when it rains.

when it rains.

listen to beast's oasis while reading this.


butler: young master, the breakfast is ready

me: ani, i will not eat.. I'm late

eomma: ryeowook, just eat and I'll just inform the school that you need to finish something

me: mom, don't. *picks my bag*

eomma: ryeowook.


I neglected her call, I ran and grabbed my bike then my mom got out from the mansion


eomma: *shouts* KIM RYEOWOOK! 



I made my way to my school, I didn't use our car because i think it's kinda over

I entered the classroom, I was expecting for a sermon but the teacher welcomed me with a smiling face

I sighed, I guess mom called them. 


I took my seat and look over the open window 

I saw a girl running, I chuckled because she looks cute

I look at my teacher who's teaching the electron configuration

I took out my notebook and began to copy what's on the board


Mr. jung: aish! Miss yoon sunhye late again?


I heard mr. jung shouted at a girl who I saw running awhile ago

my eyebrows met, are people here being racist to ordinary people?

I stand up and gulped


me: I beg your pardon, umm.. but her bike broke down so she's late

mr. jung: oh.. is that true?


she looked at me with a confused reaction, I just smiled and winked at her 

she nodded and the teacher was kinda embarrassed of what he have done to the girl


mr jung: okay, sit beside mr. kim

sunhye: ah, ne.


she sat beside me and I smiled at her

she seems nice, I wanted to be friends with her


me: hey.

sunhye: hey. thanks for lying awhile *giggles* you probably know who i'am right?

me: ne, sunhye right? I'm kim ryeowook

sunhye: oh! youre the rich kiddo! nice to meet you~


we talked and it seems we know each other

time flew fast as we chatted, it's finally dismissal time

I didn't see her I wonder why, then it rain.. I frowned cause I dont have my umbrella with me


I decided to leave my bike on the gate and ran on the nearest covered walk

but then someone hands me another umbrella, it was sunhye


sunhye: a rich kiddo with ni umbrella 

me: well, I dont really like being rich you know

sunhye: jinjja? you have everything


we started to walk and walk until we ended up getting ourselves wet

because we played on the rain, she was a happy-go-lucky person


me: yaaah~ stop running

sunhye: bleeeh~ you can't catch me

me: let's see *chase her*


I chased her until we entered the park, there no people but us only

I chased her and accidentally hugged her

our faces were inches apart

she broke from my embrace, she blushed

I was a bit shy to her


sunhye: look.. we're wet

me: haha! ye!

sunhye: let's go to my house and change

me: bwoh? you have guy clothes?

sunhye: uh.. from my brother who's in new york

me: nice, are you living alone?

sunhye: ne.. 


we reached the house and I was filled with awe when I got in

it was small yet I can live with it

she handed me her brother's clothes


after changing on our new dry clothes, We watched some reality shows

I was attached with her, as if we're close since birth but it's been almost a day since I met her

i dont know but I feel warm and happy with her


days passed,I began to go with her. Girls on our school kept on gossiping about her

but our ears are closed to those immature things

we became more attached to each other


until one day I brought her on our house


eomma: Who is she son?

me: ah. this is yoon sunhye, my bestfriend

eomma: *whispers* yoon?


I nodded and she glared at sunhye


sunhye: something wrong ma'dam?

eomma: nice to meet you sunhye

sunhye: same! *bows*


after dinner, my driver droves us to her house

I was happy that my plan is working

my plan is.. I wanna court her when I have the guts to


sunhye: *opens the car door* thank you! it's fun eating with your mom

me: me too! bye~


she closed the door and I watched her open the gate

I smiled and signaled my driver to go


when I got home, my mom gave me a scary look

I asked why, she said that I should stay away from her

I dont understand why


me: but mom!

eomma: why? I said stay away from her

me: why!?

eomma: just DO what I said!


I frowned and storm out from the living room

I headed to my room, I dont understand why mom kept on controlling my life until now


the next day, mom instructed me to stay away from her

she said that if I break her rule, I will never see her again



sunhye: oppa!


I didn't look at her


sunhye: oppa! are you playing deaf again?


I got up and transferred to another seat, she was embarassed

girls let out an evil laugh, I was pissed


the day ended without her by myside, I felt quilty of obeying mom's command

but if I dont obey her, I will surely not study her anymore

my phone vibrated and it was her


이 봐, 당신은 내게 화가?

(hey, are you mad at me?)
이 봐, 미안 해요 당신이 일을 좋아하지 않았어요 뭔가 했다면:(
(look, I'm sorry if I did something you didn't like :( )

아이스크림, 취급 거 야 당신이 그걸 좋아하지? 제발 이것 처럼 하지 마

(i'll treat you ice cream, you like it? please don't be like this)

괜 찮 아 요! 당신을 위한 아무 더 아이스 크림입니다.

(fine! no more ice cream for you.)
I smiled to her text messages, I was walking on the sidewalk when I saw her eating
two ice cream, she's really depressed
I can't help myself and I ended up standing infront of her
she looked up but she rolled her eyes, she continue to eat those ice cream she bought 
sunhye: what are you doing her?
me: I'm sorry.
I told her everything, she gave me the ice cream she already ate
I smiled at her and she was listening to every word I'm saying
she was shocked, we decided to go to my mansion to ask why
she barged in and my butler and mom was shocked of her actions
eomma: why is she here?
me: mom look it--
sunhye: please, be a straight forward person, why do you hate me?
eomma: who are you to ask me that?
eomma: huh! stop playing.
sunhye: TELL ME!
eomma: YOU WANNA KNOW WHY? because you're poor, you have no right to be with my son
sunhye: that's all?! oh my god.
eomma: how dare you to shout at your mother like that
me: NO, mom. how dare you humiliating her!
me: I love you momm but i need to love my future wife
woopsie~ I finally said it on the wrong time, I looked at her and she was shocked
my mom facepalmed, I now have the guts to tell it to her.. I grabbbed and kissed her
her eyes widened and I kissed her infront of my shocked mom
eomma: oh my.. KIM RYEOWOOK!
I broke from the kiss and knelt down 
I showed her a ring 
me: YOON SUNHYE.. wil you be my girlfriend and the mother of our children?
she just looked at me and I gave her my puppy eyes
and she gave in, she smiled and nodded as a sign of 'yes'
eomma: if you marry this girl, you're not my son anymore
me: so be it.
we got out and the rain suddenly poured
I stopped and kissed her again
this time, she kissed me back
i heard mom yelled "STOP IT!"
we just smiled and ran
 6 months passed
finally, we graduated. I work at a coffee shop near sunhye's house
we both live there, I earned enough money to sustain our daily needs
one day a man came to me and gave a letter
it said that my mom died from drug overdose
the cause of the death was sleeping pills
the whole company is needing me with the exchange of billions of dollars
you know what I did to that letter?
I threw it on the trash can.
screw being rich, I dont want to let my children experience how
hard it is to have everything without love.


good? hmm...  please comment or suggest anything, hahaha!


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2037 streak #1
Chapter 1: I just read this story and well, I realized that you were trying to tell a moral at the end of the story... That's nice :)
jenina_llanes #2
,.. ijust realized something after finishing this..,
,..It is a pretty nice story, I'd say..,
Thank you! I was totally inspired with my subbies, silent readers and those who always comments on my oneshot fics
jessilyn #4
Oh my god. That was so sweet :D I fistpumped in the end :)
you made the right decision.<br />
i love it, really...
thank you!! :D I was about to end the fic with ryeowook returning to his <br />
mansion but I think I made the right decision XD<br />
ssweetdreamer101 #7
this was cute and helped bring up my mood adorable XD
aww THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!<br />
<br />
yeah money isn't everything, LOVE is~