Chapter 17

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“And look at that, this nail polish is an exact match with your dress.” Hyuk told me excitedly while showing me a pink nail polish.

“Even though I had seen you a million times already but I still have to ask. Are you sure you are a guy??” I mockingly asked Hyuk. He has clearly lost his mind.

“You think this is bad?? If only you had seen how he was acting in the shop, you would have died with embarrassment.” Hae said to me from his current position which would be him sitting on his bed and working on his laptop and totally ignoring the torture I was going through.

“Ouch!” I exclaimed when I felt a sharp pain on my skull where Jaejoong had poked me with a pin.

“Sorry! I will try to be a little more careful. It’s my first time putting a wig on someone, you know.” Jae said while pouting at me.

“It’s okay. But guys please let me see myself.” I begged for nth time.

“I already told you Sungmin, not yet! You know, an artist never reveals his art until it’s finished.” Hyukjae said to me while painting my nails pink.

“This will come off, right?” I asked in panic, I didn’t wanted my nails to be pink for the rest of my life.

“Well it can with the help of nail polish remover but I forgot to buy that.” Hyuk gave me an apologetic look. I was about to explode when….

“Don’t worry I will bring it from my house later.” Jae assured me while still fixing the wig.

None of us said a word but when Jae looked up and saw our raised eyebrows he started flailing his arms around, “No, I meant I will burrow from my mom…. Geez guys! What do you take me for? A transgender?”

“Well by Monday you will be one.” Hyuk replied with a laugh.

“Yah!!” Jae exclaimed in anger. “It was your idea in the first place so I don’t mind cancelling the whole plan, you know?”

That successfully wiped off the smile on Hyuk’s face. “I am sorry, I am sorry. I was only kidding.”

“Don’t be a joy-killer Jae!” Donghae said while pouting at him. Jae just gave a long suffering sigh which meant that the plan was back on.

“So the 'Yunho Mission’ is on Monday?” I asked and got a nod from all other three. “So you will be staying at the dorm on Sunday, right?” I asked Jae.

“No way,” He quickly denied with a shake of his head. “Kangin Hyung will kill you guys if he saw a girl leaving this room on early Monday morning. So you guys will be staying at my place on Sunday and we all can come to Uni together.”

“You are right!!” I exclaimed while my eyes doubled in their size. “It would look weird if a girl was to leave from a boy’s dorm, I didn’t even think about it. What am I gonna do?” I asked while furiously waving a hand at myself, trying to emphasize my point.

“Relax Min, I already thought about it.” Hyuk said to me while wearing really calm expression. “Families are allowed to visit on Saturday and Sunday until 5pm. So if anyone will ask then we can simply say you are our sister.”

I nodded at him and finally got a little relax but… “I doubt I will be able to come back before five. Then what am I gonna do?” I again showed my concern to Hyuk. He seemed lost in his thought.

“Hyuk, apparently you did not actually think through the whole plan very well.” Donghae commented with a smile but only earned a heavy glare in return.

“Why must I do all the thinking?” Hyuk complained. “And beside, you can ask Kyuhyun to rent a hotel room for one night, it’s not necessary to make love in your own room, you know?”

“What the hell Hyuk!! We just started going out together.” I shouted at him.

“Your point being?” Hyuk asked in a teasing voice. My hand itched to hit him on his head but I was beat to that by Jae.

“You are such an idiot Hyuk!” Jae said to him and then he turned toward me. “Don’t worry Sungmin. You can ask Kyuhyun to drop you off at my place, I will text you the address. I can help you remove all the make-up and stuff; I am sure my parents won’t mind.”

Jaejoong said and nearly answered all of my un-asked questions. So the only thing I could say with a grateful smile was, “Okay.”

“I know what you are trying to do.” Hyuk said while pointing at Jae with a dramatic glare. “You want to be the first to know details about their date, right? But I won’t let you because I want to be the one to know the details first.”

Jae just rolled his eyes at his friend, “Then you and Donghae can also come and stay.” Jae suggested.

“Won’t your parents freak out by that? I mean we already planned to stay on Sunday night.” Donghae asked.

“My Parents are leaving for Busan on Sunday morning because of a wedding so they won’t even know you guys stayed two nights in the row.” Jae said while applying something wet to my lip, maybe it’s called a gloss or gross or something.

“Great then it’s settles that we are having a sleepover at Jae’s.” Hyuk exclaimed happily.

“Dude, don’t say it like that. It’s sounds so girly.” Jae complained but Hyuk only shrugged.

“We are the weirdest group of friends ever.” Donghae said.

“I so agree with you.” I replied while taking my jeans in my hands to search for my mobile because I think I heard my mobile ring. And sure enough, I received a text from Kyuhyun.

“Guys, Kyuhyun just texted. He is outside our dorm in his car and asking me when I will come.” I told my friends.

“Just 10 more minutes.” Hyuk said as he ran to his cupboard to get something, in the meantime I texted that to Kyuhyun.

“Here you go,” Hyuk said as he placed six inches high platform in front of me.

“Hyuk you want me to fall and die wearing these?” I asked in dread.

“Oh please Sungmin!” Hyuk scoffed at me. “You learned taekwondo and Chinese Martial art; don’t you learn that controlling your balance thingy there?”

“Yeah,” I slowly said and grasp the meaning behind his words so I wore the high heels and tried walking the length of the room a couple of times and wow! It was not that difficult.

“Wow! I am still amaze that his legs are so smooth that he didn’t even need to wax. His legs look so y.” Jae said while looking at my legs.

“See,” Hyuk said with a smile. “Now Donghae! Look and tell us what do you think about Sungmin?”

Donghae who was initially not allowed to look was finally given the permission so he abandoned his laptop in a blink and looked up at me. He froze and his mouth hanging open…

“Wow! Sungmin, you look awesome and kind of y. And damn, you actually look like a girl.” Donghae commented. But his comment was not enough to get me relax. I turned to the mirror and WOW I look like a girl….

“But you guys, what if Kyuhyun doesn’t like this? He will dump me in a second.” I said while showing my deepest fear.

“Trust me, he won’t!” Hyuk reassured me. “Now I will go ahead and check if the coast is clear and Jae you bring Min with yourself.”

With that said, Hyuk went ahead and, me and Jae were a little behind him. It was nearly 12 in the noon, most people have already left for their homes and I think the rest might have been catching up with their all week chores, because fortunately the whole staircase was empty. We reached the dorm’s main gate and, Jae and Hyuk just gave me a final push and left.

I saw Kyuhyun’s car, a little way away from where I stood. I debated internally to whether knock on his cars window or just open the door and sit down?? Finally I decided to do the later.

I reached the car and opened the door and within a second I was inside the car with my head down. To say that Kyuhyun was shocked at this intrusion would be an understatement, I literally saw him jump from the corner of my eye.

“Ahem, Ahem,” Kyuhyun gave a fake cough, maybe to gain my attention but I was determine to keep my head down. “Excuse me miss but I think you got in the wrong car. I advise you to get out as soon as possible because my boyfriend is coming and he is really possessive of me. He might actually pull your hairs out from the roots.”

WHAT!?! “Yah!!” I exclaimed and turned to glare at him but then realized that was not a smart move so I again lowered my head, but the damage was done.

“SUNGMIN?!” Kyuhyun asked in surprise. But how he found out in one glance shocked me even more than him.

“How did you know??” I asked in surprise.

“Well I have been hearing that ‘Yah’ since the day I met you so I can recognize it anywhere. And I have never seen a glare as cute as yours, actually I like to think that is reserve for me.” Kyuhyun explained with a cheeky smile and all I could do was stare at him in wonder. Does he love me or something? How can he realize it’s me with such tiny details??

I guess my stare spoke louder than words because… “If you have been looking at someone for such a long time like me then you will notice these tiny details as well. But right now please tell me WHAT’S going on?” Kyuhyun asked me his eyebrows raised.

“Um..well…the thing is… Hyuk said… no wait….I said….okay maybe it was Hyuk but….” I tried telling him but…. WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO TELL HIM??

“Let me guess, it’s one of your bet thingy, right?” Kyuhyun asked me with calm and here I was panicking as hell!!

“W-what? H-how di-did…” I never told him about that.

“Just because we didn’t get along well doesn’t mean Hyuk and I aren’t friends.” Kyuhyun pointed out but that still doesn’t explain how he

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Chapter 22: I love this story so much 💙💙💙💙💙
mykyunie #2
Chapter 23: I love this story
Love this story so much!!!*-*
Amazing work you did!
KyuminFanFish #4
Chapter 23: This story is so amazing!!! I loved it!!!!
Chapter 23: Wow!! This story is awesome...
Shama14 #6
Amakusa #7
Wow I was looking for some eunhae fanfic and I found this. Such a cute story! My first fanfic where KYumin is main couple :D and i love it!
Chapter 23: I love this fanfic...
venzsuju #9
Chapter 22: hi!
i read your story from the beginning till the end..
and i absolutely love it <3
chap 19 : i love how sweet Min when he tried to wake up Kyu.. and i feel that Min so manly here (not the usually one, the whine one or the cute one kkk but i love both). and yes! i think i love it when Kyu called Min 'hyung' kkk
chap 21 : blushing Kyu >///< oh goshhh!! *scream* Min proposal xD
thank you ^^
Kyumin_ninja #10
Chapter 22: really a cute story. . ^^
i really like the part where everyone bullying sungmin esp favorite part is..when she give min half eaten chocholate and the reason behind that really ridiculous!just because she hungry while wrapped her present..!! XD
but..i think kyu's part is still less.i mean..i want to see how is cho kyuhyun's feeling when sungmin date with yoona or when min choose to sleepover on haehyuk bedroom on the first they are moving to the dorm.i need to see this cause kyu is the one who wait ming several years.and i think he was the one who get hurt more.