
The Organ That Pumps My Blood



"Sehun, help me? If anything happens to me please take my last will under my pillow, alright?" Minju giggled happily as she placed her phone closer against her ear.

"Why out of the sudden?" Sehun snorted from the other line.

"-and why must it be under your smelly pillow? Can't you place it somewhere a little more public? How can I even enter your room?" chuckled Sehun, joking.

"So what? It's my last will not yours," sulked Minju while rolling on her bed.

"You are really something aren't you? It's not like my name is going to be in it. I bet Kai's name will appear for like ninety nine times. Can't you just ask that guy to take it?" said Sehun casually.




"Hello? Ju, you there? Dude, my credit damn it! Ju? Did you two fight? Ju? Ju!"


Silence again but this time for just a few beats.

"Okay. I'll ask him to take it," said Minju in a low tune of voice.

"You...okay?" asked Sehun, concerned.

"You lazy . I only asked for one little thing and you started whining like a baby," Minju answered, faking her laughter.

"Well, you know me. Ju, I'm going to hang up now alright? I've promised to meet my girl at three but you make me ten minutes late. I'm dead. Bye!"




It was yet another cold night. Somehow, Sehun felt like tonight was different than the previous as if something was incomplete; missing. He looked up at the night sky through the designed louvers of his room. It was dark but millions of beautiful little stars twinkled there, accompanying the massive black net. Sehun plucked the strings of his brown guitar as his eyes searched for the moon who was resting herself low over the horizon, reflecting her beam scintillating the empyrean. He remembered the time once he and Minju were hanging out at the park. He strummed the guitar, she sang. Her voice wasn't that melodious but enough to fill in the void.

What is she doing right now.

Sehun's hand fast grabbing the phone that was on the bedside but before he could pinch her numbers, his phone rang.

"Ju... she's gone," whispered a raspy voice over the line.

Frown was on all over his forehead upon hearing the news. He tried to smile, denying it.

"Kai, don't. I don't like harsh jokes like this," said Sehun comforting his own self.

Please say you're lying. Please, I swear I won't get mad. I swear.

"Sehun, I'm not joking."

At that heartbeat, his feet swiftly started running to Minju's house, his best friend. The girl who had his heart with for all this while but Minju's happiness was always first on the list, willingly he pushed his feeling far aside. It was her wish to be with Kai, she said that herself so Sehun couldn't and wouldn't do anything against it. Really, he could even die for her.

Kai you bastard! What did you to her?!

Suddenly, he remembered the day when he and Minju were at the park and they caught glimpse of a girl approaching Kai. Was it the reason why the beautiful smile on her lips faded? Was it why she kept chanting for help in his arms?

No. Kai won't cheat on her.

Arrived at her house, he saw Kai standing in front of the door probably waiting for him. Hot was his whole body, burning was his thrumming chest. In almost a split second, Sehun had already marked the other's cheek with his punch. Kai's eyes were wide open, shocked by Sehun's sudden action. The fabric of his shirt was harshly grasped before another punch flying over the same spot and hint of purple blue skin had starting to appear.  Sehun's breath were uneven while his eyes sharp stabbing the others.

" Ju died because of you! What the have you done to her?!" Sehun shouted in outrage.

Once again, he threw another punch and this time it hit deep onto the other's stomach.

" hurts," Kai groaned in pain. Eyes were shut tight bearing the pain on his right cheek and stomach.

"Hurt? You have no idea how hurt Ju was because of you! Do you know that? Do you even care?!"

And with the last word he brought along another pair of punches, hitting the same spot of the hurt one's over and over again. Kai weakly fell on his knees while his arms closing the tortured stomach tight. His lips quivered as a string of tear falling down his bruised cheeks but still he tilted his head up, looking at Sehun.

"I-I can explain. Please," he begged.

"Shut up. No one can calm me except Ju. There is nothing left for you to explain. Ju is dead. She's gone," uttered Sehun as one by one of his tears kissing the ground.


"When Ju died. My heart too died."


Slowly Sehun took his steps into Minju's house. Suprisingly, there were some little colorful flowers and candles decorating one special lane.  Sehun was confused but he could hear his heart started to beat again. Are you playing me around again Ju? Guilt suddenly consumed him at Kai who had been beaten hard. He continued his walk on the lane through the living room, kitchen and finally stopped in front of a door.

Do you have a surprise for me Ju?


thank you for the upvote and subs!
panda ri.

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have you look at the poster? its so beautiful!


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Chapter 5: Okay so um let me be honest here. I really loved your writing style like holy the atmosphere was super nice and it fitted the story's vibe as well. There were several grammar mistakes but they weren't that serious and I'm thinking that maybe you just missed them? But I'm in no position to point anything out tbh since grammar and I are like... ugh we are not friends. You kept me thinking and guessing all the time and I found myself to be really intrigued by the plot even though there came a point when everything was super obvious. It won't be exaggerated to say that even though the plot was somehow typical, the way you wrote the story and the ambiguity intensified the whole reading pleasure and made me enjoy this story a lot. The poems were very beautiful and let me tell you, I really really really loved it. I could really feel the poignancy, the despair, the sorrow, everything. I felt my heart clenched when I read them. However, I was a bit irked by the spin off since I think that it kinda threw the atmosphere out the window. I suggest you put the spin off on a different thread but ofc, this is only a suggestion. I found out that you're a Malaysian? Guess what? I'm a Malaysian as well! A Sabahan to be exact C:
Chapter 5: The ending got me like 'damnn. WTH just happened? Didn't see that coming tho xD'
Good job!
kimsfangirl #3
Chapter 5: Wait, what?
So..Can you please clarify some things for me?
So.. Minju loved Sehun, not Kai? Why did Minju commit suicide? And Kai... Sehun killed him in the end? And he loved Sehun? I'm confused...