

All the Mandarin that Kyungsoo knew was taught to him by Jongin on the flight over to Shanghai. Everything from simple greetings, how to say thank you and how to sound like he was at least a some sort of a natural speaker. Kyungsoo had to admit, he was very impressed with just how much of the language Jongin knew and was able to teach him.

"When you've lived with three Chinese people for a quite a while, you eventually pick it up" he explained when Kyungsoo had questioned him about it. Once landed, it was time to put his Chinese skills to the test and stuttering his way through Kyungsoo was still surprised when Jongin had pulled out of the airport and into a taxi, shooting out some words that Kyungsoo could not understand for the life of him. The remainder of the taxi ride he spent sat in complete silence, the fear of someone getting wind of who they were when they had only just landed.

"How much further do we have to walk?" Kyungsoo asked, Jongin rushing back and grabbing his hand to move him along quicker when he had begun to fall behind. With the taxi long paid for, it felt as though Kyungsoo had been walking for hours. Whilst the reality of it had only really been a few minutes to Kyungsoo it seemed to be forever.

Arriving at an apartment block, Jongin started heading the steps with Kyungsoo following closely behind. Maybe he had managed to snag them a place from someone like he had been able to previously. So far out of the city was this place that Kyungsoo hoped it would keep them will hidden for some time and that they would finally be able to settle down for a longer period of time.

"We're here" Jongin said as he stopped outside an apartment door, dropping his bag to the floor and stretching his arms as Kyungsoo put the suitcase down and sat on top of it, waiting for Jongin to pull out a key so that they could get inside and begin to unpack, try to settle down in their new home. Instead, Jongin placed two rapid knocks on the door and paused before placing another knock and then two more rapid knocks, stepping back and waiting for the door to be opened.

Kyungsoo didn't really know what to expect when the door was going to be opened. Deep down he feared that some old sleaze ball would be on the other side, demanding that the two did what he said otherwise he would rat them in. With every passing second at which the door didn't open, Kyungsoo began to think that this idea of his was about to become true. When the door finally opened, he held his breath and got ready to grab hold of Jongin's arm to tell him this was a big mistake and that they should go somewhere else to spare them of this. However when the door opened and revealed the person on the other side, well, Kyungsoo couldn't be anymore happier at Jongin's choice of location.

"T-Tao!" and no sooner had he jumped off of his suitcase did Tao have him in his arms, hugging him just as tight as Kyungsoo was. With the two of them embracing, Jongin dragged their stuff inside and shut the door so that anybody who would pass by wouldn't be able to see. Hearing Kris' voice call for Jongin, Kyungsoo broke the hug and ran over to him, gladly throwing his arms around him as Kris stilled for a second before smiling and hugging him back, patting him on the head.

"I didn't know you two were here! I thought you were in Shandong!" Kyungsoo exclaimed
"That's what we wanted people to think" Tao replied "We've been here ever since we decided to go on the run".

Whatever fear Kyungsoo had was now diminished. Staying with Kris and Tao had to be Jongin's best idea yet as the two of them were ushered into the living room for some much needed catching up and finally being able to sit down and put their feet up.


Tao and Kris were able to explain to Kyungsoo that they had decided to run to Shanghai as it would be the place where the police would less suspect them to run if they should ever come looking. They would check their hometowns- Shandong and Guangdong- and even check Beijing were people on the run would notoriously go to hide. Picking Shanghai, they hoped that the police would think there would be no way the two of them would pick one of the country's biggest cities to hide, it would be too obvious.

"So did you keep that a secret from everybody? Including the others?" Kyungsoo asked
"Of course not. We told the others because we trust them. Just last week we had Sehun come visit us after he had stopped off in Beijing to visit Luhan" Kris replied as Jongin sat there in silence listening to the conversation.

"Are you two going to remain here in Shanghai?"
"We were thniking of doing so, but having experienced near disasters we were thinking of moving out of Chna altogether and moving to somewhere like America or Canada, settling down and just remaining there. Sure people may vaguely remember a story about the murder of Yoochun but they wouldn't suspect myself nor Tao" Kris explained as Kyungsoo's eyes widened and turned to Jongin.

"We could do that! We could go to America I-I mean we have those passports don't we?" he asked as Jongin snapped out of his trance when he realised that Kyungsoo was speaking to him
"Hm? Yeah, sounds like a good idea" he mumbled back and taking this as a result of the travelling, Kyungsoo didn't really think much of Jongin's response, turning back to the other two to ask them more questions.


Jongin was not stupid. Though he acted it in front of Kyungsoo most of the time, he could see what all of this was doing to him. Those sleepless nights, constant fears of being caught, being on the lookout whenever the two of them ventured outside for the fear of being caught, Jongin noticed it all. Even though Kyungsoo brushed it away whenever Jongin questioned him about one of them, he was able to see the effect that this was beginning to have on the guy.

Very slowly he was beginning to regret even agreeing to have Kyungsoo come with him. He was beginning to regret going back to see Kyungsoo and wished that instead he just left without ever seeing him again and have the guy think he did die. Now that the two of them were with Kris and Tao, Kyungsoo was guaranteed to be safe, that he wouldn't have to be worried about being caught. Being where they were, Jongin would be able to leave knowing that he wasn't going to leave Kyungsoo in danger.

He had told him he wasn't in the mood to unpack because he was too tired and they should just leave it until the morning. All he had to do was wait until Kyungsoo was sleeping, slowly wriggle himself free of the latter's grip and place one final kiss on his forehead before getting his stuff and silently left him sleeping there alone. He liked to think that he was doing this for their own good, but what good was there in leaving someone he loved like that?

Okay, maybe I lied about this ending in just two chapters... but I can say with confidence that this will be definitely be ending in the next chapter with a possible fluff overload to content your poor hearts!

Until then!!

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Chapter 3: Thanks! I love this story ♡♡
zhenzhen12 #2
Nice story^^
NatureAdvertising #3
i see you are starting this fic. go fighting! :)