Sunao ni Naretara~ *02

Sunao ni Naretara~


"Good morning." a girl greeted Yoona.
"Oh! Hey, good morning too!" Yoona turned around and saw the unfamiliar girl that she talked to the other day.
"I'm really sorry I left you yesterday. You see my bestfriend called me..." 
"You mean, Lee Donghae?" the girl said.
Yoona was surprised.
"How did... how did you know his name? No, I mean how did you know that he's my bestfriend?" Yoona asked.
"Uhmm.. I saw you two talking to each other." the girl looked down.
"Oh, how did you know his name?" Yoona asked again.
"Were in the same class during Math." the girl said.
"Oh I see." Yoona said.
"By the way, I'm Dara." the girl offered her hand.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Yoona." Yoona smiled.
"So... we know each other now." Dara smiled at Yoona.
"Yes. And I think were friends now." Yoona said.
"Of course we are!" Dara said cheerfully.
Lee Donghae entered classroom 1 for his next class.
"Yo! What's up!" Donghae greeted one of his "dudes".
"Ah~ Math class. This is going to be boring." Donghae wined.
"I know right dude." Yesung, one of his "dudes" said.
"Aw cmon Lee Donghae! You only think this class is going to be boring because Yoong aka "your bestfriend" is not in this class." Kyuhyun said.
"Shut up!" Donghae laughed and looked around.
He saw a girl sitting at the last row alone. 
"Hmmm, you like her?" Yesung teased.
"W-what?" Donghae immediately looked in front.
"Someone's in love at first sight." Kyuhyun smirked.
"High five to that!" Yesung teased again.
"Stop guys. I don't like her okay." Donghae said.
"Fine dude. Chillax. Were just joking." Kyuhyun said.
"Class dismissed." Mrs. Kim told her class.
Everyone went out.
"Ah finally! 2 hours of plain boringness is done." Donghae said.
"That's why you never learn anything about math!" Yoona suddenly came out from nowhere.
"Yah! Ah jinja! You scared me!" Donghae was really surprised.
"Ohgosh. If you only saw your face." Yoona laughed.
"Yah!" Donghae laughed.
"Ah. Dara?" Yoona suddenly saw Dara going out from the classroom.
"Neh." Dara looked shy.
"Oh yea. Uhm, Donghae, this is Dara. Dara, this is my annoying bestfriend Donghae." Yoona said.
"Yah! How come she gets a normal introduction while me..." Donghae noticed Yoona looking at him and trying to tell him to greet Dara.
"Hi." Donghae bowed.
"Hmm, hi." Dara bowed too.
"Aish, this is so awkward." Yoona said.
"Uhm, nice to meet you Dara but Yoong and I have to go now." Donghae grabbed Yoona.
"Yah, wait! Where are we going?" Yoona stopped.
"Yoong! We have free time today remember?" Donghae said.
Dara just looked at the two.
"It's okay. You two can go now. Nice to meet you Donghae." Dara was about to leave when Yoona stopped her.
"Wait. Why don't you come with us.." Yoona said.
Donghae looked at Yoona.
"Yah, no please!" Donghae whispered to Yoona.
"Right! Dara should join us!" Yoona grabbed Dara and then left.
"Cmon fishy!" Yoona said.
"Aish, I can't believe that girl!" Donghae followed the two girls.
"Are you really sure it's okay?" Dara asked Yoona.
"Of course! This is a nice way to get to know each other right?" Yoona smiled.
"Neh." Dara nodded.
"Let's eat!" Donghae said.
"Eat?" Yoona said.
"Yes! Eat! E-A-T! We've been walking around this boring park for like 30 minutes now. And all you two do is talk and talk and talk.." Donghae wined.
"I'm sorry about this guy Dara. You see, he's really annoying right?" Yoona said.
"Bwo?!" Donghae looked at Yoona.
"It's okay. I think he's cute." Dara suddenly said.
Yoona and Donghae was surprised.
"Cute?" Yoona said.
"No. I mean, it's cute how you two are so close to each other." Dara said.
"Oh.. Okay..." Donghae said.
It was an awkward moment for the three.
"Where do you want to eat?" Yoona asked Dara.
"Yah! You should ask me too!" Donghae said.
"Ah no. It's okay. I have to go back to school anyway. I forgot I still have to do something." Dara said.
"Are you sure?" Yoona asked.
"Neh. I'm really sorry." Dara bowed then left.
Yoona was confused.
Donghae keeps on eating while Yoona was just looking at him.
"Yes? Why are you looking at me like that?" Donghae asked.
"About what happened earlier." Yoona begun.
"I think Dara was offended by you." Yoona said.
"Wae?! Why would she be offended? I didn't do anything!" Donghae said.
"You know, you should at least show her some respect." Yoona said.
"What? Am I being disrespectful towards her?" Donghae said.
"That's not what I mean.." Yoona said.
"Oh cmon, you know I'm always like that to you too." Donghae said.
Yoona didn't say anything.
"Yah!" Donghae looked at her.
"Well, maybe yea, to me you're like that but for other girls you shouldn't be like that." Yoona said.
"Aish, this is going nowhere. What do you want me to do?" Donghae asked.
"Apologize to her." Yoona said.
"What? I told you I didn't do..." Donghae looked at Yoona who's giving him her "death glare".
"Aish! Fine! I will when I see her!" Donghae said.
"Good." Yoona smiled.
"Hey Yoong! Aren't you going home?" Donghae asked.
"Not yet. I have to finish something on our book club." Yoona was busy writing something.
"Ah, okay. But I really need to go now. My grandmother is coming home tonight. I have to help my mom. Is it okay if I go now?" Donghae asked.
"Of course! I'll be fine." Yoona said.
"Are you sure?" Donghae asked again.
"Yes. 100% sure. Now go help your mom! Oh and tell her I miss her cookies!" Yoona smiled.
"Fine. Bye!" Donghae smiled then left.
It was already 5pm and Yoona just finished the papers she needs to do.
"Aigoo~ I'm so tired." Yoona stretched her arms.
Yoona was on her way home when suddenly a guy bumped her.
"Ah mianhae." the guy said.
"Anyeo. It's okay." Yoona was about to left when the guy held her hand.
Yoona's eyes widened.
"Uhm, sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm just going to give you this hanky. You almost forgot you dropped this." the guy gave Yoona's hanky to her.
"T-thanks." Yoona bowed.
"Hey, we go to the same school!" the guy said.
"Eh?" Yoona looked at him.
"You don't know me?" the guy asked.
"Sorry. No." Yoona said.
"It's okay. I'm just a new student actually." the guy said.
"Ah, I see." Yoona said.
The guy keeps on smiling at Yoona which makes Yoona uncomfortable.
"So, I have to go now." Yoona said.
"Uhm, yea. I'm sorry." the guy said.
"It's okay." Yoona started walking away from the guy.
The suddenly...
"What's your name?" the guy shouted.
Yoona looked back.
"Aish, this guy is so annoying." Yoona told herself.
"Im Yoona! You can call me Yoona." Yoona said.
"Okay! I'm Nichkhun! You can call me Khun if you want." Nichkhun smiled at Yoona.
"Okay. See you at school." Yoona waved and then left.
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Chapter 1: update soon please
Update soon~
thank you ^____^
ahahah Finally your back, Update soon lol, I'm dying to read your FanFic! :p<br />