❄ eleven ❄

❄ wιnd en lυcнт ❄

❄  Best Luck 


Jongdae sighs, and another melodious chirrup rings through the quiet night air.

He sits up, and walks over to the glimmering ice cage.

“I’ll never forgive myself if he got in massive trouble because of me.” he mutters, extending a finger into the cage only to have the bird dig it’s pointed icy beak into his finger, and Jongdae retracts it with a yelp.

The blood drips, staining the ice of the head-crest of the songbird a bright red.

Jongdae sighs again, and sticks his finger into his mouth, slightly pouting at the bird.

“Why are you so mean to me?” he whinges quietly, looking back out the window.

The storm had started up again, and Jongdae could only hope Minseok and Luhan safely arrived home.

And watching the miserable pitter-patter of raindrops on his window, Jongdae begins to sing.

It started off a mindless humming, without much tune, which soon turns into a cyclone of thoughts the moment he reminisces on their near-perfect day together.

Minseok must have thought so too—how today was like the typical date your parents read you from a fairytale that always ends in a happy ending—he saw the look on his face as he was about to go. It was like Minseok regretted—regretted not sharing a fully perfect day with him, because Jongdae regrets it too.

“I miss you.” He pouts.

He doesn’t register what he had been singing until he heard it sung right back at him.

Turning around, he fixes his eyes on the tiny little bird, singing it’s heart out—the song he’d just sung.

Jongdae stands there a few minutes after the song finished, the bird’s voice still ringing in the air. And even though the second time round there were no lyrics only chirping, Jongdae sprung into immediate action—he lunges for a coat, even if he didn’t need it, and ran down the stairs.

“Mom! I don’t want an after party—just let me go to Arendelle!”


Rapunzel comes running out of the nearest kitchen, where, he presumed, she was hurrying the cake preparations. And because she wanted to wait until midnight, Jongdae had plenty of alone time in the middle.

“Let me go to Arendelle. Please.”



As quickly as the yelling started, it died down.

Minseok watches his mother drown herself in her memories, his long, white eyelashes occasionally fluttering, but his blue irises never leaving her face.

“You never hurt her on purpose.”

Elsa fixes her son with an icy look. “And how can you be sure—”

“I’m not sure that he’ll never accidentally hurt me—but by staying with me, he’s shown me he isn’t afraid of risking it with me either. I have just the same chance of hurting him as he does to me. He knows it very well.”

Minseok thought of the chaste kisses shared between them amongst a sea of beautiful floating lights and knew it meant something, if Jongdae’s caring gentleness or the way he looked into his eyes was any indication.

“Everyone makes mistakes, mother,” he tries again, very closely observing the expressions flitting across Elsa’s face. “But you righted your mistakes with your sister—I think it’s time to let go of the past and fix your mistakes with your friends now.”

Minseok looks hard into her eyes, recognising the uncertainty and caution.

“You still have a chance to mend it, mom.”

A loud knocking interrupted them, and Anna peeks in the study, opening the door a tiny crack. “Minseok, dear, someone’s here to see you.”

Everything else is melted off Minseok’s mind, leaving just one thought, propelling him to shoot up from the chair and fly down the hallways. Luhan’s at the door, looking somewhat confused, but before Luhan could turn and announce whoever it was to Minseok, Minseok barges right past and flings his arms around Jongdae.

Jongdae stills, momentarily surprised, before wrapping his arms around Minseok back, one hand soothingly playing with Minseok’s pale hair.

“I’ve always wondered how you could get here so quickly—it took Luhan and I three days to get to your place!”


“—But by ship it’s not too bad, especially since the winds have been pretty good—”


Minseok smiles at the memory.

Jongdae freezes, swallowing. “Wait, you-you know? I’m sorry!” he blurts out, suddenly guilty. “I really should’ve told you, but I—I just—uhm—”

“I don’t care anyways. Thunder and Lightning’s cool.”

A relieved smile had quickly upturned Jongdae’s lips, his hold around Minseok tightening, before he raises his eyes, and instantly releasing him.

Minseok raises an eyebrow, but turns around, as Jongdae bows to the floor, his coat sweeping the snow at the doorstep, dusting the black fabric with white.

“Queen Elsa.”




I'm so sorry about how short this is ;-;

Finale tomorrow :D


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Chapter 14: Frozen + Tangled = this amazing story! Minseok is Siwoo cute! Plus Jongdae who's caring for Minseok! Can I get their wedding? No? I hope I can!
I will read this....but now I have to sleep. So, maybe I will read tomorrow!
Yaone_L #3
Chapter 14: I would love to read something about their trip to Elsa's Ice Castle or Rapunzel's tower.
Or you can just throw in a story where one of them is fell sick. Hehe~
Chapter 14: Thats actually adorable kraits outlays sup a to ditch chock kV lb kV yds fiogho xiuchen feeelllzzz
chomesukesharp #5
Chapter 14: asdfghjklkjhgfdsasdfghjkjhg wtf are you saying
the recent love me right video has had me on a xiuchen high and this is feeding it purrfectly asdfghjkl thank you omg
BlancaL #6
watashihen #7
Chapter 13: Can I beta plz