❄ ten ❄

❄ wιnd en lυcнт ❄

❄  Don't look at me like that 


Minseok can’t help but sulk, kneeling in the middle of Elsa’s majestic throne room, facing the throne, with Luhan beside him.

The Ice Queen herself was pacing, as if it was extremely hard deciding on a suitable punishment for the two of them.

Minseok himself can’t really tell what it was that they did that was so wrong.

He glances up, his fixed hair slowly coming undone, and looks up through the silver strands infront of his face.

Anna sits on her very own little throne beside her sister’s. She had a gloved hand delicately over , hiding an amused smile.

Minseok glances at Luhan from under the hair falling infront of his face. His cousin had his lips pursed, kneeling in the same position as he was.

Minseok can’t help but scowl—Luhan has all the freedom he wants, with Anna his mother.

“I am disappointed in you, son.”

Minseok holds back a loud huff.

“I want to see you in my study. Now.” And with that, Elsa sweeps out of the room, her glittering cape trailing behind her.

Minseok rises to his feet, rolling his eyes in irritation. He vaguely replies to Luhan’s quiet cheer and Anna’s smile, and trudges through a short hallway where Elsa left the door to her study open.

Elsa had her back turned towards him, and after she walks away from her desk and towards the large window behind it, Minseok gets a glimpse of what she had been looking at, and nearly snorts.

A photo framed nicely in a white frame of a white-haired and brunette girl—which must be young Elsa and young Anna. But on Elsa’s other arm clings a tall yet petite girl with large, green eyes…

“That’s Rapunzel,” Minseok says clearly, raising his eyes from the photo to stare down his mother’s back.

It was after a few moments pause did she answer. “Yes it is.”

“Is this before she was married to Eugene?”

“Yes, it is.”

“You were friends,” Minseok points out simply.

“We were friends.”

“Why aren’t you friends anymore?” Minseok says, plopping himself down on the chair opposite the one behind her desk. “Just because you’re no longer friends your sons can’t be friends?”

Elsa, at last, rounds on her son. “You don’t understand any of the situation, Minseok, I—”

“Maybe because no one bothered to help me understand?”

Elsa eyes him for a little as she moves into the seat opposite him. “You want to know?”

“I hope you think I’m mature enough by now.”

Anger flashes across Elsa’s pretty blue eyes. “You don’t speak to your mother like that!”

“Sorry, mother.”

Afterall, Minseok really needed that belated explanation. And he didn’t have to wait much longer.

“Rapunzel and Eugene were to be married about a year before I was crowned Queen. Which means that you and Jongdae are a little more than two years apart, because I only met your father a year or so after the year I blanketed Arendelle in that everlasting winter.

“It was their wedding day—Auntie Anna and my parents were going by ship across the Denmark Sea to give their blessings, for they were close with the King and Queen of Corona, which was also how we came to know Rapunzel.

“Your grandparents never came back.”

Elsa takes a breath and purses her lips.

“They were lost out at sea, and the ship sunk on the way to Corona. They left the throne with me along with a country of people, and the only thing that stopped me all those years from wreaking havoc upon Arendelle was a thick pair of gloves from my father.

“Rapunzel and Eugene came for my coronation, but we were never close anymore. They were guilt-ridden for a good few months, while the grief continued to plague Anna and I for another year.”

“So you blamed Rapunzel and Eugene for the sinking of the ship?” Minseok asks quietly.

“Minseok!” Elsa yells.

“Mother!” Minseok shouts back. “No one wanted it to happen—they didn’t sink the ship, why are you holding a grudge against them?”

Elsa looks into her son’s eyes, an exact replica of her own, attempting to show him the building desperation in her for him to understand. “Can’t you see? I just don’t want to lose you, too—”

“I understand, mum. I’m grateful for how you care for me and I love you, but it’s really not okay to use that to hold against such lovely, innocent people, mother.” Minseok replies, searching Elsa’s eyes too.

“How can you judge that quickly?” Elsa begins quietly. “That family could very well be dangerous, Minseok!” with the look her son was giving him, she only sighs before speaking again. “Their boy, Jongdae… he’s dangerous.”

Minseok narrows his eyes. “I’ve been with him for countless hours alone, how could he possibly be ‘dangerous’?”

“He was cursed, Minseok, he was cursed. He was cursed when he was just born—powerful magic. And like you and I, and dad, he has the magic running through him.”

That piked Minseok’s interest.

Why did Jongdae never mention—?

“He’s a storm-bringer. But much more powerful, and uncontrollable. He brings rain, winds, clouds, thunder, lightning… and because he’s so uncontrollable, he’s horribly dangerous. His parents have kept their secret within their immediate family for twenty years now, and horrid weather had plagued Corona for the same twenty years.”

“You say he’s dangerous because he’s so uncontrollable.” Minseok repeats slowly, the information still sinking in.

He was cursed…

He’s a storm-bringer…

Was that why the weather had been so bad the closer he and Luhan had journeyed towards Corona? And is that why the clouds parted, the rains stopped all of a sudden?

“I’m uncontrollable too.”

“You have your father and I though—we’re here to help you, we can understand—”

“And you’re saying Jongdae’s parent’s can’t?”

“How can they, when they’ve never gone through anything of the same sort?”

“Because they won’t love him any less just because he was cursed!” Minseok explodes. “Even when you hurt Auntie Anna all those years ago when you were children, I don’t think my grandparents would have detested you. You’re still their child, and love like that doesn’t just come and go as you please—so why do you think it’ll be any different for Jongdae?”

“It’s because of my childhood, my carelessness, that I understand Jongdae’s situation—we are able to safely raise you because of our own knowledge. But Rapunzel and Eugene, like my own parents, know nothing about their son’s curse and how they could help them—being friends with him could mean danger to you, Minseok!

“Like how I was a danger to my sister.”




The morale of this chapter: don't judge Elsa because of her fears :)

I thought it'd make sense if Elsa tried to protect Minseok by not letting him have to go through the same thing she did

Ahh we only have two chapters left and i hope these chapters are somewhat decent, I rushed through them ;-; sorry they're short

But anyway, see you then!



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Chapter 14: Frozen + Tangled = this amazing story! Minseok is Siwoo cute! Plus Jongdae who's caring for Minseok! Can I get their wedding? No? I hope I can!
I will read this....but now I have to sleep. So, maybe I will read tomorrow!
Yaone_L #3
Chapter 14: I would love to read something about their trip to Elsa's Ice Castle or Rapunzel's tower.
Or you can just throw in a story where one of them is fell sick. Hehe~
Chapter 14: Thats actually adorable kraits outlays sup a to ditch chock kV lb kV yds fiogho xiuchen feeelllzzz
chomesukesharp #5
Chapter 14: asdfghjklkjhgfdsasdfghjkjhg wtf are you saying
the recent love me right video has had me on a xiuchen high and this is feeding it purrfectly asdfghjkl thank you omg
BlancaL #6
watashihen #7
Chapter 13: Can I beta plz