

It was the same situation as before, Velos worked on MX07 and Jiwon helped her to construct the hips of the Hybrid.

Freya stood aside her to watch over Velos, so she wouldn't get hurt.


Jiwon!” Velos shouted




Could you please look for Mey? I want her to record the next training and enter it into the system!”


Sure. I'll go now.” Jiwon said.


Velos fixed the contents between the legs, to determine the gender of the Cyborg, MX07 supposed to be a female so the hip has a bigger size and she can form the waist. The phone rang and Freya answered it.


Master Enrey's Rapid Assistant Cyborg serial number 01:Freya! How can I help you?” said her system.


Hello Freya, here is Lou, Velos' childhood friend!” said the person on the other line.


Good evening Mrs. Lou. Do you wanna talk to Master?”


That would be nice”


OK, you can wait a minuet, Master's working on a Hybrid. I'll give you her” Freya smiled through the phone even when Lou can't really see her.


Master! Here's Mrs, Lou on the phone, she wants to talk to you.” interrupted Freya.


Good. Hand me the phone..... Server close the valve.”

The fire of welding torch was gone.


Hello. Lou how are you?”


I'm very good, what about you?”


Me too. It's so nice to hear from you again, It's been a while since the last time we talked.”


That's true, ha ha!” Lou laughed through the phone.


What are you working on?” asked Lou


I'm working on the area.” said Velos


Oh...” than she began to giggle:” hahahah!” both laughed.


You know the last time, we talked about about this situation?”

Lou laughed, remembering the past.


Hahaha How could I forget! It was when we were young and talked about my dream to construct a cyborg, I remember this situation exactly!” said Velos.


And we drank tea or coffee!” responded Lou.


It was coffee. You were on cold denial, because I didn't gave you coffee for a while.” Velos joked.


Right! How could I forgot about it!”


No problem! That was really a long time.”




I miss you!” said Lou to break the silence. It was like a third room where Velos and Lou could talk forever.


I miss you too!” Velos responded softly


How about the idea of you coming to South Korea!” Velos finally said.


That would be awesome!” said Lou happy.


I'll bring you to me!”


Oh My God! I love you Velos! You know how much I wanted to come to you to Korea!” Lou almost screamed through the phone.


How could I forget about your dreams? I'm your best friend!”


I know and that's why I love you so much!”


Velos chuckled through the phone.


I'm really sorry, but I need to continue with the Cyborg!” said Velos


Alright! I also need to continue with my work!”


I would love to talk to you more, but I have less time.”


It's OK, I'll talk to you later! Bye!”


bye!” both hung up and Velos started her work again.


Mey came up to Velos, followed by Jiwon.

Freya took the first step and went to the two women, for a little talk.


Mey, Jiwon! How can I help you?” asked Freya


I want to talk to Master!” responded Mey polite, and bowed


Master got no time right now, I'm really sorry. But I'll try my best, so I'll ask her if it's ok for you to talk to her.” smiled the Cyborg.


Thanks Freya! You are a great help for us!” said Jiwon

Freya walked up to the concentrated Velos. She tipped at her shoulder, Velos stopped. Freya whispered something in her ear.

The two women watched them. They saw how Velos stood up and removed the dirt off of her clothes. The gazes of Jiwon and Mey followed Velos, while she walked her way to them, Freya went an other direction.


Well, what do you want to talk about?” Velos reached to their spot.


Mey bowed and started to talk first: “Master. Jiwon told me, you want me to record the next training session, is that right?”


Yes!” shrugged Velos as if it were obvious. “And what else do you want me to ask? I know that there's something you want, because you wouldn't ask if it's right and just record the session, how it was told.”


Well....” Mey looked at the ground. Velos stared at Mey, with crossed arms.


Please don't ask the same thing, what Jiwon asked a while ago.”

Velos broke the silent. Meys muscle tensed more. Velos saw how her body react.

I knew it!” Velos sight

Jiwon looked at the ground too, to avoid the Masters eyes.


I can tell you the reason, why I reject your wish.” Velos started to walk away, to sit on a desk, still crossed arms. Both looked at Velos and heard what their Master is saying.


There are two problems the first is, because I want to protect you guys. If someone would know, that you are 'Cheaters'. Those people would search for you and kidnap you, because you know a lot about this business. This business where you're working at is like a survival game. All you need is to survive.

One question to you; Would you do anything to stay alive?”


Both nodded.


Even killing other people to get their ingredients?” asked Velos again.

The girls were shocked at that question and then looked down, to admit that she's right.


See. This is a game. And all I want for you is to stay alive and protect others with your life. If an outsider of any other company knows about you being a Cheater,..... our company would collapse.” finished Velos.

The second problem is, that you wouldn't be able to live a social life, everyone would think of you as a murder and avoid you, I don't want to see your sad faces, because you're blocked out of the public.”


How could you know, how they would react, Master?” asked Jiwon. Velos stood silent for a moment, but then spoke up.


Because I know! Humans are terrible creatures. They can destroy your life easily and make it hard to feel happiness again.” Velos spoke out.


Not all humans are like that!” argued Mey.


How could you be so sure. I trust in human beings.” said Jiwon.


You sound like you're no human, but you are like everyone on this earth. We know it isn't easy for you to believe in humans ever again. But if we could tell it someone, we'll take the consequences. We promise.” added Jiwon, Velos turned her back to the young women.

So you'll die.” responded Velos


What?” asked Mey


You'll die! These are the consequences. And not only you, even your family and friends.”


That's not true.” Jiwon unbelievable said.


No! It is true, they'll search for them, to degrade your family of this world easily.... Do you guys even thought, what we are doing as Cheaters?”


We're removing trash, people who deserved to die!” both girls said


Right! Did you thought about his family? No. You just took their life, because it is your task to do it. Just like in other company's, it's their task to kill us, the dreaded Cheaters! So don't forget about our position in this game! Our enemy's are carelessly and they're showing themselves in public, so anyone knows them and see them as protectors. And us as killers. People only know that Cheaters exist, but not who they are and it should stay like this.”


Yes Master!” both girls bowed


Now we should head to the training sector.” ended Velos and walked between the young women to the door. Mey and Jiwon followed her.


Freya!” shouted Velos


Yes Master!”


Please prepare the training sector and call all Cheaters together, we need to talk!”


Right Master.”


The three women stood silently in the elevator. Freya was already in the training sector. Mey and Jiwon looked down on the floor avoiding Velos strong eyes.

The elevator stopped.

The women stepped into a white room, the lights blinded them.

The doors of the elevator closed, Velos started to walk to her own change room. Mey and Jiwon did the same, but they don't have their own change room, they share a change room with the other Cheaters.

When they entered the room, all eyes were laid on them. Everyone wanted to know what their Master said, but Mey and Jiwon stayed silent.


All Cheaters were dressed up and waited for their Master Velos.

Velos came from her room and placed herself in front of her secret unit. She said nothing till Freya stood behind her.

She spoke: “Cheaters! There's something we need to talk about!”


We're not training?” asked Henna, from nowhere.


No! I wanted to say something else.” Velos paused.

Many of you asked me if we could show us up and my response was no. But there's one way you can tell, only your family about it. Everyone in this room told their family about a fake job to hide the truth, of being an employee, in my company. “


So there's the deal; you can tell anyone of your family or friends that you're working at my company and nothing else. Did you understood me?” finished Velos, everyone nodded

If you tell less more than it's supposed to be. You need to take the consequences and believe that none of your family tells it aloud. But it's better if they don't know, correct?”


Everyone nodded in responds.


Good! Then let's start the training!”


Right!” shouted the crowd, Mey and Jiwon smiled at each other.

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