Chapter Four

War of Hormones
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A/N: Chapter four is here! And, I'm so glad to see so many people commenting and enjoying the fic so far~ I'm very happy that you all enjoy it :) So, as usual, thank you for all my subscribers and commenters and hope you enjoy this chapter like the rest!



Chapter Four



The senior grades were all gathered in the school hall, holding a meeting for ‘Performance Day’, a whole day dedicated to performances. Bomi yawned as she allowed the teacher’s words go through one ear and out the other. A small headache was setting in from the party and lack of sleep, and as she looked around to see if anyone else felt the same way, she caught Eunji yawning as well and smiled. Eunji never yawned during these kinds of meetings.


“So, as the seniors, we’ll be holding a play and we need to decide who will be playing the main roles” Namjoo, as the student body representative, said after the teacher finished his introductions about the play and all the details that came along with it.


The usual. It’s always a play.


“I vote Yoon Bomi as role of the prince!” a girl yelled out from the crowd.


Bomi’s eyes widened, “What?” she muttered under her breath. She didn’t want that, she’d prefer being a tree that stayed frozen in the background than be a prince, especially when there’s a high chance of a crazy girl being the princess. It was too late. Bomi saw a bunch of girls throw a flirtatious gaze towards her and raise their hands.


“I agree!” they all called simultaneously.


Bomi looked down and wanted the face-palm herself, “How many of them did I play with last night?” she whispered.


“I vote Jung Eunji as the prince!”


The hall fell silent as Bomi looked up upon hearing the resonance of a familiar voice, “Chorong?”


“I agree!”


“Naeun?” Bomi looked over at Eunji who was dozing off, but snapped back to life as a student beside her nudged her in the side. This was her chance, Bomi thought. Her chance to escape the future hellhole called the practice room; “I think Eunji would be a good choice too!” she called. There shouldn’t be a difference, Eunji was just as popular as Bomi, the crowd should be happy either way.


“If that’s the case…” a voice began, “I vote Son Naeun as the princess.”


Naeun, Chorong, Eunji and Bomi all turned heads and found Hayoung with a smirk on her face. Bomi saw Eunji usher her to say something but Bomi shook her head furiously. It was obvious Eunji didn’t mind taking the role of the prince but she would mind if Naeun were to be her partner. And, the fact that the crowd cheered didn’t help the situation for Eunji’s side.


“What did you say?” Namjoo asked through the microphone. She hoped that Hayoung would pick up the hint and choose someone else, but whom was she kidding.


“I said,” Hayoung began but was interrupted.


Eunji eyed Bomi and the girl who was only older by a few days let out a sigh, “Aigoo! Hayoungie is so pretty, she would make a great princess!” Bomi yelled suddenly cutting Hayoung off. She could see the horror on the younger girl’s face.


“No, I think Son Naeun is much more fit!” Hayoung argued back.


“But…” Bomi needed a comeback, she quickly glanced over and Eunji and put her hands together as if apologizing for what she’s about to say. “But…” Bomi started again, “But Naeun is ugly!” she yelled.


The hall fell silent; everyone’s eyes were on Bomi. People only forgave her because people loved her and her friends but it was an unbelievable statement and people weren’t sure if Bomi was serious or not, considering her joking nature. Bomi could feel Eunji’s wrath from the opposite side of the hall.


Eunji crunched her eyebrows and glared at Bomi, “Yah! What’d you say about Naeun! If she’s ugly then what are you, a beast?” she yelled back.


Bomi frowned, “I was just trying to save your ing !”


“Forget it!” Eunji said.


Hayoung gave a smirk, “So… as I was saying, I think Son Naeun should be the princess.”


Namjoo swallowed the lump in as she found Eunji in the crowd. She shook her head as a form of apology and sighed, knowing the result of the question she was about to ask. Eunji just gave her a reassuring smile, telling her it’s fine. Namjoo took a deep breath, “Who is for Jung Eunji as prince and Son Naeun as princess?” Basically, only four people didn’t raise their hands and that was Naeun, Eunji, Bomi and Chorong. Everyone else was thrilled to agree.


“What did we decide for the play again?” Bomi asked the girl next to her.


“Some modified version of Sleeping Beauty.”


“Ah…” there’s going to be a kiss scene, Bomi thought. She smiled but it was immediately replaced with a frown, “Wait, that’s bad,” she said mentally slapping her-self. “Is our brother school invited as usual?”




Bomi sighed; Lee Taemin was the jealous type. She just hoped that nothing would happen on the day or before the day for that matter. It’d be bad if Eunji and Taemin turned bitterer than they already were towards each other, “I see…”


“Now, for all behind the scenes roles such as scriptwriting, lighting and extra, please come to the student council during the span of this week and place your name down. We will then contact you for an interview of sorts where we will see how fit you are for the role. The drama team will also hold auditions for the other roles. They will provide the audition details through the big screens so look out for that if you are interested. Thank you” Namjoo explained the rest of the process before stepping down from the podium.


The teacher came back up, “Okay girls. You’re dismissed. Ah, Yoon Bomi, stay behind. We need to discuss your use of foul language.”






“Oh man, I feel sorry for you” Bomi said as she took a seat at the cafeteria table they normally sat at. She ignored the throbbing pain from the punishment the teachers gave her back at the hall. They went full on this time, hitting her back; they must’ve had a really bad morning. She turned to Eunji, “Isn't it going to be awkward?” she said leaning forward onto the table because, frankly, leaning her back onto the chair hurt like hell.


Eunji shrugged, “I don’t know. Probably.” She was more worried about Taemin and his reaction than anything else, “Taemin is probably going to come to watch.”


“So awkward” Bomi ignored all the looks she was getting from the numerous girls that walked by her, though she did take a mental note to figure out why the sudden increase in flirtation. “Speaking of which, we’ll probably be invited to theirs. I bet Heechul will be the princess” she said with a chuckle.


“Taecyeon seems like he’ll be the prince, or Nichkhun” Eunji added. “I’m torn as to whom.”


“I’d vote for Nichkhun hands down.”


“Yah, unnie, sorry. I tried but Hayoung didn’t take the hint” Namjoo said as she hurried over to the table. “That kid needs to stop stirring trouble” she lectured with a glare as if Hayoung was actually at the table with them.


Bomi nodded in agreement, “I tried too man.”


“Yah! You just insulted Naeun” Eunji spat at Bomi and waved at Namjoo’s comment, “It’s fine. It won’t be that disastrous.”


“If it's uncomfortable, I can change switch you with Bomi unnie” Namjoo offered still feeling bad for Eunji and the position she ended up being in. Her position allowed her to pull a few strings here and there. No one would mind.


“Yah! I don’t want to be the prince” Bomi retorted.


“Shut up, no one asked for your opinion” Namjoo shot back.


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Chapter 14: uwaa rereading this great piece~^^ I'd say a masterpiece! Hahahaha I love this story, it is so well-written in structure and character and balance; How the focus on each character and couple just make sense and there's never a dull moment. It's so good! I love all their characters and individual stories and how they interact and intertwine.

First, the bloom of my chomi/chobom is bliss~ absolutely heart-fluttering even in the pain and confusion. Bomi holding back in the beginning, and up to her confession? Oh myy her confession moment, the pouring emotions in her words, the tension and everything in that shopping scene is the best thing ever - and the notion that Chorong felt worse because she swayed! Ahh how I love this and their storyline!!<3 Sungjae's insight, the comparisons when Chorong's trying to figure it out, and how refreshing it is with how Chorong acts transparent to how she feels in the moment even if she doesn't entirely understand where her love lies. She could say she loves them both, and I love that she cares about it being love rather than the person. I'm warm.

Eunji, Naeun and Taemin is such an elaborate complex line that worked so well. It brought the drama, the pain of exes known to the school -- From the beginning, that note to their rankings being the no.1 sweetheart etc was endearing and adds a fame factor, adds how the school even sees Bomi and Naeun differently as players, god I love these comparisons and these characters voices! I just keep going hahaha. -- So back to that, 2eun's love has gone through a lot but the result makes it all fall back into place. So good~

And of course Hajoo! Really the one that starts the mystery couple, but it all makes sense when the things are revealed. I love the way Naeun became detective with it, and I believe it's the first where she really interacts with Hayoung, Namjoo and Bomi, making it clear that she's still friends with them, talks to them, and not completely outside the friend group. I just really liked seeing how the six of them managed to be connected despite two feuds existing between, and how we can gradually see they're all from the same lunch table once different things patch up. And I've talked too much!! hehehe thank you very much for writing this <3
Chapter 14: I like the plot in this story, especially the way you built tension up and ended it on a great note.. looking forward to other works by you!
PandaPink95 #3
Chapter 14: :3
all_iz #4
Chapter 14: It's so nice how the story progress so well. It stayed interesting and made you want to keep reading despite being relatively lighter compared to other fanfics. I like that no death was needed, no explicit mature content. It was so nice and refreshing and wholesome! Nice job author-nim.
Chapter 14: so sad it ended man
mymh_bee #6
Chapter 14: These couples are seriously sweet. Chomi, 2eun, Hajoo are so in love with each other tho
Finally after so much upside down, a happy ending
Gosh Chomi are really the cutest couple
Love this one tho, good job author (:
Taeistae #7
Chapter 10: I like the fact that they all had happy endings in the end but I feel that eunji deserved more....shldnt Naeun have suffered since she hurt Eunji so much :/
Avocado #8
Chapter 14: It ended so happily I'm glad :D this was a really nice story, thanks for writing it! The downs were really worth it when the ups eventually came around~ I'm glad that Hayoung's father finally aceelted her relationship with Namjoo too. LOL at Eunji being a precious, cheesy little thing.
Avocado #9
Chapter 12: The fluff is here thank goodness. So nice of Sungjae to voluntarily break up with Chorong so she and Bomi could be together :') the couples and their interactions are super cute!
Avocado #10