
“All Systems are ready to set up! Please connect the hardware to reload the Data.” a mechanical voice echoed through the laboratory.

“Freya! Connect MX-33F-07hybrid to server G5! And remove MX-33F-04hybrid from server H3 to cool it down!” said a young woman named Velos Enrey, the constructor of Technological Humans, Rapid Assistant Cyborgs also known as R.A.C.

R.A.C's are technological progress of human beings, to make peoples life easier. Freya is the first R.A.C, Velos constructed in her 17th year of live. Later Enrey found the company; [          ] , one of the biggest technical company of the world.


Right after Enrey shouted, Freya did what she was told. She connected MX07 to server G5 and disconnected MX04 from H3. She stood behind Enrey to observe the operations and register.

“Server!” said Enrey and the mechanical voice started to respond:”The reload of Data EXT03.CL to MX-33F-07hybrid should start in 10 seconds after entering the password, to open file06. Please enter the password to continue....”

Enrey looked at the screen before she spell the password :”... Hybrid Reload.” *bing*

“Password accepted!” the server started counting from 10 to 1.

“The reload finished without complications. Please disconnect the hardware; MX-33F-07hybrid.” pleased the server, Enrey nodded to Freya, she went to the other side of the dark laboratory, followed by blue lines at the wall. The only light source were the screens in front of Enrey and the table under the screens.

“Freya, please let someone bring MX07 to sector 12, I need to revise the function of the spine again, otherwise it has to move with wheels.” said Enrey to Freya. Freya just bowed and send the information to sector 12.

“MX07 will be transported to sector 12 for revise. The M.arms are ready for use.”

“Good! Follow me Freya.” Enrey said and started to leave with Freya, when suddenly some one interrupted them. “Velos. I got the documents, you wanted me to bring you.” the girl with black hair handed Enrey the folder with documents. “Thank you Jiwon.” said Enrey.

The girl was Kim Jiwon, one of the few people who are able to talk with Enrey or call her Velos. She's 20, graduated school to start at the company of Velos. “Velos? Where are you heading?” asked Jiwon. “I just wanted to go to sector 12, do you want to come with us?” asked Velos, Jiwon nodded. The three went to the elevator, the doors opened, all of them entered the small room, the doors closed and Freya pressed the button of the 2nd floor. It started moving, till the movement stopped and the doors opened.

Velos went through the doors, the lights . “Welcome to section 12. MX07 is ready for revise, you can start when the PIN's entered...” said an unknown mechanical voice from all around the room.

“Please enter the PIN.”

“2112...enter...04.” said Velos. “PIN accepted, M.arms are ready to continue.” the robotic arms fell from the ceiling down to the present R.A.C. Freya connected herself to register the operation, Jiwon stood next to her. Velos walked to the table, hands in her pockets. “Server!” *bing* “System drive up, restore mobile data connection, close circuit of the R.A.C.” said Velos, she took the protective mask, took off her jacket, she stood there in a gray tank top and black skinny jeans, her hair in a messy bun. She protected her hand with fireproof gloves.

“Server, open the gas valve” muffled Velos through the mask, she took the welding torch and started to work at the Hybrid. Hybrids are R.A.C in work progress, skeletons of the Cyborg. Sparks enveloped Velos while her work. She worked at the connection between spinal cord and legs, so the R.A.C could walk on his own. Jiwon observed Velos from behind, at the end of the room. Velos stopped and took off the mask, she turned herself to Jiwon: “Jiwon, I need your help!” Velos shouted to the girl and she did what she was told. Jiwon ran to Velos and asked what she could do.”First, insert the plug of MX07's brain into server F8, down there.” pointed Velos to the other side of the table “Then go to the Computer and open file06, there you find the instruction 'WalkingSystem0Z'. Go on it and click on 'interception' than tip 'ESC' to start the download.”

Jiwon did anything without asking again, what to do. She's used to it. The download started and Velos walked away from the table. She said:

“M.arms, start connecting network connection” said Velos and the arms started to move, the loud sound of working tense filled the room. Jiwon went to Velos and looked at the working Arms above the skeleton.


Time went by Velos, Freya and Jiwon sat in the kitchen of Velos and Jiwon drank tea, which was made by Freya. The laboratory for R.A.C was right under Velos house, but the constructions of the other Items of the company are spread around the world.

Velos lived in South Korea near Seoul because of the technical progress and because the production of R.A.C must be isolated from the other production-houses, of her company. “That's a good tea, Freya.” said Jiwon while Velos drank hers. Freya bowed and thanked her.

“Velos?” asked Jiwon, Velos hummed in respond. “When will be the next operation? I mean the....”


Velos cut her off “I don't know, maybe tomorrow, I'm not sure. But you need to train more like the other five.”


“Alright. I just wanted to know.” sighed Jiwon


“Really? Isn't there something else you wanted to do?”


“Maybe...” trailed Jiwon off


“Just tell me, you know you can tell me anything”


“It's just... I didn't seen my family a while ago, so I wanted to ask when will be the next mission and...”


“You want to film the mission to show your family and friends how amazing your job is right?” cut Velos her off


“Where did you know that?”


“Jiwon! I'm not dumb and you're not the only one who asked me something like that, I know it's no big deal for the others, but for me.”


“But why? Isn't it interesting to see how you fight?”


“No! And I can tell you why, this part of the company is top secret and it's not allowed for outsiders to know about it, especially for family and friends!” said Velos


“And tell the others, that they shouldn't try next time to get what they want through you!” Velos stood up and leaved Jiwon alone with Freya. Jiwon sighed and laid her had on the table.

“All I wanted was to show my family that, not only my brother's successful. And that I can do more than him. I don't want to be protected, I want to protect him once.”


“You shouldn't be upset, you'll have the chance to change Masters mind, I know that!” said Freya to Jiwon, to comfort her.


“You saw, how she responded, I don't think, she would would change her mind” Jiwon hided her face with her arms.


“Should I try, to talk to Master?” asked Freya with a smile.

Jiwon lifted her head up, to get a better sight of The R.A.C.

“You would do that for us?”


“Sure! I know Master good, deep in her heart, she want to make your wishes come true, for all of you!” patted Freya on Jiwons head.


“Promise!” said Jiwon and showed her fist to Freya, Freya did the same movement and touched the side of Jiwons fist and said:




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