
Fate and Faith


You kicked the left wheel of your luggage hard. 

Dammit something got stuck. AGAIN.

Kneeling down, you yanked the sticky tape that had carelessly gotten stuck in between the rollers and cursed a little. "I sweaR. I really have to get a new luggage this time. " you mumbled to yourself. Just then, it was as if nothing could ever go right for you that day. Back onboard the plane, the plump lady beside you had smothered you with the scent of a thousand, or even a million roses. You wouldn't have minded it if it were maybe just her perfume, but it was as if she smeared it all over till it turned bitter alcoholic, and long story short, the flight . Then, someone had mistaken your luggage as his cargo and had attempted to lug it away, until you caught up with him, and asked for it back. Oh right, not missing the fact that you FELL flat on your face while doing that too...

It wasn't a great day for you. 


When you finally got out of that hell of an airport, you hailed a cab, ready to head over to your aunt's house, where you'd be residing at for the time being. After countless attempts to stop yourself from nodding off, you reached your destination. 

"Thank you!" you said to the driver as you closed the door. You swung your luggage around and headed for your Aunt's house. 

"45....46...........47..." You followed the numbering of the endless rows of bungalows. Glancing down at the address in your hand, you cocked your head to the side, wondering whether a bungalow labeled 109 even existed there. 

"It's on your right."

Your body froze in place. 

That wasn't your voice. Unless your head had turned into that of a man or something, but you were pretty sure that wasn't possible.

You looked to your left, where the voice had come from. A boy who looked about seventeen had his head beside yours and his eyes were focused on the scrap of paper in your hand. 

"Yup its there."He repeated.

You looked towards your right and saw the gold-coloured number plate: 109

You looked back straight and then back to the right. You took a little while to progress the situation in your head.

He continued, "Aren't you going to go-" 

"WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?!" You exclaimed as you darted to the right to face him. "And WHAT THE HECK it was just there..." you quietened down and looked back and forth between the piece of paper and the house number.

"Um...I kind of think you should calm down. Was just heading home and you looked kind of suspicious so.." He mumbled. 

"Okay so uh... thanks? Yeah um thanks and sorry and um I'll just be um going I guess?" You chuckled a little as you lowered your head and turned to head to your aunt's house. Immediately, you dashed across the street and spammed the doorbell, hoping to rid yourself of the embarrassment from earlier. 

"pleasepleasepleaseplEASEOPENOPEN" you mumbled as you plastered your face against the salmon pink brick wall right beside the gate. 

Suddenly, you heard a "Ding-dong" as the door clicked open. Right before heading in, you heaved a sigh of relief. You closed your eyes and smiled to yourself, ready to stride in to greet your Aunt. 

"109's over THERE." 

You opened your eyes, only to see the boy from earlier, with an arm in your way. You leaned back and there it was, "110", clearly written on the letter box beside you. You looked back up at the boy and forced a grin. 

"oh. Haha.." you laughed as you slowly backed away from the gate. The boy stared at you, confused as you dashed to the correct gate, suddenly grateful for the huge luggage that blocked a little of you from him. As you rushed into the RIGHT house, finally, you swore you knew that guy somehow. You didn't but you knew you did. 


First chapter complete! Positive and negative comments are welcome:-) 

gif credits to gukjeon on tumblr.



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