
Living with a Weirdo - Dorm Room Confessions 2

Hey Guys! heres part 1 of this little series, i dont really know why it happened to be honest, it was just an accident...

but in any case, i hope you enjoy!

and remember, i dont own anything but the storyline!

oh and just as a heads up, italics are thoughts

Park Chanyeol was by far one of the weirdest people Byun Baekhyun had ever met.

And he was living with him.

Why did he have to ignore his mother when she offered to pay for him to study overseas?

“Sehunnnnnn” Luhan whined, his voice making Baekhyun want to slam his head on the grey desks in the cafeteria.

“Can you get me another can of ice tea? Peach, please.” He asked mock-sweetly, batting his eyes exaggeratedly. His boyfriend, already used to the elder boy’s antics, rolled his eyes and rose wordlessly from his seat, planting a kiss on the crown of his head before heading in the direction of the vending machine.

“okay, now that he’s gone,  whats yours problem, Byun Baekhyun?” the honey haired boy asked, sarcasm flavouring his tone strongly.

A whales groan was his reply, his friend’s head never leaving the table.

It was lunc

h ,and then Baekhyun had another 2 lectures, and a 5 hour shift at the local café after that. But that wasn’t the problem.

“is it Chanyeol again? Why don’t you just talk to the damn kid?” he asked, conspiritably pulling a large bag of chips from his bag and ripping it open, shovelling a large handful into his mouth and chewing loudly.

“its not that easy!” Baekhyuns voice was muffled by the table. “and I know that you aren’t eating chips! Sehuns gonna kill you!”

“What he doesn’t see wont hurt him.” Another gigantic handful. “And stop changing the subject!  Baekkie, in all seriousness, you really need to speak to the guy. Like, Im starting to get a little worried.”

“but Luuuu Luuuuu” Baekhyun thrashed, raising his head for the first time and pouting at his best friend. “I don’t wannaa! Just lemmie mope peacefully, okay?”

“Your moping is killing my appetite.” Luhan deadpanned, and shovelled another copious amount of chips into his mouth.

“and we all know that your appetite is supposed to be immortal. Maybe Baekhyuns moping will be good for your health, too.” Another voice joined the party, with two more bodies seating themselves at the table.

“shut up, Jongdae! Minnie, control your girlfriend!” Luhan mock-growled, another handful of chips making their way into his mouth, but this time out of spite, as he chewed them as nosily as possible whilst leaning into the recent additions face.

“Lulu, don’t be mean to Jongdae. Babe, lay off Luhan would you? You know how moody he can be.” Whispering the last part whilst absentmindedly flicking through a novel in his hands, Minseok smirked slightly to match his boyfriends ever apparent smirk.

“MINNIIE ! everyone here , where the hell is Sehunn?!” Luhan whined, grinning as his eyes were covered by two large milky hands.

“Hunnnie! Save me from these morons.” He squealed, grabbing the hands and dragging them towards a seat. The taller boy sat wordlessly, frowning when he spotted the now half empty bag of chips in Luhans Lap.

“hannie, what did I say about the chips? You already had 2 bags today.” he whipped the bag from his boyfriends lap and tossed it on the table in front of Minseok and Jongdae.

“hey Hyungs. You want some chips?” he s his arm around a pouting Luhans waist, his chair squeaking loudly as he pulled him closer.

“do I ever!” Jongdae pulled a large handful from the bag and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing obnoxiously. Luhan stuck his tongue out in retaliation. Minseok took a few himself, chewing thoughtfully as he continued to flick through his novel.

“anyway, Baehyun!” Luhans attention was brought back to his friend, who had returned to nuzzlingthe table, thrashing and mussing his hair violently every few minutes as a obviously very heated mental battle continued. He looked up mid-thrash, hair sitting like a rats nest on his head.


“you have to do something about Chanyeol!” Jongdae leaned in, eyebrows raised suggestively.

“oohhhhh, what about Chanyeol? Isn’t he your roommate?”

“yeah, hes my roommate, and he’s the weirdest guy ever! He never talks to me, and when I try to make conversation he just stares at me blankly and walks away slowly, like asking him how his day is is so offensive!

 He never eats with me, but sometimes I hear him heating up leftovers, or making ramyun at 3am. Whats his damn problem with eating with me, anyway!?

He has like, 6 million shoes and they’re all giant since he’s so damn tall which means his feet are huge, and they take up all of the closet space!

 He has a shelf full of ceramic bunnies, and on Saturdays he takes them all down and spends precisely 3 hours and 47 minutes polishing each and every one of them! Like that the hell?

 He always comes home with a new pair of patterned socks, which is insane because I know for a fact that he has like, 3 plastic containers FULL of patterned socks in his room! I mean that’s more that someone could wear in a lifetime, right?

 And his damn goofy smile when he takes them out for sorting , which is always on Wednesday nights, even if theres exams the next day. Even his sorting system ; warm colours, cold colours and monotones is so werid!

 Hes just the weirdest guy ive ever met!”  Baekhyuns short rant was met with 4 incredulous stares, Luhan and Jongdae going as far as to gape openly at the boy.


“ I think, Baekhyun Hyung,” Sehun was the first to regain his composure. “ that they’re just shocked at your obviously intensive knowledge of Chanyeol-Hyungs behaviours and activities.”

“yeah, Baekhyun, your inner stalker is showing.” Minseok was the second. His boyfriend whipped around to gape openly at him, mouth flapping silently.

“i-uh-um-wait-what the hell was that?” he stuttered, taking turns at throwing questioning glances at his boyfriend, Luhan (who was still a little bit dazed) and baekhyun himself.

“Baekhyun Hyung is in love with his roommate, and it looks like hannie was completely unaware.” Sehun deadpanned, gazing worriedly at his older boyfriend.

“YOUR IN LOVE WITH YOUR ROOMMATE AND YOU DIDN’T TELL ME?! WHAT THE HELL?!” Luhan broke from his daze, slamming a fist on the table. It was Baekhyuns turn to gape.


“Hes not loving anyone, thats for sure.” Another new voice joined the conversation. “hey Sehunnie, Lulu-hyung, Jongdae Hyung and Minnie-hyung. Whats up?”

“what the hell is that supposed to mean, Jongin?” Baekhyun growled. Two chairs pulled up as the last voice joined the conversation.

“I think he means that you haven’t been getting any, from Chanyeol or at all.” Kyungsoo piped up. Jongin grinned at his boyfriend , kissing him on the cheek and nuzzling him affectionately.

“that’s my lovely .” He grinned. Luhan turned to Kyungsoo.

“hey, how do you know Chanyeol?” the owl eyed boy shrugged, pulling a container from his bag and popping it open, handing a fork to Jongin and keeping one for himself.

“cool, Kimchi Spaghetti!”

“we have Maths and English together, he’s a really nice guy! Pretty damn loud, too. Jongie, don’t give any to lulu, hes on a diet.”

“IM ON A WHAT!? SEHUN!” Sehun glared at kyungsoo.

“hey, I thought we were keeping That on the DL.” he kissed Luhan on the cheek sheepishly.

“its just, I know that your soccer season starts soon, and I know how sluggish you get after you ‘have too much junk food, so I asked the guys if they could tone down the sharing activities.” Luhans bitter scowl soon melted, replaced by a sweet grin. He pulled his boyfriend close and sealed their lips together in a passionate kiss; much to the displeasure of the rest of the table, judging by the groans and the mock-reeching sounds.

“you guys are so gross. And Baekkie, Stay away from Chanyeol, okay? Hes way out of the league of a creepy stalker like you, hes a really nice guy. Really loud, too, and everyone in our class loves him.” Kyungsoo sneered, reaching into his bag and pulling out a napkin, and wiping the mess that had already accumulated on his boyfriends face.

“Baekhyun Hyung Likes Chanyeol Hyung? No way, that would be like a tictac dating a red vine!” he giggled, prompting Kyungsoo to join him.

“oh my god, I can totally imagine that! And then the red vine would have to fold itself in half when they want to kiss!”  the whole table was sent into a fit of giggles at Kyungsoos mental image, save one very sour Baekhyun.

“yall know it isn’t like that! Damnit, why did I introduce you guys!” Baekhyun whined. “Kyungie was so much nicer when we lived together, and if you didn’t move out so that you could get it on with Jongpabo over there, I wouldn’t have had to live with a weirdo!”

“a weirdo, huh? Is that what you think of me?” Baekhyun froze. he knew that voice. He only heard it when the owner was having a phone call or singing to himself in the shower, but he sure knew it. No one else in the world had such a recognisable baritone.

“wow, Chanyeol Hyung. So this is the roommate you don’t ever shut up about!” another new voice joined the conversation as the rest of the table turned their attention to the three boys who where standing behind Baekhyun.

He talks about me?

“hey, Tao, Wu-fan Hyung. What are you guys doing here?” Sehun called out, still wrapped around his boyfriend.

“just trying to find a seat with our dear friend Chanyeol Hyung here, I was about to call out when..” he paused, not knowing how to finish his sentence.

“…when we heard what Baekhyun was talking about. Ill be going now.” Baekhyun turned around slowly to face Chnayeol, whoes voice had dropped even lower than usual. Their eyes met for a bried moment before chnayeo spun around,m and stalked off back in the direction he had come.

“HEY, CHANYEOL, WAIT UP! Ill see you in maths, okay Sehunnie? Come on babe, lets go!” Wufan and Tao waved their goodbyes, and followed briskly after their friend, who had already left the cafeteria.

Baekhyun turned back around, eyes wide and movements stiff, to find all of his friends gaping at him.

“Baekkie..”  Luhan whispered. “my god, Baekkie you are absolutely fu-“ half baked obscenity was drowned out by the bell, signalling the end of the campus wide lunch hour.

“I’ve got a lecture now. I gotta go.” He said stiffly, and rose, movements robotic as he made his way to his next lecture.

Im totally screwed. He hates me.

 hahaaahahahah why is baekhyun always such a creep im my fics?

what did yall think? please let me know in the comments!

ill have the next chapter up in a little bit!

and as always, thanks so much for reading!

much love,

Strawberry - Chan x

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FotoStory #1
Chapter 3: This fic is soooooooooooo great! I really reeeeeaaally like it! :) so please write mooore ~
Will there be ? :D
SeventeenCarrot #2
Chapter 3: Ah, I love this fanfic! Ohmygosh I want to know what'll happen to baek and Chanyeol ;u; poor chanyeol
SeventeenCarrot #3
Chapter 1: I love this so far lmao
Chapter 1: Hahah baekkie u are so creepy u know.. Wahhhh my lovely Hunhan!! There are soooo cute.. Gud luck n update soon!!^~<