Yong Ri Kyung; Main Vocal/ Sub Dancer ♥

Oceania (New Co-ed Group) - Apply Open


Main Vocals/ Sub Dancer

Yang Ri Kyung 


AFF Username: simplyme_94

AFF Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/12133


Name: Eugenia Yang Ri Kyung

Nickname: Niania, Bipolar-nia

Gender: Female

Age&Birthday: 17

Place of birth: Singapore

Name Of Ulzzang: Lee Na Young


Height: 169cm

Weight: 50kg

Favourite Colour: Purple and Pink

Spoken languages: English, Korean, Chinese (all fluent)


I'm someone who laughs very easily. However, when seriousness is needed, I will not horse around. I always believe in the phrase "Do to others what you want others to do unto you.” Thus, if the person treats me with respect, I will to. However, if the person treats me like trash, I will treat that person as trash.

Also, I'm someone who is very verbal. Whenever I feel that something is wrong or should be corrected, I will not hesitate to say so. When I do this, I tend to use profound words and be really sarcastic, so the person I'm arguing with tends to be at a loss for words. I'm someone who can speak very well. As such, I tend to be the 'speaker' of the group (the one saying the comments).

Someone who is bipolar. My mood changes real fast. However, in front of the camera, I tend to be quiet and shy and laugh only when appropriate. But when I'm around my members, I tend to start goofing around and acting crazy. However, the longer into debut, the less quiet I get on camera.



Coming from a Chinese family, I had a relatively strict upbringing. One of the rules were that i weren't allowed to have sleepovers. Thus, I did not have a girlfriend and was always the loner.

When i was younger, i used to be accident-prone, but this became better as i grew older.

One day, I was out shopping with my friends and there was a mini singing competition. My friends, who felt that I had some awesome vocals, managed to convince me to join, and I did. When the competition ended, a casually dressed man suddently came up and passed me a name card and asked if I wanted to go audition in Korea to become a trainee. Remembering my parents, I did not accept. That night when I went home and told my parents, the forbade me to go. With much convincing and a few threats thrown in, they finally allowed me to go. So I packed my belongings, and that was the start of my idol journey.


Alex Yang - 49 - Administrative manager.

Although he can be strict at times, he really dotes on me. Especially so since I am the only child.

Doris Tan - 49 - administrative manager

She dotes on me a lot. She will buy me everything I want.

Since both of them hold an office job, they're rarely home. even on the weekends, they would still be doing some work they brought home.


Triva: Cries and uses profound words whenever she is angry, able to learn a new dance very easily, had taken ballet lessons when younger, can compose music, Can play a lot of musical instruments (including piano) 


Personal fanclub's name: NiaDom

Personal fanclub's official colour: Brilliant Rose

Predebut works: None

Training period: 3 years 7 months

Position: Main Vocal/ Sub Dancer

Singing Voice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjrRS5FVwAY

Dancing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2f5hg3FlYc4 


Partner: BEAST's Yoseob

Personality of partner: A very caring person. Even to people who doesn't like him. A total cutie pie who rocks his aegyo. He also can be a total hottie when he wants to. His cute side is his dominant side. If there are things that he sees which is wrong, he'll stand up against it, and tell that person who has done wrong to correct their mistakes.

Friends: SNSD's Tiffany, f(x)'s Krystal and Miss A's Min

Rival: IU 

Reason for rivalry: IU knows that I like Yoseob, and she knows that she is Yoseob's ideal girl. Therefore she would always be a showoff about it. Since she knows that i like him, she always threatens to expose it to the media, unless I stayed away from him. One day, she just went ahead to tell the media even though I didn't do anything. As a result, I snapped.


Author's A/N: Hello~ I have picked the first member! I will probably be putting up a teaser soon as well as the second member! ^^ Leave a comment! ♥

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coming-on #1
ilove co-ed ill wait
Hi hi ^^
I applied as Lee Kyomin.
Herrows ~ <br />
I applied as Lee Sang Ki<br />
Hope you enjoy it C:<br />
Applied as Kim Sunmi!<br />
http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/83897<;br />
Hope you likey((:
http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/69993<;br />
<br />
Applied as Dong Tae Kyul hope you like^^
http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/68182 <br />
As Son Jee In AKA SonJi(Son Ga In's younger sister)
Thank you for choosing me ^^<br />
Hwaiting~! :3
WAAAHHH he's so cute/hot~!
awww hes a cutie^^ congratz theroyalcouple!