Remember When. . .

Drabbles Oneshots

This story about Lee-Choi Family ^^

Minho as the Mama and Onew as the Papa...^^

,,But this is an angst story. . so not a happy story. . .Sorry if this is disappointing you. . .-




Little girl and boy run with their little foot to their Mom, they were looked extremely adorable in the way their short legs carried them over to their Mom.


“Mommy~~~!!” they yelled happily as they hugged their Mom from the back, hugging their Mom on his thigh, because they were too short to reach for their Mom’s waist.


Minho who so-called Mom of theirs, turns over to looks at his adorable angles that held him tightly on his thigh.


Smiling gently as he caresses their soft hair after placing the vas back on the table, “What is it, dear?” he asks in soft tone.


They looked up to their Mom’s gaze, “Mommy, Mommy. Tell us something, Mama! Tell us, Mama,” they say happily.


Minho knelt on front of them, “Telling you what, dear?”


They bounced a little, “Tell us about Onew-papa, Mama! Onew-papa!” they say excited.


Minho widened his eyes, doesn’t believe for what just his babies had said. He feels like want to cry now, lets his heart out.


He feels his old pain comes up in his broken heart again, his heart beating so fast when he heard that name. The name that he used to call, the name that still linger on his ears and the name that he loves, just had gone.


His other half just had gone.


Minho was spacing out on his own world, and he was snapped out by tiny hand that caresses his cheeks softly. Backs to the normal world, Minho looks at his worried looking babies on front of him.


“Mama, are you sick?” says his eldest child. Shake their heads, “No, no, Mama! No sad, no sad. We love Mama, we love Mama,” he says as they hold Minho with their tiny arms.


Minho feels so touched by his sweet babies, he holds them back. “I’m sorry, dear,” he loosen his arms around them and looks directly at their eyes, “Mama was just spacing out, Mama is not sick,” Minho says and he gives motherly smile toward them, “and Mama loves you too,” he adds.


His babies just giggled together as continued to hugging Minho affectionately.


Deep in his heart, he feels really, really hurt. He wants to cry so badly, but he can’t, he could not cry on front of his babies. He doesn’t want make them worried about him.


He forced a small smile to them, “So, who said that they want hear about Onew-papa?” he asks to them.


His babies immediately rose their tiny arms up. “I, Mama! I! I want to hear about Onew-papa!” they say in unison.


Minho giggled at his adorable angels on front of him, “Alright! Then follow Mama to living room,” he says as he led them into the living room.


They sat together on the couch while Minho sits in between them, his arms around his babies.


“Alright! What do you want to hear about Onew-papa, dear?” he asks.


They lifted their head, “All, Mama! All about Onew-papa!” they say happily.


Minho smiled, “Okay, actually your Onew-papa, his real name is Jinki, Lee Jinki. Why he called Onew, because of he has soft chubby cheeks, your papa is really, really soft! Like a cotton candy!”


“Yeey! Cotton candy!” yelled his baby girl.


Minho pinches her cheeks softly, “Yes, dear. He’s really like Cotton candy. Soft and sweet,” he smiles, “And Onew was your first word when you both looked at Onew-papa! When your papa heard about that he was bouncing up and down like a bunny with tearing eyes,”


“Papa cries, sad, sad?” he eldest asks.


Minho looks at him, smiling, “No, no, dear, Papa was happy, that’s why he was crying back then,” he explained. “Because, he was so proud of my sweet babies,” Minho cooed as he pinches his baby’s cheeks.


“Papa happy?” his babies say in unison.


Minho nods, “You are right, love. Papa was happy.”


His babies rested their head on Minho waist and nuzzled onto it, yawning.


Minho pats their side gently. “When you both were baby, Papa always singing a lullaby for you. His voice really, really gentle and you both immediately fall asleep after Onew-papa had sang,

Your Papa really is a sweet person, but he’s so clumsy at the same time,” Minho stops as he remembers all his moment with Onew, his clumsiness manner, his sweetness and his all love. And he remembers when Onew couldn’t make a bottle of milk for their baby and immediately spilled it on the floor. Yet he still was a good Papa for their babies.


Minho looks down at already fall asleep babies on his arms, he smiles.


“And your Papa never forget to say ‘I love you’ to us, he never forget to give us good morning kiss and good night kiss,” Minho paused, his tears already falling down on his cheeks. “Your papa never forget that he always loves us. He never forgot that. He never…” with the last words Minho lets his heart out, he wants lets his pain out.


He was too missed Onew so much. He really missed him so badly. He wants Onew come back to their life and lives happily as a happy family. He really wants it.


Minho wipes his tears away. Try to be strong for their babies, their family and their love.


He rose up from his seat and picks his babies up onto his arms and placed them on their bedroom.


Minho closed the door behind him and walks toward the photo frame on his table. That picture was the twin’s first birthday. That time they looked very happy as a family. They both smiled together and the twin on their laps, smiling happily.


He  where Onew in the photo was, smiles because of seeing the angelic smile on Onew’s lips.


“Onew, even though you are not here with us anymore. I know you see us from there, you protect us from there. I know you always give us your warm smile toward us from there, I know you still with us in here," he says as he placed his right's palm on front of his heart, "You still here with us. And, I know you always say ‘I love you’ from there. And, we here, love you always, Onew. We love you and I love you, Onew,” he says in his cry as he held that photo onto his heart. He just, he just too missed Onew so much.


Wipes his tears away, he placed that photo back to his table.


“I love you, my babies. And I love you too, Minho.”


. . .>

Actually, when I wrote this...I cried so badly...TTT^TTT my eyes kinda puffy and got swollen. . .

Pathetic, aren't I?


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I haven't started reading yet because its pretty late right now..but I totally will first thing in the morning!!!
Just wanted to say your background is awesome!!!
I'm going to find that picture lol XD
Ankhou #2
I liked this drabbles ^^ Thanks for writing.
i cant believe i anticipated something to happen at chapter 5 0.o<br />
gii... ur turning me into an onho shipper...
the background!!!! 0.o<br />
(josh, ur a jongyu shipper, remember that!)<br />
so cute @.@<br />
(no! josh! ur a loyal jongyu fan girl remember?!)<br />
Minho just asked you to and his fingers without any reasons and you did it just like that? Awww~ you like those fingers so much jinki? Well, I do too ^^
taeshid #6
Hey I agree with you...I love Minho's hand...XDDDDD
SnHiromi #7
Chapter 9: seriously?? LOL!! hehehe i don't understand the chapter well i do but is weird XD but i like it hehehe >w<
I like the 'let's wrap the gift' sooooooo much! It's soo jinki! Minho is so sweet too TT <br />
I want that gift with jinki in it one pleaseeee~<br />
<br />
Naughty jinki is the best! I bet he looks soo cute when he's doodling minho's face =3
it will be perfect if you add some maybe... *ert me ^^<br />
anyway, this is cute!! minho sure will make a pretty girl~