Chapter Five

War of Hormones
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A/N: HELLOOOO!!! Here with Chapter Five~~~ It seems the story is coming to me faster than expected at the moment :) As usual thank you for commenting and subscribing~ Enjoy & love you guys ;)




Chapter Five



“What do you think you’re doing these days?”


A stern voice welcomed Hayoung home, as she took off her shoes and slipped on a pair of indoor slippers. “I’ve been going to school” Hayoung replied without much care for the person who was talking to her, which was none other than her father.


“Sweetie, Namjoo called and told us that you were caught on your third offence.”


Hayoung’s mother joined into the conversation with the usual sweet voice she had. Out of all the people in the world, Hayoung felt the worst disappointing her mother but by the time she realizes she would’ve already done the disappointment. “No surprise there” Hayoung commented coldly.


“Are your grades dropping?”


A smirk crept onto Hayoung’s face as she heard her father’s question. This was her escape card, “No. Still topping like usual.” She watched as her father nodded. It was never a problem for her to get in trouble, her father could always sweep it under the rug. But, bad grades were a big no-no. Luckily; Hayoung has never had bad grades. The only discipline that ever went on in this household was educational and never moral. Accordingly, her father says that morals get in the way of profit so it’s best to throw them away in business. It seems like it’s working, considering her father is the CEO of a multinational investment bank and is currently one of the richest people in Asia.


“Okay, I’ll go talk to the school about it.”


It was never the ideal family for Hayoung and she only truly realized how much lack of family love there was when she got close to Namjoo. She began to hang out with Namjoo and her family more than her own, and liked it more than her own. The only person who seemed humane in Hayoung’s family was her mother, who was always under complete control of her father. “Have you talked to Namjoo unnie recently, father?” Hayoung said out of the blue, stopping her father in his tracks.


“No, why ask” Mr. Oh said, turning around to face his daughter with furrowed eyebrows.


Hayoung shrugged, “Just wondering.”


Mr. Oh slowly walked up to Hayoung and looked her dead in the eyes, “Has she said anything?”


Hayoung raised an eyebrow, “What is she supposed to not say?”


“Either way, you shouldn’t get too close to that girl. We’re purely business with the Kim’s, understand?”


“They’re such a nice family though,” Hayoung said, edging her father on. “I should go on a movie date with Namjoo soon” she added.


“Don’t you dare,” he threatened.


“Why?” Hayoung asked as she held strong eye contact with her father, not a slight bit intimidated by the man. “Do you happen to know something about that day?” she questioned.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about” Mr. Oh said.


“You know exactly what I’m talking about” Hayoung’s voice was just as firm, “That day we went for a friendly dinner at the Kim’s you called Namjoo out and ever since that day, our relationship fell apart. I thought she decided to turn into a diva or something after she became student council president, but I’m having my doubts now.” She paused before continuing, “Now that I think about it. Namjoo has never reported me, ever, not until you conveniently had a little chat with her. Do you doubt me? Not that we ever had much trust in this family anyway.”


“What is there to doubt?”


Hayoung nodded at the question, “Right. That’s what I’m struggling with. What is there to doubt?”


“Just remember that you are my daughter and you need to listen to what I say” Mr. Oh finished the conversation aggressively.


“Okay then, just answer one question at least. What did you talk to her about?”


Mr. Oh gave a sigh, “Your marriage.”


Hayoung went weak at the answer. He knew. “You knew that I loved her…”


“So, I told her to cut ties with you then you started to become rebellious” Mr. Oh explained, “I told her that we were going to arrange a marriage for you, and that there was no space for her to be of a distraction to you.”


Hayoung never understood why Namjoo suddenly withdrew and why she would withdraw when they were so close to getting together. It never made sense how Namjoo could go from nice to an annoying pest who reported her on every little thing. It was just her way of making Hayoung hate her. Without saying anymore to her father she put back on her shoes and rushed out the house. “Take me to the Kim’s” she said as she saw their driver still parked by the entrance of their house.






“You should’ve told me you had such a cute friend” Sungjae joked as he gave a nice solid slap onto his friend’s back.


Bomi laughed, “Why would I tell you that?”


“Come on, help a single friend out” Sungjae said. “Well, we’re dating now so I guess it's the same either way.”


“You better be willing to treat her like the girls in Bruno Mars lyrics. Catch a grenade for her and stuff.” Bomi threatened as she slapped the boy back. “If she comes to me in tears because of you, you won’t see the light of day again.”


Sungjae gave a hearty laugh, “She’s lucky to have a protective friend like you.”


“Well, I’m glad I know the dude she’s dating to some extent” Bomi said.


“You talk as if we’re not close” Sungjae complained, “I thought we were tight, you know. Like this” he exclaimed as he clasped his hands together, expressing how close he thought he was with Bomi.


Bomi waved him and his dramatic actions off, “Yeah whatever. Hurry up and pick a restaurant, I’m starving.”


“Okay, okay” Sungjae placed a hand on Bomi’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’ll be a hundred percent dedicated to Chorong noona okay?”


They both knew they were ‘players’ and Bomi didn’t like the idea of Chorong falling for someone like that but she was willing to give Sungjae a chance because he was a nice guy and most importantly Chorong loves him. Chorong didn’t know Sungjae was a player, and Bomi hoped that it stayed that way. If she could feel the need to commit in love, Sungjae should be the same. “You better be” she said.


Sungjae smiled, “I’m not sure if you’re grumpy because you’re hungry or because you’re jealous that I took your friend away.”


“I reckon it’s the first option” Bomi deadpanned, “So hurry up before I throw a tantrum like a five year old and embarrass you in front of all these people” she said as she stretched out her arm and pointed at everyone within their area.


“You wouldn’t.”


“Want to bet?” she said getting ready to drop to the ground and scream like a little kid.


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Chapter 14: uwaa rereading this great piece~^^ I'd say a masterpiece! Hahahaha I love this story, it is so well-written in structure and character and balance; How the focus on each character and couple just make sense and there's never a dull moment. It's so good! I love all their characters and individual stories and how they interact and intertwine.

First, the bloom of my chomi/chobom is bliss~ absolutely heart-fluttering even in the pain and confusion. Bomi holding back in the beginning, and up to her confession? Oh myy her confession moment, the pouring emotions in her words, the tension and everything in that shopping scene is the best thing ever - and the notion that Chorong felt worse because she swayed! Ahh how I love this and their storyline!!<3 Sungjae's insight, the comparisons when Chorong's trying to figure it out, and how refreshing it is with how Chorong acts transparent to how she feels in the moment even if she doesn't entirely understand where her love lies. She could say she loves them both, and I love that she cares about it being love rather than the person. I'm warm.

Eunji, Naeun and Taemin is such an elaborate complex line that worked so well. It brought the drama, the pain of exes known to the school -- From the beginning, that note to their rankings being the no.1 sweetheart etc was endearing and adds a fame factor, adds how the school even sees Bomi and Naeun differently as players, god I love these comparisons and these characters voices! I just keep going hahaha. -- So back to that, 2eun's love has gone through a lot but the result makes it all fall back into place. So good~

And of course Hajoo! Really the one that starts the mystery couple, but it all makes sense when the things are revealed. I love the way Naeun became detective with it, and I believe it's the first where she really interacts with Hayoung, Namjoo and Bomi, making it clear that she's still friends with them, talks to them, and not completely outside the friend group. I just really liked seeing how the six of them managed to be connected despite two feuds existing between, and how we can gradually see they're all from the same lunch table once different things patch up. And I've talked too much!! hehehe thank you very much for writing this <3
Chapter 14: I like the plot in this story, especially the way you built tension up and ended it on a great note.. looking forward to other works by you!
PandaPink95 #3
Chapter 14: :3
all_iz #4
Chapter 14: It's so nice how the story progress so well. It stayed interesting and made you want to keep reading despite being relatively lighter compared to other fanfics. I like that no death was needed, no explicit mature content. It was so nice and refreshing and wholesome! Nice job author-nim.
Chapter 14: so sad it ended man
mymh_bee #6
Chapter 14: These couples are seriously sweet. Chomi, 2eun, Hajoo are so in love with each other tho
Finally after so much upside down, a happy ending
Gosh Chomi are really the cutest couple
Love this one tho, good job author (:
Taeistae #7
Chapter 10: I like the fact that they all had happy endings in the end but I feel that eunji deserved more....shldnt Naeun have suffered since she hurt Eunji so much :/
Avocado #8
Chapter 14: It ended so happily I'm glad :D this was a really nice story, thanks for writing it! The downs were really worth it when the ups eventually came around~ I'm glad that Hayoung's father finally aceelted her relationship with Namjoo too. LOL at Eunji being a precious, cheesy little thing.
Avocado #9
Chapter 12: The fluff is here thank goodness. So nice of Sungjae to voluntarily break up with Chorong so she and Bomi could be together :') the couples and their interactions are super cute!
Avocado #10