

They never stayed in one place for too long. They never stayed long enough to fully settle down. There was just about enough time to rent out a cheap place to stay, learn the basics of the language and get by looking as some sort of local to the place rather than some weird foreign couple who happened to land on the doorstep of the community out of the blue.

That was all Jongin and Kyungsoo really had time to do. Time never seemed to be on their side and seemed to pass them by quickly before they realised that someone was onto them and they had to pack up and move again. The fear of witnessing Yoochun's murder would never be able to amount to the fear that always gripped Kyungsoo when Jongin came running back to tell him they had to move again. In fact, the fear never really left him. Even when the two of them were guaranteed some sort of safety in their new destination, Kyungsoo was always fearful that somebody was going to recognise them, somebody was going to rat them out to the police and then the two of them would be ripped apart. The fear was consuming him.

"Still not asleep?" Jongin asked one night, voice laced in sleep as he turned over to find Kyungsoo still wide awake and staring up at the ceiling
"Cant get to sleep. I think I've had too much caffeine" Kyungsoo replied as Jongin sighed before laughing slightly.

"Well that's what you get for consuming too many cups of coffee in one day" he said, trying to make Kyungsoo smile a little before he sat up and pulled Kyungsoo towards him so that his head was resting against his chest.

"Is there something bothering you?" he asked
"Why? Do you think there is?" Kyungsoo retorted, Jongin gently combing his fingers through his hair.

"In all the time I've been with you there hasn't been any one night where you've struggled to get to sleep. Now whenever I turn over you're awake for most of the night" he explained 
"Probably all this moving about into differnt time zones and my body trying to adjust" Kyungsoo said, feeling Jongin nod his head before sighing. 

"In any case, you should really get some sleep, you have been looking quite rough lately". Was Kyungsoo really this obvious to Jongin? Was he that bad at hiding how he was feeling that Jongin could even tell when he was having a good day and a bad day? 

"Goodnight Jongin" he muttered, finger grazing over the scar which was a constant reminder of how close he and the others truly had been to losing Jongin previously. Just even seeing the scar on a day to day basis was enough of a reminder that if fate could have ripped them apart before, it could easily be done again. That it was terrified Kyungsoo, because he was powerless to stop it. 

"Goodnight Soo" Jongin replied and made sure to stay awake until Kyungsoo had fallen asleep before he even thought about falling asleep himself. Sometimes Kyungsoo worried him more than what the guy knew... 


The connection in the village was pretty rubbish at different given times of the day. Kyungsoo had to time his internet usage wisely otherwise he could go for hours, even near a whole day, without connection and that was something he knew he could not live without! 

Not being able to understand written Thai, there was just the simple task of changing the internet settings to Korean. Once that was done, all Kyungsoo had to do was type his name into the search bar and up popped numerous articles and online news reports about him; how he hadn't been seen for sometime, was he missing or had he ran away? 

Kyungsoo never bothered to read the reports which included interviews from his parents. He never really cared to hear about what they had to say. He always looked out for articles which maybe mentioned his brother or his friends. The day after being reunited with Jongin was the day in which he left. There was just about time to explain the situation to his brother before he had to say goodbye and go, just about enough time to send a quick text to his friends to say he was going away for a while and didn't know when he would be back before he tossed his phone to the floor, smashing it into a million pieces and then he and Jongin were on the first flight out of Korea. 

Since then they hadn't stopped moving. Since then there was never the opportunity to just sit and rest, never the opportunity to get comfortable and think about living out the rest of his life in a new place without having to worry about being caught. That was never going to be an option, it just seemed too far fetched. 

Sighing to himself, Kyungsoo finally called it a day with the news articles and switched off the computer. Having noticed that the weather had significantly improved from what it had been earlier, he contemplated on whether he should go outside for a walk, let what was left of the sunshine for the day soak into his skin. The thought of which was quickly interrupted by the sound of the door slamming open and Jongin running in. 

"What's wrong?" Kyungsoo asked, however he should have gotten use to hearing what came out of Jongin's mouth next 
"We need to go, like now" he replied, running into the bedroom and grabbing the bags which were placed underneath the bed. 

"What happened this time?" Kyungsoo asked, running into the bedroom and began pulling clothes out of the wardrobe to toss to Jongin 
"Somebody in the village apparently works undercover for the police. Got wind that the two of us aren't really from here and is going to check it out with his superiors. It'll only be a matter of time before he finds out who we really are" Jongin explained, pulling the drawer underneath the bedside table open. 

"What are we going to do?" 
"We're going to China" Jongin replied, making Kyungsoo stop and widen his eyes. 

"China? Jongin we can't use our passports anymore. How do you think the police knew we went from Seoul to Tokyo and then from Tokyo to Ho Chi Minh? They tracked our passports!" he exclaimed 
"We're not using our passports. We're using these" Jongin replied and pulled out two Chinese passports, tossing one to Kyungsoo. 

"Wh-where did you get these?" he asked, opening it up to find his pictures but with a new, Chinese name attached to it 
"There's no time for that now" Jongin replied, rushing over to Kyungsoo to help him pack. 

"Jongin... where did you get these" Kyungsoo asked, holding up his passport and refusing to do anything else until Jongin had told him 
"I wasn't going to tell you just yet because I know how you're going to react" Jongin tried to reason 
"But you know that in situations like these I do not like secrets being kept from me so you may as well just tell me or I'm not moving" Kyungsoo replied, further backing up his point by sitting on the bed with his arms crossed. 

"Soo" Jongin groaned but knew just how stubborn he could be. Running his fingers through his hair, Jongin teetered on whether he should tell Kyungsoo the truth or make up some elaborate lie. He knew though that Kyungsoo didn't like it when he lied and had no choice but to tell the truth. 

"Some nights when you've gone to bed I've stayed up late. I've.... I've been in contact with the others" he began and winced he heard Kyungsoo gasp 
"Wh-what, like with Baekhyun? And Tao?" he asked as Jongin nodded his head 
"Why didn't you tell me?" and Jongin could just hear the hurt lacing his voice. 

"I-I don't know! I guess it was just easier to keep it hidden from you! Look that doesn't matter right now. Basically I got into contact with them just before we crossed the border from Vietnam. I told them that the village we were going to would be enough to keep us hidden for just a while, not for long before we had to flee again and I was saying how difficult it would be to get into neighbouring countries so Tao suggested moving to China" Jongin began, taking a deep breath in before he continued. 

"I explained to him that we couldn't exactly use our passports and then of course Kris pipes up saying he knows people who could help. Long story short remember that package that arrived here about a week ago?" he asked, waiting for Kyungsoo to nod his head. 

"That package contained our passports with plane tickets and visas for anywhere we needed to go at the last minute. Given the situation we're using them and we're going to China like Tao suggested" he finished and moved to start packing again before sighing and pulling on Kyungsoo's arm to lift him up. 

"Look I know I should have told you sooner and this was a pretty stupid time to do so, but we need to get moving Kyungsoo. Please just get up and help me pack and then you can shout at me all you want when we're on that plane out of here" he begged and at that Kyungsoo turned around and silently began to pack, not being able to look at Jongin as he did so. 

"Where are we going?" he asked 
"Shanghai" Jongin replied, Kyungsoo didn't think that he would have an exact place in mind. 

"Why there?" he asked 
"You'll see when we get there" Jongin replied, leaving briefly to go look out the window before returning. 

"Come on, if we get to the airport quick enough there should be a plane out in an hour or so" and with that the two continued to pack whatever they needed to take with them in silence. Kyungsoo kept his mouth shut and didn't bring up the fact that Jongin had kept a secret as huge as this from him for so long, but knew that once they were out of immediate danger. They had to move quickly however. Time was running out and from past experience, they knew that it was hardly ever on their side... 

And the first chapter is up! 

I'll probably make this a two chapter thing because I knew there was no way I was going to make this a one shot so this is going to continue and finish into the next chapter which should be up soon. 

Until then!! 

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Chapter 3: Thanks! I love this story ♡♡
zhenzhen12 #2
Nice story^^
NatureAdvertising #3
i see you are starting this fic. go fighting! :)