
After the training session, the Cheaters went home. Velos just went upstairs and relaxed on her big brown sofa. Footsteps walked to Velos direction. Velos could feel how the spot next to her went down. 

"What do you want, Jiwon?" asked Velos

"What you said today, was really nice of you. "

"what was nice about it?"

"That you understood our wish."

"There is nothing special about that. All I want is you guys to be happy. Even if it costs me our identity. "

"From the outside you look cold, but inside you are the sweetest person, I've ever met."

Velos smiled at Jiwons words. Jiwon continued; "Tomorrow I'll meet my brother and his friends again, do you wanna join me?"

"No I can't, I need to complete the Hybrid and I'll go to a meeting so there's no time." said Velos

"Hmm, well if there's no time.... But I hope you could meet my brother one day, he is really nice."

"Don't worry that day will come." completed Velos, Jiwon stood up and said: "I got to go now, I'll meet him at a cafe and it's the first time I saw him after his debut with his friends."

"So he's a singer?"

"He is the rapper of the group, so yea"

"Which entertainment"

"Why do you wanna know?"

"There's a company who requested an R.A.C XP model. That's why I'm asking."

"He has a contract with Jellyfish Entertainment."

"Hmmm..."  Jiwon looked at Velos, waiting for any word, that should come out of . After a moment Velos spoke up: "Jellyfish Entertainment requested the cyborg."

"Oh cool, then you can meet him maybe.."

"Maybe .... but they have a problem, Jellyfish has not enough money for an classic model and there will be a lot of meetings, like tomorrow." continued Velos.

"Ok!" said Jiwon "See you tomorrow in the laboratory, Velos-unnie." 

"See you tomorrow, Jiwon." added Velos and the young woman walked out of Velos' living room.

~Next Day~

Jiwon stood up early, so she would have enough time to make herself ready for the meeting with her brother. She made breakfast and went out of her dorm. Jiwon wore blue skinny jeans, a white shirt and a black sweater, she made a ponytail with her hair and putted some eyeliner on her eyelids. When she reached the cafe,  she sat herself at a table near a window, where many people could sit. She waited a while, Jiwon took her phone out of her pocket, she saw a message of Mey.

'Where is Velos? I need to give her the report.''  Jiwon responded quickly, before her brother came.

'She's at a meeting, there's no time, just bring it to her office and, she'll read it.' Jiwon laid her phone on the table and looked out of the window, she saw a lot of people walking. Then made her phone a noise, she looked at the screen and saw a message of her Master.

'I'll be late, you can take the hole day free, enjoy it with your brother ;)'  Jiwon smiled at her phone, she thanked her. A person interrupted her, she looked up and saw six men in front of her.

"Wonshik-oppa!" she hugged him tight 

"Jiwon!" he hugged her back and spinned her around a little. The other five men stood there and smiled. When Wonshik let go of his sister, Jiwon started to greet the others one by one. 

"So Jiwon. How's life?" asked Wonshik

"My life is amazing, I'm working at a big company, my boss is nice to all employers." said Jiwon 

"At what company do you working at?" asked Hongbin

"At EnreyTechnoligy." said Jiwon and all eyes of the six men went wide open.

"Wow Jiwon how'd you become to work at a big company like this? What position are you? That's important to know." asked N

"I am the assistant of the company manager, Enrey."

"So you're working at a high position like that?" asked Ravi shocked "Does even umma know about it?"

"Not really! To be honest." admit Jiwon.

"How is your boss? Because you are working right next to him."  asked N again.

"We call our boss Master, because he's the main constructor of the Cyborgs, our Master, builds them alone. On requests."

"Calling your boss, Master is really strange." added Hyuk

"No it's not. It is easier for us too, because our Master got an assistant Cyborg and she calls him Master, so we also have to call him that way." added Jiwon, her phone interrupted their conversation.

"Sorry. I got a message of my boss, I need to answer it." apologized Jiwon.

"It's okey, you need to answer." said Hongbin, while the others nodded. Ravi looked at Jiwons phone screen.

'Jiwon could you please come over to the company later? If it's no problem. I know I promised you free time a while ago and you'll get it one day, I promise.'

"So you had a day free and now, your 'Master' canceled it that easily?" asked Ravi confused

"I know, yesterday my Master told me, that I need to go to work later anyway and then he said I'm in no use. Now plans have changed." said Jiwon

"No that's rude of him." added Ravi

"Ravi just stop whining! She is working at a big company with a lot of work. When she needs to work then she needs or she'll lose the chance of working there." said N to Ravi, to protect Jiwon.

"Thanks N-oppa, someone who understands it." Jiwon responded Velos quickly

'I'll be coming! is there anything I need to bring with?'  Velos called her.

"Hello Master!"

"Hello Jiwon and no here's not Master, here is Freya!"

"Oh hello Freya! Well where's Master?"

"Master is busy with the meating right now."

"But how could she text me?"

"I texted you with my processor, Master told me to contact you and tell you anything!"

"Ok and do I need to take something with me? "

"Yes there is something. A special file, Master thought, that she don't need it."

"Ok I'll bring them. But first I need to head to Masters house first."

"No there's no need, Henna will bring it to you."

"Why can't Henna bring them to Master?"

"Because Master is angry."

"Oh ok I understood, should I go now?"

"No! Someone will pick you up."

"Ok, Freya I'll do it!"

"Thank you Jiwon, you are a great help, this is the reason why Master took you as an assistant."

"Hm thanks, ok bai Freya."

"Bai Jiwon." The phone conversation ended, the six men didn't asked, they heard anything. Ken was the first who spoke up.

"What happened if your Master is angry?"

"My Master will burn down the hole building." said Jiwon

"I don't like your 'Master'!" said Ravi

"Why?" asked Jiwon confused

"How he treats you, pushing you around and when he's angry everyone should be scared of him. That's not nice, that means mean." added Ravi

"My Master isn't mean. He's a person who cares about the people around him, even about our familys!"

"It's not his business, what happens in our family." argued Ravi

"I can tell you My Master isn't a bad  person."

"You both should stop arguing!" shouted N "Ravi you don't know Jiwon's Boss and Jiwon you shouldn't shout at your older brother he just cares about you."

"You are right." admit Jiwon and Ravi

"And what company is your Master at?" asked Hongbin

"At Jellyfish Entertainment." said Jiwon shyly, all eyes were laid on her.

"What? Jellyfish Entertainment requested an R.A.C?" asked Hyuk, jaw dropped.

"Mne! Master is at the same moment at your Company." repeated Jiwon, Ravi stood up.

"Shall we head to Jellyfish Entertainment?" asked Ravi

"No I need to wait for Henna! and the car!" Jiwon tried to stop her brother. Suddenly a black Limousin came up, all seven looked out the window and then jumped Henna through the door of the cafe, she breathed heavily, like she ran for her life.

"Jiwon, here is the file. And the car is waiting outside." pointed Henna out of the window.

"Looks like it's destiny!" joked Ken. Everyone headed to the car, a man came out and opened the door, so they could enter it. While the drive, no one spoke, Jiwon looked out of the car window and Ravi looked at his little sister.

"Jiwon." Leo broke the silence "When we'll meet your Master, how will he react? You should have come alone."

"I don't know Leo." said Jiwon

"Our Master is always diffrent, but defnitly you will meet her cold side." joked Henna.

"So your Master isn't talkative like our Leo?' asked N

"No! But she can kill you with her glare." said Henna as if Velos was a Monster

"But who cares I'll tell your Master, he shouldn't lay a hand on my sister." said Ravi. Both girls glared at Ravi and Henna whispered something into Jiwons ear:"Does he think that Master Velos is a guy?"

"Yes he does." both chuckled about it.

"Mrs. Kim there is a call from Master Enrey!" interrupted the old driver.

"Thanks Mr. Chen. The call will be accepted." said Jiwon

"Hello Freya! Is there something else you want to talk about?"

"Here's not Freya, here's your Master!" everyones ears headed up and listened to the words of the Master.

"I'm Sorry Master I thought you are Freya."

"There's no need to apoligize. I hope you got the right file and Henna didn't messed up!"

"No Master I looked at it and it's the right one." said Henna

"As I can hear, is Henna in the car too."

"Is it a problem?"

"No. It's good you both are coming. Maybe I'll need some help, to tell the manager of jellyfish entertainement that it's not possible to complete a cyborg in a short period. And for the half needed budget. They should learn that this isn't that easily"

"We will do our best Master."

"I hope it. And what I wanted to ask too."

"Yes Master?"

"Why'd you took your brother with you?"

"How do you know it?"

"There is a camera in the car."

"Oh is that a problem if they come with us?"

"Actually not, their managar asked me if you could bring them with you."

"Oh that's good, thank you master."

"there's no need to thank me, all I want is you guys to come safely to me and nothing else."

"Ok Master. I see we are now at the building."

"I know."

"See you"

"See you" ended Velos. 

"Your Master has a nice voice." said N

"I know." Smiled Jiwon. Everyone got out of the car,

"Ok. Now Mey and I will go up and meet our Master. " said Jiwon

"We will go with you!" Argued Ravi

"No! I don't know how our Master will react, if she sees you." Said Jiwon worried.

"I don't care!"

"Just stop already! You both are really annoying!" Shouted N.

"But you can't just burst into the meeting, that's not polite. Especially when you are not invited." said Jiwon.

"It's their problem, all I want is to meet your 'Master'." turned Ravi away, Jiwon grabbed his arm to stop him from walking away.

"You selfish idiot! You can wait an other day, but not today!"

"Your Master said that our manager wants us to come too." snapped Ravi

"Only to bring you here, but not joining the meeting!"

"Could you please stop acting like little childs, fighting over candy. There's no time for both." interrupted a voice. The Manager of Vixx walked out of the building.

"There is something, we need the opinion of every member at this company, so stop shouting at each other and come in." ended the man and walked back in. The others followed the man, Henna and Jiwon walked in front of Vixx, Jiwon didn't talked to Ravi for a while, till they reached the door of the office. Jiwon took a deep breath and looked at Henna, who was nervous as hell.

"Are you alright?" asked Jiwon. Henna nodded in response. Both opened the door and entered the room. All eyes were laid on them. Both girls bowed and introduced themselves, the Vixx members joined them and did the same things. Jiwon handed Velos the file. The members of Vixx didn't believed their eyes, that the woman is actually Jiwons Master, because she looked to young, to be a manager of a big company. Their eyes were glued on Velos, she wore just a blazer and a black outfit with high heels, her hair was in a messy bun. Velos eyes were on the folder. The six men saw the cyborg standing behind Velos.

"I thought that the manager of EnreyTechnoligy was a male, but not a female." whispered Ken to Hyuk, Hyuk nodded.

"Can you see the cyborg too?" asked Hongbin to Hyuk and Ken

"Yes! I've never thought, that they look like real humans." added Hyuk.

"Now you have the chance to talk to her." whispered N to Ravi. Ravi said nothing.

"Thank you Jiwon." said Velos while Jiwon handed her the file. Velos turned her head to the six guys. Their bodys froze, when Velos' eyes met them.

"Is your brother one of that six guys?" asked Velos

"Yes Master." said Jiwon and pointed to Ravi.

"Aha." Velos turned her head away from him. Ravi had feel the cold eyes of the woman, he couldn't move anymore.

"Now you have the choice. Do you agree to produce the R.A.C for our company?" asked the boss of Jellyfish Entertainment.

"Why do you ask me? It's your money and first you need to confront the six men, what consequences will come for them. And I think that they won't like it." added Velos

"Vixx!" said the Man and all six members looked at him.

"Do you agree to bring an assistant cyborg into our company? Even when the next follow projects, will be minimized? Because of less money?" asked the manager again. All six men looked at each other and N spoke up.

"We agree with your disission, but what we want is, that we'll have the chance to look over Mrs. Enreys shoulder, if there's no problem." hoped N

Velos thought and looked at the table.

"I don't kn...." began the man

"There's no problem."

"But Mrs. Enrey."

" but there's one thing, you will  touch nothing and you are allowed to stay only 2 hours and not more. Do you understand?" interrupted Velos. All members were surprised, even Jiwon, was half open.

"Did you understand?" asked Velos again. Everyone nodded and bowed in front of Velos and thanked her.

"Good then there's a deal." finished Velos, she stood up and shoke hands with the Manager of Jeffyfish Entertainment.

Velos, Freya, Jiwon and Henna walked out of the building, when Ravi came up to them.

"I'm sorry if I stopped you, but I wanted to ask you something, Mrs Enrey."

"And what?" asked Velos.

"How could it be that you choose my sister as your assistant?"

"Wonshik!" interrupted Jiwon, Velos stopped her with her hand.

"He can ask anything he want. So you wanna know why I choose your sister?"

"Yes." added Ravi. Velos responded:

"Just because..." and Velos smirked a bit at Ravi, he froze and stood there, Velos walked out first, followed by the others. They reached the car and Jiwon asked Velos: "Why'd you allowed them to look over your shoulder, while you work?"

"You were the person who told me to change something, so I did. If they want to see how the cyborg would be build then I have no problem with that, but if they stick their nose into something that's not their business or that's not allowed. I'll cut off their balls and burn them down." admit Velos honest.

"That's the Master I searched for while the meeting." said Henna, Velos smiled a bit at what she said.

"Girls, what I wanted to say is that tomorrow will be a hard day." admit Velos

"And what will be tomorrow?" asked both girls, Freya answered their question:

"Tomorrow is a mission. A Cyborg got LOST:DATA!" the air in the car got thin

"The last time, the cyborg was seen near Incheon, we think it will take his way to Seoul, but we will catch it on its way. To prevent another death." continued Freya.

"There is someone already dead?" asked Henna

"Sure. Lost cyborgs, always kill their owners first, sometimes their family too. But this time we have luck, it killed only one person." said Velos

"When was it?" asked Jiwon

"Half an hour ago." added Freya.

"Not a while ago" added Henna

"So there are not many injured people." said Jiwon

"Right! And tomorrow morning, we'll catch the lost cyborg." said Velos.

"Right!" all said together.

"Let's hope anything will go right" said Velos quitly to herself.


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