Chapter 2

Phone Calls

It was a seemingly normal school day. The gang was eating together at their usual table; they were joined by Lee Hayi – Hanbin’s girlfriend. Everything was normal, except for a certain kid.

“Yunhyeong-hyung?” the elder glanced at his beloved dongsaeng, “Don’t you think Junhoe-hyung’s being… I don’t know… Just a little…” Chanwoo started.


“Out of his mind?”

“Like his brain has been consumed by an alien, and that person isn’t even really Junhoe?!”

“Oh, stop teasing him!” said Hayi. She glanced at Junhoe; he was acting a little out of the ordinary these past few weeks. He was constantly spacing out (well, at least more frequent than usual), smiled a lot more, and went home straight after school. His grades were even getting better, according to Donghyuk. She glanced back at the others, they seemed genuinely worried. She wanted to assure them that everything was okay with Junhoe, but then they’d ask more questions. She wouldn’t know what to do in that situation.

A hand flattened out Hayi’s creased forehead and when she turned; her eyes met the concerned ones of her boyfriend. She softly smiled at his worried face, “I’m fine. Just worried, like everybody else.” Hanbin sighed and gave Hayi one of his cheeky smiles to assure her. He looked back at Junhoe. What’s gotten into that kid? 

A few days before

Lee Hayi was a creature of habit. She didn’t like it when her routine was messed up. Sunday mornings were her and Junhoe’s bonding time. Although they usually just spend it in silence minding their own business, it was tradition, and she had to admit she missed him. It was the fourth time that month his not-so-little cousin decided to not show up at her house. First time round, she dismissed it with a “He’s just too lazy to drag his over.” The second time, she didn’t even notice. She was too busy with exams and papers, she barely remembered. But, the following week, she confronted him at school and he had shrugged it off and simply said, “I had a date. Sorry.”

Hayi was usually annoyed at Junhoe’s presence but as a noona she worried for him. He used to tell her everything; there were no secrets between them.  She was now standing in front of Junhoe’s house, taking the spare keys inside the lamp beside the door. Silence greeted her as she opened the front door. She slowly walked towards Junhoe’s room. From a distance, Hayi could hear her cousin’s low and raspy voice but it was accompanied by a slightly high-pitched one – a girl’s voice.

Was this the reason he didn’t come over anymore? He already found himself a girlfriend, and decided to keep it a secret from her? Hayi was disappointed to say the least, but she was also a bit jealous. Back then, she and his mom were the only females Junhoe ever bothered to talk to. No time to be sentimental now, Lee Hayi.

Laughter continued to flow from Junhoe’s room, before Hayi decided to cut it, “KOO JUNHOE!!! HOW DARE YOU?!?” Hayi bursted open the door, her face slightly red and pouting. She was met with a wide-eyed, baffled Junhoe and his messy room, no sign of a girl anywhere. Hayi was equally confused as her cousin.

“Err, hello? June? You okay over there?” a small feminine voice said. Hayi eyed the small device beside said person’s laptop. Junhoe, having slightly recovered from the shock, grabbed his phone and said, “Um, I’ll call you later, Rae.”

“Okay. By-“ Beep.


Their eyes did not meet for the past few seconds and the annoyed tapping of Hayi’s foot was the only thing you could hear. “NOONA!~ It’s so good t-“ Junhoe started.

“Stop it with the aegyo. It’s disgusting,” Hayi continued to murderously stare at her cousin. Junhoe sighed, he knew he had to tell someone sooner or later. He looked at his favorite noona, she was standing with both hands on her hips, looking even more irritated than the past minute (if that was even possible). He sighed and messed his hair out of frustration, “Look, I’m sorry, okay?” he glanced back at Hayi looking apologetic.

Hayi softened at the sight of his frustrated cousin, it was nice to see he still had his childish side. She sat on the edge of his bed, looking at him as if permitting him to explain himself. Junhoe looked over at Hayi, her soft, encouraging gaze made him relax a little bit.

He let out a shaky breath, “Where do I start?”

Junhoe and Hayi had proceeded to the living room and fancied themselves with two cups of chocolate. The next hour and a half passed by with Junhoe telling Hayi all about Mirae, how they met, how he struggled to keep their ‘relationship’ a secret from everyone, how she was such an amazing writer, how her laughter sounded like wind chimes during a summer breeze.

During this hour and a half, Hayi stayed quiet, nodded a few times and just listened to her cousin’s stories. It wasn’t the Sunday morning she was expecting, but it was rather nice. But, never in Lee Hayi’s life will she ever get used to the sight of Koo Junhoe talking like a lovesick teenaged girl. She had to admit, the fact that every time the mystery girl’s name rolled off his tongue his eyes would somehow twinkle animatedly was quite adorable.

“So… When can I meet this amazing girl?” Hayi decided to say, seeing that her cousin can go on for hours. Junhoe literally froze at her noona’s question, “Err, actually… We haven’t really ‘met’…” he trailed off.

Hayi’s eyes widened considerately but then scoffed at the clichéness of the situation her cousin was in, “But, do you ever plan to ‘meet’ her?”  Junhoe grew silent again, “Have you ever tried asking her if you can meet?” Silence enveloped them once again, silence was usually comfortable to share with Junhoe but it was just suffocating this time round, “You should serious-“

“I’ve tried, okay?” Junhoe never looked helpless like he was that moment, “I just… I’m scared.” Hayi was surprised at her cousin’s declaration, he rarely showed his vulnerable side. Aigoo, what am I supposed to do with you?

Hayi stood up from her seat across Junhoe and sat down next to him on the couch. She made him look straight into her eyes, smiling endearingly, she said, “Would it really hurt to ask?” As if those words instantly gave Junhoe all the courage he needed, he hastily wrapped his long arms around his petite noona's body. "Thanks, Hi-noona," he whispered. 

Lee Hayi was a creature of habit. But she could get used to this new side of Junhoe.

Thank you to all readers and subscribers. I'll try to update as much as I can before school starts again. Again, thank you to you all! 
Comments are greatly appreciated!

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Luminous_Stardust #1
Chapter 5: ahhh i really love this story. i love how the way hayi treated june here. i hope junrae be able to meet soon
Chapter 3: ahhhhhhhh i love how u put in hayi's presence hereeee. thanks! imma love this fic more
Acgoo1999 #5
Chapter 4: Finalehhhh
Chapter 4: Aahhh finally-
Acgoo1999 #7
Chapter 2: Mirage pov juseyoooooo
Chapter 3: This is like the cutest thing ever ^.^ Kkk.
You successfully made JunHoe wrecking up by bias list (again).
Thank you for the update!
Chapter 2: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ its qt