A Date?

That One Girl

The entire walk home was filled with soft laughter and small talk as the older swung your hands while strolling along the sidewalk. Unfortunately the fun came to an immediate stop once you walked through the door to the dorms. A frowning maknae along with a blonde tall member stood with crossed arms in front of you as if they had been waiting for your arrival since you left the dorm. The atmosphere seemed to drop more by the second as the two of you moved closer to the awaiting demons. 

"Do you realize how late you are?" The maknae blurted out as he rapidly tapped his foot against the floor, leaving no room to reply before his next comment. "You're in big trouble!"

"Excuse you. Last time I checked, I was older than you, Kookie." Hoseok stated as he removed his jacket and hung it on the rack. 

"Yeah wel-." The younger was interrupted by an abrupt groan from the blonde leader standing next to him. 

"He means we have practice and you should've been back. Just because she's here doesnt mean she needs to disact you from your duties. You should've been back a half hour ago." It felt like he was shooting you a glare sharp enough to slice you. In hopes to make it less awkward you bowed an appropriate ninety degrees and placed your coat neatly on the rack next to Hoseok's before speaking.

"It's my fault, I didn't mean to keep him so long. I'm a slow eater." 

"Yah. Don't take the blame for him.." Jungkook seemed to shoot you a small pout before going back to glaring at Hoseok. 

Almost immediately after the four of you had settled the issue and apologized appropriately, the older two left, leaving you alone with Jungkook. He was acting a little distant but you caught him sneaking you a small glance every now and then. You decided to break the silence and walked over to him, poking his cheek. 

"Yah~ Why'd you get so mad about Hoseok being late?" He turned his attention from his fingers up to you as you spoke, instantly grabbing your waist and causing your cheeks to light up. He knew how fast your heart was racing, he could most likely hear it. 

"Because..you're mine." He gave your lips a small gentle peck, it was almost long enough to call a kiss but not quite before walking off to his room and slamming his door shut behind him. The sudden action left you with wide eyes, still able to feel the small tingle against your lips from where his had touched yours. 

"Woah.." Was all you could manage to get out before Jimin walked in the room to grab some water. 

"What's woah?" He questioned as he opened the bottle, taking a few sips while glancing at you, having heard the whole thing as he stood in the hallway. 

"Hm? Um oh nothing big." You tried chuckling as the statement left your lips to seem less worried but Jimin didn't buy it. He set the bottle down on the counter before walking up next to you and brushing his hand against yours before deciding to take it in his. 

"If you ever need to talk about anything just know im only two doors down. " The older kissed your cheek gently before pulling his hand away from yours as slowly as he could and making his way to his room with Jungkook. 

The younger was laying on his bed with his face hidden in his pillow, mumbling soft words Jimin couldn't understand. He made his way over to the other, sitting on the bottom of his legs before quickly being kicked off and forced to stand. 

"So you've fallen for her, eh?" Jimin asked with a smirk on his lips, ruffling the younger's hair playfully. 

"I don't know..I just got really jealous knowing Hoseok hyung took her out..and to keep her that long..What if they did stuff?" Jimin eyes widen slightly at the maknaes words before shaking them off with a light chuckle. 

"Did stuff? Kookie, she's not even legal and they barely know each other." 

"Yeah but you didn't see her face when they came back..she was so happy. Her smile was just beautiful. It hurt to know Hoseok made her smile like that rather than me." He groaned at his own words before sitting up on the bed, staring at his hands fidgeting in his lap. 

"Yah, hush. I'm sure she was just happy because someone treated her. If you're so worried, why don't you take her out?" Even though Jimin was half playing when he made that statement, the maknae took it into consideration and began looking up date ideas on his phone. 

"Good idea! Thanks hyung." Jimin rubbed his hand across his face as he groaned at the realization of him giving Jungkook the courage to take you out. Hoseok was right, they all wanted you for themselves. 

In another room a few doors down was Taehyung sprawled out on his bed with his headphones in. He was shaken out of his thoughts when Hoseok jumped on his body, pinning his wrists by either side of his head with a wide grin plastered across his face. 

Taehyung looked up at him with squinted eyes before speaking. "What's got you all happy?"

"Her." Was all he managed to say before getting lost in his thoughts of the date. 

"Her? Why does everyone have a thing for her? She's only been here a few days. You couldn't possibly know her enough to have fallen." He rolled his eyes at the older before tugging at his wrists to make Hoseok let go. 

"You just don't know until you've spent time alone with her. She's beautiful inside and out. She has such manners and her shyness is to die for!" He rolled off the younger to lay beside him on the bed with a loud sigh in content. "She's perfect."

Little did Hoseok know, TaeHyung could see how perfect you were. The only reason he hasn't made a move yet was because he was too scared of rejection. Besides, you had three boys after you already. Adding a fourth seemed like too much drama to him for now.

"Yah. Taehyung? You still there?" The younger had gotten lost in his thoughts for so long he didn't realize he'd been laying there in silence for almost thirty minutes. 

"Sorry..um I have an idea. So all of us can get to know her a little more.." Taehyung ran his fingers through his hair as he sit up to glance down at the older who was holding a curious look on his face. 

"And what would that be?"

"A group da-. I mean..like all of us go out somewhere with her and get to know her. She probably still feels a little awkward not being close with all of us. If she's going to be staying here a while we might as we-" He was caught off in the middle of his rambling when Hoseok tackled him off the bed and to the floor, stadling the others waist with a wide grin. 

"That sounds perfect! We should all go to the mall! Let's do it first thing tomorrow morning!" 

"Dinner!" Jin yelled from within the kitchen, causing both boys to quickly stand, racing to the diningroom table.

You were the last to enter the room, still being lost in your thoughts from Jungkook's earlier words. Everyone glanced up at you in unison as you sat in front of the plate Jin prepared for you. They could tell  something was wrong by the way you stared at your food refusing to make eye contact. 

"So.." Taehyung said to break the awkward silence beginning to form at the table.  "I was think tomorrow morning before we start our schedules we can all go out to the mall and hang out together. You know..for Y/N sake." 

You looked up from you plate at the mention of you name before ibking as you realized you weren't listening. In attempt to not seem rude you smiled and looked around for the other members to reply  first. 

"The mall?" The leader asked as he took a bite of the rice on his plate.

"So early?" Jimin added in

"I won't look good." Jin stated with a small pout. 

The members continued to add in little comments and question here and there until you finally decided to speak, realizing what the situation was now. 

"I think it'd be a great idea..I mean I do need to get to know all of you..and I would love to be more comfortable with each of you since I'll be staying so long. The sooner, the better. Right?" Each member gave you a small smile or huge grin in agreement. All except for Jungkook that is who was lost in his thoughts. He'd wanted to take you to the mall for a date to buy you cute outfits and spoil you for the day in hopes to bring you two closer together. What was he to do now?




A/N: wow it feels like I haven't updated in forever. Someone burn down my school so I don't get distracted so much..just kidding don't do that orz

I've Also been distracted with roleplay but I wrote all day and even started next chapter a little. I promise for it to be even longer than this one since I don't have writers block for the next idea and I shan't wait 3 weeks to update..whoops. Latest will be Saturday night for the next update but hey, it'll be worth it. Thanks for reading! I love reading your comments too! ^^ 

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Chapter 7: Awwwwwww kookie being all shy shy.. Omgosh.. Haha.. Update soon ara? Haha
Sakurakilari1 #2
Chapter 6: Awww they're soooo cuuute <3
Wonder wich one of them will be the second one to do a one on one date <3
I don't know why but i kind of want jungkook to be the next one so that she can make up for "rejecting" his proposition (and for him to make up for that embarrasing moment that happened in the starbucks chapter lol )
But then again i want her to have a date with all the members so i'll enjoy it as much if it was another member than the maknae >_<
Chapter 6: Oh my god! The story is soooooooooooooo damn good!
ohoho1245 #4
Chapter 6: Yay, you're back! I'm starting to fall more in love with this fic. It's amazing! Great job! Thanks for updating and I can't wait for your next update :D
Odult_SehunEXO #5
Chapter 5: Omg I laughed out loud at the starbucks scene , Good Job! ^_^
Baeksobang #6
Chapter 4: oohh Jimin you're so cute ^^ if you're gonna make a one on one scene for the next chapter, please make it with Jimin author-nim pleaseeeee ^^~ Taehyung or Jungkook would be also cute tho eheh ~ I 'll be waiting !! Hwaiting~
Baeksobang #7
Chapter 3: ooooh this is so exciting!!! I loved the part with Suga eheheh ^^ But eventhough my bias is Taehyung i want the girl to be with Jimin kkkkk i don't know why he is just been acting so cute around her ^^ pls update quicklyyyyyyyy~
Chapter 2: Omg the Jin part is so cute I love it >u<
Chapter 1: Yes please update soon it's preety good just I hope you start to make each bts member to start showing their feelings towards her LIKE OMG THAT WOULD BE AWSOME ! :D