
The Organ That Pumps My Blood



today the angel never came,
and my heart was filled with pain,
one that nobody would want to gain.

with eyes that shut,
angel lied there in blood,
knife sunk deep in heart,

a letter,
was the only remnant she left for me,
one that she had written beautifully.

says she,

my heart ache honey,
it's ugly,
it's imperfect,
it's dying.

they said it's freedom,
so I inhaled them fondly,
with just a little taste of tobacco leaves.

they lied,
freedom wasn't what I gained,
trapped was I in pain.

they said it can cure in times,
but honey,
I'm tired,
I couldn't breathe,
with you around I couldn't breathe harder.

it awaits me,
nothing left was for thee,
so says me,
let I be the one to take it free.

goodbye honey,
forever thou in,

the organ that pumps my blood.


writing a poem in english is very challenging for me. but hey I love challenge!
panda ri.


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have you look at the poster? its so beautiful!


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Chapter 5: Okay so um let me be honest here. I really loved your writing style like holy the atmosphere was super nice and it fitted the story's vibe as well. There were several grammar mistakes but they weren't that serious and I'm thinking that maybe you just missed them? But I'm in no position to point anything out tbh since grammar and I are like... ugh we are not friends. You kept me thinking and guessing all the time and I found myself to be really intrigued by the plot even though there came a point when everything was super obvious. It won't be exaggerated to say that even though the plot was somehow typical, the way you wrote the story and the ambiguity intensified the whole reading pleasure and made me enjoy this story a lot. The poems were very beautiful and let me tell you, I really really really loved it. I could really feel the poignancy, the despair, the sorrow, everything. I felt my heart clenched when I read them. However, I was a bit irked by the spin off since I think that it kinda threw the atmosphere out the window. I suggest you put the spin off on a different thread but ofc, this is only a suggestion. I found out that you're a Malaysian? Guess what? I'm a Malaysian as well! A Sabahan to be exact C:
Chapter 5: The ending got me like 'damnn. WTH just happened? Didn't see that coming tho xD'
Good job!
kimsfangirl #3
Chapter 5: Wait, what?
So..Can you please clarify some things for me?
So.. Minju loved Sehun, not Kai? Why did Minju commit suicide? And Kai... Sehun killed him in the end? And he loved Sehun? I'm confused...