with the doors slam and leaving a puddle of brown on the floor of the kitchen.

“Chanyeol?” Baekhyun hauled himself off the couch and to his roommates door, knocking gently.

“Chanyeol, are you okay? Whats wrong?” he looked back to the kitchen, and groaned loadly.

“aww, the coke got into the rug! Channie, are you alright? Are you feeling sick?” with no reply, and Baekhyun torn between cleaning the kitchen and making sure his friend was okay, the house was silent. Sighing, he settled himself against the door, knocking gently.

“Chanyeol? Whats wrong? Please, let me in.” curling his legs into his chest and hugging them, Baekhyun leaned his head on the door.

He knew it was going to be one long night.

oh god, the drama begins!

soyeah, like i said before, just 2 or three more chaspters to go! 

i hope youve enjoyed the fic so far, please pleaseplease let me know what you think, makes me alittle bit sad that no one said anything for the last chapter, so please make me happyyy and tell me what you think!!

anyway, ill see you all soon!

much love! ~

- Strawberry Chan

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FotoStory #1
Chapter 3: This fic is soooooooooooo great! I really reeeeeaaally like it! :) so please write mooore ~
Will there be ? :D
SeventeenCarrot #2
Chapter 3: Ah, I love this fanfic! Ohmygosh I want to know what'll happen to baek and Chanyeol ;u; poor chanyeol
SeventeenCarrot #3
Chapter 1: I love this so far lmao
Chapter 1: Hahah baekkie u are so creepy u know.. Wahhhh my lovely Hunhan!! There are soooo cute.. Gud luck n update soon!!^~<