

Stirring awake, Kyungsoo groaned and moved about in the bed to try and get comfortable so he could drift off to sleep again. Reaching his arms out beside him he frowned when he was met with a cold, empty space. 

"Jongin?" he mumbled, yawning as he slowly opened his eyes 
"Jongin?" he called out again, this time sitting up to look around the room. On nights where Kyungsoo would wake to see that Jongin wasn't beside him, he was always reassured with the notion that Jongin was still up probably watching television or staying up late on the computer (which later proved to be him actually speaking to the others in secret behind Kyungsoo's back). 

Tonight however was different. Being in a new place, nothing was going to feel like normality for Kyungsoo until he was able to settle down and start over with Jongin until it was time to move about once again. However this was not the only thing that was stopping Kyungsoo from going back to sleep, an uneasy feeling had come over him as though something was not right as he got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom. 

Expecting everybody else to be asleep, expecting to find Jongin sat somewhere by himself trying to clear his mind as he would have done in the past, Kyungsoo was quite surprised to see that the light in the living room was on and that Tao and Kris were bickering from inside. Not wanting to be caught, Kyungsoo kept a safe distance so he wouldn't be seen, but was close enough that he would be able to hear everything that was being said. 

"We should not be doing this" Tao said, pacing up and down the living room floor whilst Kris sat on the sofa watching him "What we are doing is cruel!" 

"Look, this isn't something neither of us want to do, but Jongin trusts us to do it" he tried to reason, his answer only making Tao scoff 
"And what about poor Kyungsoo? Do you think he's going to be happy when the police turn up in the morning to take him home? Do you think he's going to be happy when we turn around and explain to him that Jongin's gone to hand himself in? Do you think he-" 

Tao had a rant ready to throw at Kris over just how much he was disagreeing with what Jongin was asking the two of them to do. Even before Jongin had left, Tao was expressing his disagreement over the matter. However in the midst of his rant he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Kyungsoo stood in the doorway, staring at him in shock. 

"K-Kyungsoo" the mention of his name making Kris perk up and jump from the seat 
"Wh-where's Jongin?" Kyungsoo asked as Kris sighed and stepped forward. 

"Kyungsoo, please, w-" 
"Wh-where is Jongin?" Kyungsoo interrupted, tone rising and and voice shaking as he spoke. He didn't have time to sit there and listen to any excuse the  other probably had planned to tell him. He wanted to and needed to know where Jongin was. 

"He's gone Kyungsoo. He's gone to go hand himself in to the police here where they can contact the Korean authorities and say they have him" Kris finally explained, dropping his gaze to the floor. 


Why would Jongin do this? Why was he giving up just like that? After everything they had been through, why was he just letting go of Kyungsoo that easily? 

"H-how long has he been gone for?" 
"Five minutes at least" 

Kyungsoo didn't have to stick around for much longer to hear anything else. Knowing that it hadn't been that long of a time since Jongin had left, there would be time to catch him and believing so ran out the door with Tao attempting to go after him, but was stopped by Kris who merely shook his head and told him that it was best if the two of them sorted it out for themselves.


It was cold out tonight. The coldest that Jongin had experienced in a place for a while. Holding his bag in his arm, he was heading for the police station. Following Kris' directions he had scribbled down onto a piece of paper , he would get there in no time and be able to hand himself in and get Kyungsoo back to his family in Korea. 

It wasn't exactly the easiest decision he could make and it wasn't as though he wanted to leave Kyungsoo... he just hated doing this and hated just what it was going to do with Kyungsoo, he was just tired of doing this and making their lives difficult. When he had time to think about everything they had been through so far, it would have been better if Jongin had just refused to take Kyungsoo with him in the first place. The day he went back to see him, he should have just refused when Kyungsoo begged him to let him tag along, maybe then he wouldn't have had to be constantly dragged around like this again. 


The voice made Jongin pause momentarily. He didn't look around or anything, in fact he laughed to himself and though it was his mind playing tricks on him. Thinking that was it, he carried on walking. 

"Kim Jongin you get back here right now!" 

This time the voice was closer, a lot closer than last time, in fact so close that it made Jongin stop and turn around just as Kyungsoo skidded to a halt in front of him, panting, wearing nothing but his pyjamas. 

"Soo? W-what are you doing out here?" Jongin asked and Kyungsoo took one look at him before he began slapping him 

"You. Stupid. Jerk!" he began with each slap "You really think that leaving me like that was going to solve anything? Make life better for the two of us? Did you really think that leaving me like that was going to solve any of our problems?" he shrieked as Jongin grabbed his wrists to prevent him from slapping anymore. 

"I know! I know, but running around hasn't done us any good. I've seen what it's done to you, I'm not stupid. Those sleepless nights they're not because of jet lag they're because you keep yourself awake at night worrying. You hardly eat not because you don't have a big appetite but because you're too stressed to eat! I can see this all happening and if I just leave you alone then maybe it'll be alright for you!" 

Jongin made a huge mistake in freeing Kyungsoo's wrist because as he finished his explanation, Kyungsoo went back to slapping him 
"You idiot! This wouldn't help at all!" he began and stopped slapping Jongin when he saw him begin to wince at the contact. 

"Do you not remember what I told you before we left? I wouldn't care if we had to live in the Himalayas all I want is to be with you. Sure I'm a little stressed and I tend to worry about things from time to time but that is who I am, okay? Y-you need to stop this. I-I am not letting you go! You're coming back with me and we can work this out, we can flee somewhere out of Asia if that makes you feel better... even go to America or Canada just like Tao and Kris. Please stay I-I don't want you to leave me!" 

At the sound of Kyungsoo beginning to cry, Jongin quickly wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into his chest. Seeing him break down like that was hurting him just as much as he began to mutter promises into Kyungsoo's ear that he wasn't going anywhere, promising him he was telling the truth when Kyungsoo questioned it. 


Upon returning, both were able to sleep in peace for the first time in a very long time. Kyungsoo made sure to keep his arms wrapped extra tight around Jongin before he could sleep in peace. Jongin knew that being on the run was going to be difficult, however he shouldn't have to give up. He had Kyungsoo by his side throughout and though the future was uncertain, just having Kyungsoo by his side was enough to keep him going for as long as he needed to...

And here it is! The concluding chapter of what was meant to be a one shot but turned to a three shot! 

Thank you to everybody who subscirbed/ upvoted and commented and I hope you guys enjoyed this! 

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Chapter 3: Thanks! I love this story ♡♡
zhenzhen12 #2
Nice story^^
NatureAdvertising #3
i see you are starting this fic. go fighting! :)